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Geographic Zone Codes
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Type the name of the site or zone you would like to see results for.
Zone List
1 - French Polynesia
11 - Marquesas Islands
1101 - Northern Marquesas
110101 - Eiao
110102 - Hatutu
110103 - Motu Iti
110104 - Motu Oa
110105 - Motu One
110106 - Nuku Hiva
11010601 - Anse Hakatea
11010602 - Main town (Nuku Hiva)
11010603 - Anse Teanapakiu
11010604 - Anse Keatuua
11010605 - Anse Akapehi
11010606 - Baie Hooumi
110107 - Ua Huka
110108 - Ua Pou
1102 - Southern Marquesas
110201 - Fatu Hiva
110202 - Fatu Huku
110203 - Hiva Oa
11020301 - Atuona Bay East side
110204 - Moho Tani
110205 - Motu Nao
110206 - Tahuata
11020601 - Baie Vaitahu
11020602 - Baie Motopu
110207 - Terihi
1103 - Marquesas Seamounts
110301 - Clark Bank
110302 - Hinakura Bank
110303 - Lawson Bank
110304 - Banc Jean Goguel
12 - Society Islands
1201 - Windward Society Islands
120101 - Mehetia
120102 - Tahiti Nui
12010201 - Please use 12010214 (was The Aquarium)
12010202 - Cargo Ship and the Catalina
12010203 - Papa Whisky
12010204 - St. Etienne Drop-Off
12010205 - Tahiti Nui Freshwater Spring
12010206 - SOTH-01
12010207 - SOTH-02
12010208 - SOTH-03
12010209 - SOTH-04
12010210 - SOTH-05
12010211 - Meridian Hotel Tahiti
12010212 - Marina Taina Tahiti
12010213 - Marina Taina dinghy dock Tahiti
12010214 - Aircraft Wreck Tahiti / The Aquarium
12010215 - Two Towers
12010216 - Turtle Plateau (Papeete)
12010217 - Coral Gardens (Papeete)
12010218 - White Valley (near airport Papeete)
12010219 - Toaroto Beach Park
120103 - Tahiti Iti
12010301 - Tetopa Grotto
12010302 - The Marado
12010303 - Lagoon Hole
12010304 - Tahiti Iti Tour and Surf Bungalow House Reef
120104 - Tetiaroa
12010401 - FPRA-62
12010402 - FPRA-63
12010403 - FPRA-64
120105 - Moorea
12010501 - InterContinental Bungalows
12010502 - Eagle Ray Channel
12010503 - Lemon Shark Valley
12010504 - The Coral Wall
12010505 - Taotoi
12010506 - Joani's Channel
12010507 - Motu Tiahura West Side / Motu Fareone East
12010508 - The Tiki
12010509 - Rotui
12010510 - Moorea Hilton Bungalows / Lagoon
12010511 - White House (Opunohu Bay)
12010512 - Opunohu Public Beach / Plage Publique de Ta'ahiamanu
12010513 - Tiger Shark Forereef
12010514 - Temae Public Beach
12010515 - Christian Camp
12010516 - Pineapple Beach/Painapo Wombao
12010517 - Cooks Bay Pass Moorea
12010518 - Plage des Timpaniers
12010519 - Rays and Sharks Sandbank
120106 - Maiao
12010601 - FPRA-59
12010602 - FPRA-60
12010603 - FPRA-61
1202 - Leeward Society Islands
120201 - Huahine
12020101 - FPHU-21
12020102 - FPHU-22
12020103 - FPHU-23
12020104 - FPHU-24
12020105 - FPHU-25
12020106 - FPHU-26
12020107 - FPHU-27
12020108 - Motu Tarohu
12020109 - Natural Aquarium
120202 - Raiatea
12020201 - FPRA-33
12020202 - FPRA-34
12020203 - FPRA-35
12020204 - FPRA-36
12020205 - FPRA-37
12020206 - FPRA-38
12020207 - FPRA-39
12020208 - FPRA-40
12020209 - FPRA-41
12020210 - FPRA-42
12020211 - FPRA-43
12020212 - FPRA-44
12020213 - FPRA-45
12020214 - FPRA-46
12020215 - FPRA-47
12020216 - FPRA-48
12020217 - FPRA-49
12020218 - FPRA-50
12020219 - FPRA-51
12020220 - FPRA-52
12020221 - FPRA-53
12020222 - FPRA-54
12020223 - FPRA-55
12020224 - FPRA-58
12020225 - Raiatea Lodge Pier
12020226 - Racif Puaa
12020227 - Raiatea Northwest Barrier Reef (west of airport)
12020228 - Raiatea Northwest Barrier Reef (south of channel)
120203 - Tahaa
12020301 - FPTA-28
12020302 - FPTA-29
12020303 - FPTA-30
12020304 - FPTA-31
12020305 - FPTA-32
12020306 - FPTA-56
12020307 - FPTA-57
12020308 - Mushroom Rock
12020309 - Motu Urareva (Tahaa)
12020310 - Jardin Coraille (near Tahaa Hotel)
120204 - Bora Bora
12020401 - Sofitel Bora Bora Resort
12020402 - Matira Beach Point Bora Bora
12020403 - Bora Diving Center shore dive site
12020404 - Toopua Island West Side
12020405 - South of Vaitape Main Dock
12020406 - Sofitel Aquarium (Piti Uta)
12020407 - Matira Bay
12020408 - Bloody Mary's Dock
12020409 - Anau Bora Bora
12020410 - Tapu Nui / Tapu Canyons
12020411 - Le Bora Bora Resort
120205 - Tupai
12020501 - FPTU-18
12020502 - FPTU-19
12020503 - FPTU-20
120206 - Maupiti
120207 - Mopelia
12020701 - FPMO-01
12020702 - FPMO-02
12020703 - FPMO-05
12020704 - FPMO-07
120208 - Motu One (Society Island)
12020801 - FPBE-15
12020802 - FPBE-16
12020803 - FPBE-17
120209 - Manuae
12020901 - FPSC-09
12020902 - FPSC-10
12020904 - FPSC-12
12020905 - FPSC-13
12020906 - FPSC-14
13 - Tuamotu Archipelago and Gambier Islands
1301 - Acteon Group
130101 - Matureivavao
130102 - Tenararo
130103 - Tenarunga
130104 - Vahanga
1302 - Dissapointment Islands
130201 - Tepoto (North)
130202 - Napuka
130203 - Puka-Puka
1303 - Duke of Gloucester Islands
130301 - Anuanuraro
130302 - Anuanurunga
130303 - Hereheretue
130304 - Nukutepipi
1304 - King George Islands
130401 - Ahe
130402 - Manihi
130403 - Takapoto
130404 - Takaroa
130405 - Tikei
1305 - Palliser Islands
130501 - Apataki
130502 - Aratika
13050201 - TUAR-15
13050202 - TUAR-16
13050203 - TUAR-17
13050204 - TUAR-18
13050205 - TUAR-19
13050206 - TUAR-20
130503 - Arutua
130504 - Fakarava
13050401 - TUFK-32
13050402 - TUFK-33
13050403 - TUFK-34
13050404 - TUFK-35
13050405 - TUFK-36
13050406 - TUFK-37
13050407 - TUFK-38
13050408 - TUFK-39
13050409 - TUFK-40
13050410 - TUFK-41
13050411 - TUFK-42
13050412 - TUFK-43
13050413 - TUFK-44
13050414 - TUFK-45
13050415 - TUFK-46
13050416 - TUFK-47
13050417 - TUFK-48
13050418 - TUFK-49
13050419 - TUFK-50
13050420 - TUFK-51
13050421 - TUFK-52
13050422 - TUFK-53
13050423 - TUFK-54
13050424 - TUFK-55
13050425 - Ohotu
13050426 - Tetamanu Pass
13050427 - Penu Anchorage
13050428 - Hirifa
13050429 - Tetamanu Village House Reef
13050430 - Tumakohua Pass / Wall of Sharks
13050431 - Tumakohua Pass NW / Red Channel Markers
130505 - Kaukura
130506 - Mataiva
130507 - Rangiroa
13050701 - TURA-06
13050702 - TURA-07
13050703 - TURA-08
13050704 - TURA-09
13050705 - TURA-10
13050706 - TURA-11
13050707 - TURA-12
13050708 - TURA-13
13050709 - TURA-14
13050710 - Tiputa Pass
130508 - Tikehau
130509 - Toau
13050901 - TUTO-56
13050902 - TUTO-57
13050903 - TUTO-58
13050904 - TUTO-59
13050905 - TUTO-60
130510 - Makatea
1306 - Raeffsky Islands
130601 - Anaa
130602 - Faaite
130604 - Katiu
130605 - Makemo
130606 - Narutea Nord
130607 - Motutunga
130608 - Raraka
13060801 - TURK-21
13060802 - TURK-22
13060803 - TURK-23
13060804 - TURK-24
13060805 - TURK-25
13060806 - TURK-26
13060807 - TURK-27
13060808 - TURK-28
13060809 - TURK-29
13060810 - TURK-30
13060811 - TURK-31
130609 - Raroia
130610 - Tahanea
13061001 - Teuakiri
13061002 - Passe Teavatapu
13061003 - Paenoa Pass
13061004 - Paenoa anchorage
13061005 - Seven Reef
130611 - Takume
130612 - Tepoto
130613 - Haraiki
130614 - Tuanake
130615 - Hiti
130616 - Taenga
130617 - Nihiru
1307 - Other islands and atolls
130701 - Amanu
13070101 - Fafameru Pass - Amanu (Tuamotus Islands)
13070102 - SSW Amanu (Tuamotus Islands)
13070103 - Village Anchorage - Amanu (Tuamotus Islands)
130702 - Hao
13070201 - Village Dock - Hao (Tuamotus Islands)
13070202 - Anchorage - Hao (Tuamotus Islands)
13070203 - Second Anchorage - Hao (Tuamotus Islands)
130703 - Hikueru
130704 - Makatea
130705 - Marokau
130706 - Pukarua
130707 - Reitoru
130708 - Vahitahi
130709 - Nukutavake
130710 - Fangatau
130711 - Fakahina
130712 - Tatakoto
130713 - Reao
130714 - Tematangi
130715 - Vanavana
130716 - Tureia
130717 - Moruroa
130718 - Fangataufa
1308 - Gambier Islands
130801 - Mangareva
13080101 - Tenoko (Motu west of Mangareva)
130802 - Akamaru
130803 - Aukena
130804 - Taravai
13080401 - Taravai East Side
13080402 - Taravai West Side
13080403 - Taravai south side
14 - Austral Islands (including Bass Islands)
1401 - Tubai Islands
140101 - Iles Maria
140102 - Rimatara
140103 - Rurutu
140104 - Tubai
140105 - Raivavae
1402 - Bass Islands
140201 - Rapa Iti
140202 - Marotiri
15 - Pitcairn and Easter Islands
1501 - Pitcairn Islands
1502 - Easter Island
2 - Line Islands
21 - Southern Line Islands
2101 - Caroline Island
2102 - Vostok Island
2103 - Flint Island
22 - Central Line Islands
2201 - Jarvis Island
2202 - Malden Island
2203 - Filippo Reef
2204 - Starbuck Island
23 - Northern Line Islands
2301 - Kiritimati / Christmas Island
2302 - Tabuaeran
2303 - Teraina
3 - Cook Islands and Tokelau
31 - Northern Cook Islands
3101 - Manihiki
3102 - Nassau
3103 - Penrhyn Island
3104 - Pukapuka
3105 - Rakahanga
3106 - Suwarrow
3107 - Tema Reef
32 - Southern Cook Islands
3201 - Atiu
3202 - Ma'uke
3203 - Mitiaro
3204 - Aitutaki
32040001 - Big Rock
32040002 - The Turtle Spot
32040003 - Drop Off
3205 - Mangaia
3206 - Rarotonga
32060001 - Goldmine
32060002 - Coral Garden / Smurf City
3207 - Palmerston Island
32070001 - Anchorage
3208 - Manuae
3209 - Takutea
3210 - Winslow Reef
4 - Samoan Archipelago
41 - Western Samoa
4101 - Upolu
410101 - Northern Upolu (n. of Amaile - Savai'i ferry terminal)
41010101 - Palolo Deep Marine Reserve
410102 - Southern Upolu (s. of Savai'i ferry terminal - Amaile)
41010201 - Lalomanu
4102 - Savai'i
410201 - Northern Savai'I (n. of Falealupo - Upolu ferry terminal)
410202 - Southern Savai'I (s. of Falealup - s. Upolu ferry terminal)
4103 - Apolima Strait Islets
410301 - Apolima Island
410302 - Manono Island
410303 - Nu'ulopa Island
4104 - Aleipata Islands (Nu'utele, Nu'ulua, Namua, and Fanuatapu)
42 - American Samoa
4201 - Tutuila
420101 - NW Tutuila (Cape Taputapu / Poloa - Tafeu Cove)
42010101 - Fagamalo
42010102 - Fagasa
420102 - NE Tutuila (e. of Tafeu Cove - Tula)
42010201 - Vatia
42010202 - Aoa
42010203 - Tafeu Cove
420103 - SE Tutuila (Alao - Faganeanea)
42010301 - Faga'alu
42010302 - Matafao School
42010303 - Nafanua Bank
42010304 - Tisa's Barefoot Bar boat dive
42010305 - Alega Beach / Tisa's Barefoot Bar shore dive
42010306 - Alofau
42010307 - Amaua
42010308 - Faga'itua
420104 - SW Tutuila (Nu'uli - Fa'ilolol; incl. FBNMS)
42010402 - Taema Bank
42010403 - Nu'uuli
42010404 - Coconut Point
42010405 - Leone
42010406 - Airport Lagoon
42010451 - Fagatele Bay NMS - Reef Site 1
42010452 - Fagatele Bay NMS Middle Bay
420105 - Aunu'u Island
42010501 - Outside of Aunu'u Harbor
4202 - Manu'a Islands
420201 - Ofu
42020101 - Vaoto Beach
42020102 - Tohea (NP across from house)
420202 - Ta'u
420203 - Olosega
4203 - Rose Atoll
4204 - Swains Island
5 - Fiji
5101 - Viti Levu
51010001 - Shark Reef
51010002 - Samu Reef (Lautoka - NAI'A Checkout Site)
51010003 - Side Street
51010004 - Fantasea
51010005 - E.T.
51010006 - Pearl Rock (Pool Rock)
51010007 - Nemdis Garden - Beqa Lagoon
51010008 - Beqa Resort Shore Dive / Beqa Lagoon House Reef
51010009 - Frog Leap
51010010 - China Town
51010011 - Blue Wall
51010012 - Soft Coral Plateau
51010013 - Joe's Best
51010015 - Lions Den (Viti Levu)
51010016 - Gees Rock
51010017 - Shark Dive I
51010018 - Shark Dive II
51010019 - Caesar's Rocks
51010020 - Golden Arch / Arches
51010021 - John's Tunnel
51010022 - Three Sisters / Three Nuns
51010023 - Turtle Head
51010024 - My Favourite Dive
51010025 - Scuba Garage
51010026 - Carpet Cove
51010027 - Crusoe Retreat Patch Reefs
51010028 - Wellesley Retreat Patch Reefs
51010029 - The Channel
51010030 - The Gap
51010031 - Crusoe Outer Reef
51010033 - Dis Rock
51010034 - Bekana Point / Muddy Waters (Lautoka - NAI'A Altern. Checkout Site)
51010035 - Beetle Rock
51010036 - The Bistro (Pacific Harbor)
51010037 - Seven Sisters (Pacific Harbor)
51010038 - Pearl Resort Pacific Harbour Fiji
51010039 - Cutter Wall
51010040 - Circus Circus
51010041 - Scissor Reef / Scissor Rock / Caesar Rocks
51010042 - Glory Hole
51010043 - Big Fan Coral
51010044 - Beetle Reef
51010045 - Cathedral
51010046 - Surf Zone
51010047 - Lawaki Island Resort House Reef
51010048 - Combe Reef (Pacific Harbor)
51010049 - Yawalau Reef
51010050 - Yawalau Boulders
51010051 - Twin Sisters (Beqa)
51010052 - Abes Rock (Beqa)
51010053 - Virginia Wall (outside wall of island)
51010054 - Sanoma
51010055 - Copper Cove
51010056 - NAD
51010057 - Sequin Point
51010058 - Millbrook
51010059 - Virginia Reef (close to resort)
5102 - Bligh Water
51020001 - Fisherman's Rock (Charybdis Reef)
51020002 - Heaven's Gate (Charybdis Reef)
51020003 - Sherry's Delight (Charybdis Reef)
51020004 - Fantasy Dome (Charybdis Reef)
51020005 - Neptune's Rhapsody (Sailstone Reef)
51020006 - Golden Crown (Sailstone Reef)
51020007 - Clam Bay (Sailstone Reef)
51020008 - Mani's Reef (Sailstone Reef)
51020009 - Dragon Tales (Sailstone Reef)
51020010 - Golden Dreams (Sailstone Reef)
51020011 - Breath Taker (Sailstone Reef)
51020012 - Canyons (Sailstone Reef)
51020013 - Dream Maker / Labyrinth (Sailstone Reef)
51020014 - Pinnacles (Sailstone Reef)
51020015 - Bula Maker (Sailstone Reef)
51020016 - Disneyland (Sailstone Reef)
51020017 - Arches (Sailstone Reef)
51020018 - Cannibal Caves (Sailstone Reef)
51020019 - Coral Garden (Nananu-i-Ra Island)
51020020 - Bat Reef (Nananu-i-Ra Island)
51020021 - Papuan Explorer (Wreck)
51020022 - Green Hornet (Midway Reef)
51020023 - Shark Lair (Midway Reef)
51020024 - Marin Bamboo (Midway Reef)
51020025 - Underwater World (Midway Reef)
51020026 - Flat Irons (Midway Reef)
51020027 - Pernilla's Rock / Chile (Midway Reef)
51020028 - Wheatfields (Midway Reef)
51020029 - Heartbreak Ridge (Midway Reef)
51020030 - 3 Sisters (Midway Reef)
51020031 - Anytime
51020032 - Volivoli House Reef
51020033 - Tequila Sunrise (Sailstone Reef)
51020034 - Cathedral (Sailstone Reef)
51020035 - Amazing Maze (Sailstone Reef)
51020036 - No Safety Stop Required
51020037 - For You To Find Out
51020038 - Better Than Sittin Around
51020039 - Redemption / Senga Na Lenga / Hakuna Matata
51020040 - Fan-tastic
51020041 - Garden Escape
51020042 - Nemo's Playground
51020043 - Vatulaca Reef (north of VoliVoli Beach Resort)
510201 - Vatu-i-ra Barrier Reef and Makongi Channel
51020101 - Cat's Meow
51020102 - Humann Nature (Bligh Water)
51020103 - UndeNAIAble Reef / Wall
51020104 - E-6 / Cathedrals / North Wall
51020105 - Mt. Mutiny / Hi-8
51020107 - White Rock (Makogai Island)
51020108 - Golden Rock (Wakaya Island)
51020109 - Wakaya Pass (Wakaya Island)
51020110 - Gem Stone (Wakaya Island)
51020111 - Sand Point (Wakaya Island)
51020112 - Rustic Arch (Makogai Island)
51020113 - Coral Corner / Pure Magic / Instant Replay (Vatu-i-ra)
51020114 - Go Mo / G6 (Vatu-i-ra)
51020115 - Mellow Yellow ( Vatu-i-ra )
51020116 - Maytag (Vatu-i-ra)
51020117 - Howard's Diner
51020118 - White Wall (aka Channel, Wakaya Island)
51020119 - Vatu Vai (Wakaya Island)
51020120 - Wakaya Bay Anchor by Chance (Nai'a Anchorage Wakaya Island)
51020121 - Whole Shebang (Vatu-i-ra)
51020122 - Alacrity Pass / Vatu Express (Vatu-i-ra)
51020123 - Vatu-i-ra Island Site A
51020124 - Charlie's Garden (Vatu-i-ra)
51020125 - Nukurauvula (Nananu-i-ra)
51020126 - Golden Sunset / Golden Dreams (Nananu-i-ra)
51020127 - Rick's Rocks (Makogai Island)
51020128 - Becky's (Makogai Island)
51020129 - Pinball Alley (Makogai Island)
51020130 - Ron's Delight (Makogai Island)
51020131 - Vatu Vula (Makogai Island)
51020132 - Lion's Den (Wakaya Island)
51020133 - Nasi Yalodina
51020134 - Green Reef
51020135 - Moses Reef
51020136 - Aquarium
51020137 - Calm Rock
51020138 - Dominoes (Makogai Island)
51020139 - Half Pipe
51020140 - Christine
51020141 - Joji's Reef
51020142 - Blue Ridge (Wakaya Island)
51020144 - Alacrity Wall
51020147 - China Shop
51020148 - Hole in One (Wakaya Island)
51020149 - Wedding Chapel
51020150 - The Maze
51020151 - Nananu-i-ra Point (Nananu-i-Ra Island)
51020152 - Makogai Village Reef
51020153 - Makodroga Point (Makogai Island)
51020154 - Makogai Peninsula
51020155 - Makogai Village Jetty / Village Dock
51020156 - UndeNAI'Able Pinnacle
51020157 - Grottos (Nananu-i-ra)
51020158 - Two Pinnacles (Nananu-i-ra)
51020159 - Labyrinth (Nananu-i-ra)
51020160 - Easter Kangaroo (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020161 - Mary's Maytag (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020162 - Pandora's Box (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020164 - Please use 51020113 (was Instant Replay)
51020165 - Black Magic Mountain (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020166 - Potluck (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020167 - Garden of Eden (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020168 - Josh's Site (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020170 - Purple Haze (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020172 - Stone Flowers (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020173 - Vatu Vonu
51020174 - Peaceful Feeling (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020175 - Easy Feeling (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020176 - Fish For All (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020177 - Whiptail Way (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020178 - Lighthouse Reserve (Vatu-i-Ra)
51020179 - Swim Thru Heaven (Sailstone Reef)
51020180 - Salad Bowl (Sailstone Reef)
51020181 - Water Colors (Sailstone Reef NW of Volivoli Resort)
5202 - Vanua Levu
52020025 - Seven Sisters (South Save-a-Tack)
520201 - SW Coast Vanua Levu
52020101 - Bua Point
52020102 - Naicobocobo Bay
52020103 - Cakau Levu
52020104 - Joji's Joy
520202 - SE Coast Vanua Levu (including Savusavu Bay)
52020201 - Split Rock (near Cousteau Resort)
52020202 - Fawn Harbor
52020203 - Sigasiga Sands Resort Reef
52020204 - Cousteau Resort House Reef
52020205 - Lighthouse
52020206 - Big Blue
52020207 - Golden Nuggets
52020208 - Chuck's Spot
52020209 - The Point (Cousteau Resort)
52020210 - Midway Lobes
52020211 - Black Beacon
5203 - Namena Marine Reserve and Namenalala Island
52030001 - North Save-a-Tack Passage
52030002 - Two Thumbs Up (South Save-a-tack)
52030003 - Tetons I and II (South Save-a-tack)
52030004 - Mushrooms I and II (South Save-a-tack)
52030005 - Chimneys (Namenalala Island)
52030006 - Magic Mound
52030007 - Kansas (North Save-a-tack)
52030008 - Grand Central Station (North Save-a-tack)
52030009 - Lala Bay / Namenalala (Namena Island)
52030010 - School House
52030011 - Namena Bay (Nai'a Anchorage) West
52030013 - Watercolors
52030016 - South Save-a-Tack General Area
52030017 - Namena East Reef
52030018 - Eddie's Dream
52030019 - Black Forest
52030020 - Macromania
52030021 - Fantasea
52030022 - Coral Heaven
52030023 - Nasonisoni Passage
52030024 - Nai’a Fla’ia
52030025 - Purple Hill (north of Grand Central) North Save-a-Tack
52030026 - Tetons 3
5204 - Other Fiji Islands
520401 - Gau and Nairai Islands
52040101 - Jim's Alley (Gau Island)
52040102 - Nigali Passage (Gau Island)
52040103 - Anthias Avenue (Gau Island)
52040104 - Harold's Bay (Gau Island)
52040105 - Lovu Village Visit (Gau Island)
52040106 - Anthias II
52040107 - Outside Slope Nigali Passage
52040108 - Jungle Jig (Gau Island)
52040109 - Luna-Sea (Nairai Island)
52040110 - Flaps Retreat (Nairai Island)
52040111 - Halloween Bay (Nairai Island)
520402 - Taveuni Island (inc. Somo Somo Strait, Matangi and Rabi Islands)
52040201 - Barracuda Hole (Somo Somo Strait)
52040202 - Fish Factory (Somo Somo Strait)
52040203 - Rainbow Passage (Somo Somo Strait)
52040204 - Great White Wall (Somo Somo Strait)
52040205 - The Zoo (Somo Somo Strait)
52040206 - Sam's Point (Somo Somo Strait)
52040207 - Nuku Reef (Somo Somo Strait)
52040208 - Matangi Island West
52040209 - The Rock (Matangi Island)
52040210 - Albert Cove East Entrance Pass (Rabi Island)
52040211 - Albert Cove East Anchorage (Rabi Island)
52040212 - Albert Cove West Entrance Pass (Rabi Island)
52040213 - North Cove - East Side (Matangi Island)
52040214 - The Ledge (Somo Somo Strait)
52040215 - Freeway (Somo Somo Strait)
52040216 - Jerry's Jellies (Somo Somo Strait)
52040217 - Coral Gardens (Taveuni coast)
52040218 - Blue Ribbon Eel Reef (Somo Somo Strait)
52040219 - Storm Warning (Somo Somo Strait)
52040220 - Rainbows End (Somo Somo Strait)
52040221 - Annies Bommies (Somo Somo Strait)
52040222 - The Curve (Somo Somo Strait)
52040223 - The Stairs (Vuna Reef)
52040224 - Paradise Taveuni House Reef
52040225 - Orgasm (Vuna Reef)
52040226 - Fossen's Slope
52040227 - Purple Wall
52040228 - Purple West Coast
52040229 - Mike's Wall
52040230 - Yellowfin Wall (Vuna Reef)
52040231 - The Corner (Somo Somo strait)
52040232 - Old Korean Wharf
52040233 - The Ark (Somo Somo Strait)
52040234 - Champion's Rock
52040235 - Potluck (Somosomo Strait)
520403 - Kadavu Island
52040301 - Japanese Garden
52040302 - Nursery
52040303 - Fish Market
52040304 - Shark Alley
52040305 - Purple Wall 2
52040306 - Beacons Reef
52040307 - Coral Garden / Eve's Garden
52040308 - Purple Wall
52040309 - MNM
52040310 - Day Dream
52040311 - Mellow Yellow (Kadavu Island)
52040312 - Pitons
52040313 - Eye Catcher
52040314 - Donna Ella
52040315 - Stop Over
52040316 - Robert's Reef
52040317 - Richard's Bommie
52040318 - Terrace
52040319 - Big Point
52040320 - Outside Two Tree Island
52040321 - David's Reef
52040322 - Matava House Reef
52040323 - Manta Reef (Matava Manta Dive)
52040324 - Vatu Lutu / Falling Stone
52040325 - Emily's Encore
52040326 - Vesi
52040327 - Dreamland
52040328 - Seafan Valley
52040329 - Sue's Surprise
520404 - Ono Island (inc. Bulia, Yaukuvelevu, Dravuni)
52040401 - Bouwa Bommies
52040402 - Dark Cave of Broken Stone
52040403 - Yabu Two
52040404 - Yabu
52040405 - Swimming Pools / Fishbowl 1 and 2
52040406 - Mutiny Wai
52040407 - Jack's Reef
52040408 - Blue Cave
52040409 - Split Rock (Ono Island)
52040410 - Broken Stone
52040411 - Yabu Passage
52040412 - Cabbage Patch
52040413 - Mai Dive House Reef
52040414 - Archway
52040415 - Archway II
52040416 - Georgia's Reef
52040417 - Nadrau
52040418 - Dravuni Passage
52040420 - Oneta Resort House Reef
52040421 - Lighthouse
52040422 - Incredible / Lemonaid
52040423 - Times Square
52040424 - Rainbows End
52040425 - Angelfish Rock
52040426 - Picasso
52040427 - Oasis
520405 - Ovalau and nearby islands
52040501 - Leleuvia Island
5205 - Mamanuca Islands
520501 - Eori
520502 - Navadra
520503 - Vanualevulailai
520504 - Kadomo
52050401 - Dunks Canyon
52050402 - Kadomo Wall
520505 - Yavuriba
52050501 - Sakis Reef
520506 - Vomo
520507 - Tokoriki
52050701 - Tokoriki Wall
52050702 - South Wall (Tokoriki)
52050703 - Magic Mushrooms (Tokoriki)
52050704 - Sherwood Forest
52050705 - Antonella's Wall
520508 - Yadua (Nautonivono)
52050801 - Yadua Pinnacles
52050802 - Yadua Wall
520509 - Matamanoa
52050901 - Lovers Bay / Matamanoa Island North
52050902 - Matamanoa Island East
52050903 - Matamanoa Island West
52050904 - Bird Rock Reef (Matamanoa)
52050905 - Bird Rock Wall (Matamanoa)
52050906 - Joe's Farm
52050907 - West Wing (Matamanoa)
52050908 - Sunset Wall (Matamanoa)
52050909 - South Point (Matamanoa)
520510 - Mana
52051001 - Supermarket (Mana)
52051002 - Mana Wall
52051003 - Tua Nuku (Mana)
52051004 - Seven Sisters (Mana)
52051005 - Trout (Mana)
52051006 - Mushroom Reef (off Mana)
52051007 - Cabbage Patch (Mana)
520511 - Monu
52051101 - Monu Patch
520512 - Monuriki / Modriki
52051201 - Wilsons Point (Monuriki)
52051202 - Monuriki Garden
52051203 - Monuriki Pool
52051204 - Modriki Wall
520513 - Yanuya
52051301 - Fan Forest (Yanuya)
520514 - Tavua
52051401 - Edenville (Tavua)
52051402 - House Reef (Tavua Island)
520515 - Qalito
52051501 - Gotham City
520516 - Wadigi
520517 - Malolo
520518 - Malolo Lailai
520519 - Tivoa
520520 - Tai / Beachcomber
52052001 - Salamanda Wreck
520521 - Luvuka / Treasure
520522 - Malamala
520523 - Navini
52052301 - Navini Island
520524 - Namotu
52052401 - Coral Garden (Namotu)
52052402 - Wilke's Passage (Namotu)
520525 - Tavarua
5206 - Yasawa Group Islands
52060001 - Barefoot Manta Island (Drawaqa Island)
52060002 - Mantaray Island Resort House Reef (Nanuya Balavu Island)
5207 - Lomaiviti Group Islands (incl Koro)
52070001 - Black Rock Caverns, Koro Island
52070002 - Shark Fin Point, Koro Island
52070003 - Koro Gardens, Koro Island
52070004 - Manta Rock
52070005 - Wakaya Wall
52070006 - Wakaya Passage
52070101 - Town Pier (Levuka, Ovalau Island)
52070102 - Pier Bay Reef (Levuka, Ovalau Island)
5208 - Lau Group Islands
520801 - Navatu Reef and Tavunasici
52080101 - Tavunasici 1_1
52080102 - Tavunasici 1_2
52080103 - Tavunasici 1_3
52080104 - CI Reef (Navatu Reef)
52080105 - The Aviary (Navatu Reef)
52080106 - Hayley's (Navatu Reef)
520802 - Vuaqava
52080201 - Vuaqava 2_1
52080202 - Vuaqava 2_2
52080203 - Vuaqava 2_3
520803 - Totoya
52080301 - Totoya 3_3
52080302 - Totoya 3_4
52080303 - Totoya 3_5
52080304 - FJTO01
52080305 - FJTO02
52080306 - FJTO03
52080307 - FJTO04
52080308 - FJTO05
52080309 - FJTO06
52080310 - FJTO07
52080311 - FJTO08
52080312 - FJTO09
520804 - Matuku
52080401 - Matuku 4_1
52080402 - Matuku 4_4
52080403 - Matuku 4_6
52080404 - FJMT10
52080405 - FJMT11
52080406 - FJMT12
52080407 - FJMT13
52080408 - FJMT14
520805 - Kabara
52080501 - Kabara 6_1
52080502 - Kabara 6_2
52080503 - Kabara 6_5
52080504 - FJKA31
52080505 - FJKA32
52080506 - FJKA33
52080507 - FJKA34
520806 - Moala
52080601 - FJML15
52080602 - FJML16
52080603 - FJML18
52080604 - FJML19
52080605 - FJML20
52080606 - FJML21
52080607 - FJML22
52080608 - FJML23
520807 - Fulaga / Vulaga / Ogea Islands
52080701 - FJFU24
52080702 - FJFU25
52080703 - FJFU27
52080704 - FJFU29
52080705 - Coral Kaleidoscope (Fulaga)
52080706 - Fulaga Passage (Fulaga)
52080707 - Slumberland (Ogea)
52080708 - Silver Lining (Ogea)
52080709 - Ogea Lagoon (Ogea)
520808 - Vanua Vatu
52080801 - FJVV35
52080802 - FJVV36
52080803 - FJVV37
520809 - Nayau / Lakeba / Aiwa Islands
52080901 - FJNA38 (Nayau Island)
52080902 - FJNA38SN (Nayau Island)
52080903 - FJNA39 (Nayau Island)
52080904 - FJNA40 (Nayau Island)
52080905 - Aiwa Northwest Point (S. of Lakeba)
52080906 - Bluetiful
52080907 - Aiwa Lagoon
520810 - Tuvuca
52081001 - FJTV41
52081002 - FJTV42
52081003 - FJTV43
520811 - Cicia
52081101 - FJCC44
52081102 - FJCC45
52081103 - FJCC46
52081104 - FJCC47
52081105 - FJCC48
520812 - Vanua Balavu
52081201 - FJVB52
52081202 - FJVB53
52081203 - FJVB54
52081204 - FJVB55
52081205 - FJVB57
52081206 - FJVB59
52081207 - FJVB60
52081208 - FJVB61
52081209 - FJVB63
52081210 - FJVB62B
52081211 - FJVB64
52081212 - FJVB65
52081213 - FJVB66
52081214 - FJVB67
52081215 - FJVB68
52081216 - FJVB69
52081217 - FJVB70
52081218 - Bay of Islands (Vanua Balavu)
52081219 - Manta Mania
52081220 - Trigger Rock
52081221 - Armageddon
520813 - Mago
52081301 - FJMG49
52081302 - FJMG50
52081303 - FJMG51
6 - New Caledonia
61 - Grand Terre
6101 - North Province - Grand Terre
6102 - South Province - Grand Terre
61020001 - Ile Aux Canards (Duck Island)
61020002 - Boat Anchorage (SE Side) - Ilot Mato
61020003 - Pinnacle SW of Ilot Mato
61020004 - Shallow Reef SE of Ilot Mato
61020005 - Reef Wall SW of Ilot Mato
61020006 - Reef SE of Ilot Mato
61020007 - Amedee Islet
62 - Loyalty Islands
6201 - Lifou
6202 - Mare
6203 - Ouvea
6204 - Walpole Island
63 - Belep Archipelago
6301 - Art Island (Aar)
6302 - Pott Island (Phwoc)
6303 - Northern Daos Islands
6304 - Southern Daos Islands
6305 - Other Small Islets in Belep Archipelago
64 - Isle of Pines
64000001 - Kanumera Bay West Side (Isle of Pines)
64000002 - Rocher de Kaa Nue Mera - Kanumera Bay (Isle of Pines)
64000003 - Piscine Naturelle
65 - Chesterfield Islands and Bellona Reef
6501 - Bellona Reefs
6502 - Minerva Shoal
6503 - Chesterfield Reefs
6504 - Avon Isles
6505 - Bampton Reefs
7 - Tonga, Tuvalu, Wallis, Futuna, Niue
71 - Tonga
7101 - Vava'u Group
71010001 - Mariners Cave (Nuapapu Island)
71010002 - Swallows Cave (A'ai Island)
71010003 - Nuku Island
71010004 - Coral Gardens (Nuapapu Island)
71010005 - Swallows Cave (Kapa Island)
71010006 - Kenutu Reef
71010007 - Kenutu Outer Reef
71010008 - Port Maurelle (Kapa Island)
710101 - Vava'u Island
71010101 - North Shore
71010102 - Neiafu Anchorage
7102 - Ha'apai Group
71020001 - Haano
71020002 - Nukunamo
71020003 - Ngaahi Hakau Fatafehi
71020004 - Uoleva Island
71020005 - Oua Island
71020006 - Reef Point (Haafeve Island)
71020007 - Uoleva Island (NW bay)
71020008 - Haafeve Island SE Reef
71020009 - Uonokuhahake
71020010 - Ladd Reef
7103 - Tongatapu Group
710301 - Tongatapu Island
7104 - Minerva Atoll
71040001 - North Minerva NE anchorage
71040002 - North Minerva pass
71040003 - North Minerva, South anchorage
71040004 - South Minerva - Magique Channels
72 - Wallis and Futuna
7201 - Wallis Islands
7202 - Hoorn Islands
720201 - Futuna Island
720202 - Alofi
73 - Tuvalu
74 - Niue
7401 - Niue Island
74010001 - Main anchorage
7402 - Beveridge Reef
74020001 - Beveridge Reef Shelf Anchorage
8 - Vanuatu
81 - Tafea
8101 - Erromango Island
8102 - Tanna Island
81020001 - White Sand Beach (near Port Resolution)
81020002 - Port Resolution Deep Reef
8103 - Aneityum Island
810301 - Mystery / Inyeug Island
81030101 - Mystery Island Reef SE
81030102 - Mystery Island Reef NW
82 - Shefa (Shepherd Group and Efate)
8201 - Efate
82010001 - Hideaway Island Resort
82010002 - Iririki Island South Tip (Vila Bay)
82010003 - Twin Bommies (Mele Bay)
82010004 - Gotham City (Mele Bay)
82010005 - Star of Russia (Vila Bay)
82010006 - West Side Story
82010007 - Konanda (Mele Bay)
82010008 - The Cathedral (Mele Bay)
82010009 - Blue Lagoon (Efate)
82010010 - Inside Reef Anchorage (Lelepa)
82010011 - Conservation Area (Nguna)
83 - Malampa
8301 - Malekula Island
83010001 - Hook Point North Side
83010002 - Banam Bay, Malekula
84 - Penama / Oba
85 - Sanma
8501 - Espiritu Santo
85010001 - Million Dollar Point
86 - Torba
99990000 - Placeholder Zone Code (DO NOT SUBMIT)
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