Region: HAW
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Species Name | Family Name | |||
Species ID | Common Name | Scientific Name | Common Name | Scientific Name |
0144 | Achilles Tang | Acanthurus achilles | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0463 | Acute Halfbeak | Hyporhamphus acutus | Halfbeak | Hemiramphidae |
0215 | Almaco Jack | Seriola rivoliana | Jack | Carangidae |
0115 | Ambon Toby | Canthigaster amboinensis | Pufferfish | Tetraodontidae |
0199 | Anchovy sp. | Encrasicholina sp. | Anchovies | Engraulidae |
0089 | Arc-Eye Hawkfish | Paracirrhites arcatus | Hawkfish | Cirrhitidae |
0381 | Baldwin's Razor Wrasse (aka Baldwin's Razorfish) | Iniistius baldwini | Wrasse | Labridae |
0040 | Bandfin Cardinalfish | Pristiapogon taeniopterus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0001 | Bandit Angelfish | Apolemichthys arcuatus | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0079 | Bandtail Goatfish | Upeneus arge | Goatfish | Mullidae |
0311 | Barred Conger | Ariosoma fasciatum | Conger | Congridae |
0072 | Barred Filefish | Cantherhines dumerili | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0325 | Barred Jack | Carangoides ferdau | Jack | Carangidae |
0402 | Barred Knifejaw | Oplegnathus fasciatus | Knifejaw | Oplegnathidae |
0465 | Barred Moray | Echidna polyzona | Moray | Muraenidae |
0308 | Bay Cardinalfish | Foa brachygramma | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0406 | Bearded Cusk Eel (aka Large-eye Brotula) | Brotula multibarbata | Brotula | Ophidiidae |
0171 | Belted Wrasse | Stethojulis balteata | Wrasse | Labridae |
0481 | Bicolor (Hawaiian) Chub | Kyphosus hawaiiensis | Chub | Kyphosidae |
0005 | Bicolor Anthias | Pseudanthias bicolor | Anthias | Anthiadidae |
0135 | Bigeye Emperor | Monotaxis grandoculis | Emperor | Lethrinidae |
0093 | Bigeye Scad | Selar crumenophthalmus | Jack | Carangidae |
0329 | Bigeye Trevally | Caranx sexfasciatus | Jack | Carangidae |
0140 | Bigscale Soldierfish | Myripristis berndti | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0172 | Bird Wrasse | Gomphosus varius | Wrasse | Labridae |
0159 | Black Durgon (aka Black Triggerfish) | Melichthys niger | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0145 | Black Surgeonfish | Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0327 | Black Trevally | Caranx lugubris | Jack | Carangidae |
0501 | Blackfin Barracuda (aka Blacktail Barracuda) | Sphyraena genie | Barracuda | Sphyraenidae |
0044 | Blackfin Chromis | Pycnochromis vanderbilti | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0023 | Blacklip Butterflyfish | Chaetodon kleinii | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0090 | Blackside Hawkfish | Paracirrhites forsteri | Hawkfish | Cirrhitidae |
0174 | Blackside Razor Wrasse (aka Blackside Razorfish) | Iniistius umbrilatus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0045 | Blackspot Sergeant | Abudefduf sordidus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0136 | Blacktail Snapper | Lutjanus fulvus | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0132 | Blacktip Reef Shark | Carcharhinus melanopterus | Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0080 | Blue Goatfish | Parupeneus cyclostomus | Goatfish | Mullidae |
0046 | Blue-eye Damselfish | Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0094 | Bluefin Trevally | Caranx melampygus | Jack | Carangidae |
0146 | Blueline Surgeonfish | Acanthurus nigroris | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0526 | Blueline Triggerfish | Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0167 | Bluespine Unicornfish | Naso unicornis | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0024 | Bluestripe Butterflyfish | Chaetodon fremblii | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0100 | Bluestripe Pipefish | Doryrhamphus melanopleura/excisus | Pipefish & Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0137 | Bluestripe Snapper | Lutjanus kasmira | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0466 | Blunt-headed Lizardfish (aka Nearsighted Lizardfish or Snakefish) | Trachinocephalus trachinus | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0018 | Bonefish sp. | Albula sp. | Bonefish | Albulidae |
0318 | Boreham's Sole | Aseraggodes borehami | Sole | Soleidae |
0366 | Brick Soldierfish | Myripristis amaena | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0160 | Bridled Triggerfish | Sufflamen fraenatum | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0047 | Bright-eye Damselfish | Plectroglyphidodon imparipennis | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0124 | Broad Stingray | Bathytoshia lata | Ray | Dasyatidae |
0489 | Bronzespot Razorfish | Iniistius celebicus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0147 | Brown Surgeonfish (aka Lavender Tang) | Acanthurus nigrofuscus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0424 | Bullethead Blenny (aka Bullethead Rockskipper) | Blenniella gibbifrons | Blenny | Blenniidae |
0110 | Bullethead Parrotfish (Pacific) | Chlorurus spilurus | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0387 | Capricorn Lizardfish | Synodus capricornis | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0355 | Cheekspot Scorpionfish | Scorpaenodes evides | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0302 | Chevron Butterflyfish | Chaetodon trifascialis | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0048 | Chocolate Dip Damselfish | Pycnochromis hanui | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0175 | Christmas Wrasse | Thalassoma trilobatum | Wrasse | Labridae |
0200 | Chub Sp. - Unidentified | Kyphosus sp. | Chub | Kyphosidae |
0176 | Cigar Wrasse | Cheilio inermis | Wrasse | Labridae |
0388 | Clearfin Lizardfish | Synodus dermatogenys | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0333 | Cloudy Goby | Opua nephodes | Goby | Gobiidae |
0523 | Clown Triggerfish (Exotic) | Balistoides conspicillum | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0125 | Coastal Manta Ray (aka Reef Manta Ray) | Mobula alfredi | Manta | Mobulidae |
0334 | Cocos Frill Goby | Bathygobius cocosensis | Goby | Gobiidae |
0202 | Commerson's Frogfish | Antennarius commerson | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0010 | Common Bigeye (aka Pacific Glasseye) | Heteropriacanthus carolinus | Bigeye | Priacanthidae |
0429 | Common Remora | Remora remora | Remora | Echeneidae |
0148 | Convict Tang | Acanthurus triostegus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0101 | Cornetfish (aka Bluespotted Cornetfish) | Fistularia commersonii | Cornetfish | Fistulariidae |
0161 | Crosshatch Triggerfish | Xanthichthys mento | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0141 | Crown Squirrelfish | Sargocentron diadema | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0116 | Crowned Toby | Canthigaster coronata | Pufferfish | Tetraodontidae |
0057 | Curious Wormfish | Gunnellichthys curiosus | Wormfish | Microdesmidae |
0425 | Darting Goby | Gobiosoma sp. | Goby | Gobiidae |
0356 | Decoy Scorpionfish | Iracundus signifer | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0513 | Deetsie's Cardinalfish | Apogon deetsie | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0534 | Delicate Roundherring | Spratelloides delicatulus | Herrings | Clupeidae |
0127 | Devil Scorpionfish | Scorpaenopsis diabolus | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0177 | Disappearing Wrasse | Pseudocheilinus evanidus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0335 | Divine Dwarfgoby | Eviota epiphanes | Goby | Gobiidae |
0061 | Dragon Moray | Enchelycore pardalis | Moray | Muraenidae |
0062 | Dwarf Moray | Gymnothorax melatremus | Moray | Muraenidae |
0357 | Dwarf Scorpionfish | Scorpaenopsis fowleri | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0544 | Dwarf Squirrelfish | Sargocentron iota | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0531 | Edmondson's Pipefish | Halicampus edmondsoni | Pipefish & Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0178 | Eightstripe Wrasse (aka Eightline Wrasse) | Pseudocheilinus octotaenia | Wrasse | Labridae |
0419 | Elegant Anthias | Caprodon unicolor | Anthias | Anthiadidae |
0179 | Elegant Coris | Coris venusta | Wrasse | Labridae |
0142 | Epaulette Soldierfish (aka Pearly Soldierfish) | Myripristis kuntee | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0332 | Estuary / Common / Moluccan / Smooth Seahorse (aka Yellow Seahorse) | Hippocampus kuda complex (including H. taeniopterus) | Pipefish & Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0307 | Evermann's Cardinalfish (aka Oddscale Cardinalfish) | Zapogon evermanni | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0012 | Ewa Fangblenny | Plagiotremus ewaensis | Blenny | Blenniidae |
0349 | Exclamation Point Dragonet | Synchiropus corallinus | Dragonet | Callionymidae |
0336 | Eyebar Goby | Gnatholepis knighti | Goby | Gobiidae |
0149 | Eyestripe Surgeonfish | Acanthurus dussumieri | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0380 | Finescale Triggerfish | Balistes polylepis | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0058 | Fire Dartfish | Nemateleotris magnifica | Dartfish | Ptereleotridae |
0002 | Fisher's Angelfish | Centropyge fisheri | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0382 | Fivestripe Wrasse | Thalassoma quinquevittatum | Wrasse | Labridae |
0211 | Flagtail Tilefish | Malacanthus brevirostris | Tilefish | Malacanthidae |
0301 | Flame Angelfish | Centropyge loriculus | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0180 | Flame Wrasse | Cirrhilabrus jordani | Wrasse | Labridae |
0509 | Flatside Needlefish (aka Flat Needlefish) | Ablennes hians | Needlefish | Belonidae |
0352 | Floral Puffer | Torquigener florealis | Pufferfish | Tetraodontidae |
0077 | Flowery Flounder | Bothus mancus | Lefteye Flounder | Bothidae |
0025 | Forcepsfish (aka Longnose Butterflyfish) | Forcipiger flavissimus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0485 | Forktail Sand Wrasse | Ammolabrus dicrus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0026 | Fourspot Butterflyfish | Chaetodon quadrimaculatus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0181 | Fourstripe Wrasse (aka Fourline Wrasse) | Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia | Wrasse | Labridae |
0521 | Fowler's Pearlfish | Onuxodon fowleri | Pearlfish | Carapidae |
0486 | Fowler's scorpionfish | Sebastapistes fowleri | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0510 | Freckled Driftfish | Psenes cyanophrys | Driftfish | Nomeidae |
0313 | Freckled Snake Eel | Callechelys lutea | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0487 | Galactic Scorpionfish | Sebastapistes galactacma | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0363 | Galapagos Shark | Carcharhinus galapagensis | Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0013 | Gargantuan Blenny | Cirripectes obscurus | Blenny | Blenniidae |
0418 | Giant Grouper | Epinephelus lanceolatus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0412 | Giant Moray | Gymnothorax javanicus | Moray | Muraenidae |
0095 | Giant Trevally | Caranx ignobilis | Jack | Carangidae |
0162 | Gilded Triggerfish | Xanthichthys auromarginatus | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0337 | Golden Green Goby | Priolepis aureoviridis | Goby | Gobiidae |
0096 | Golden Trevally | Gnathanodon speciosus | Jack | Carangidae |
0367 | Goldline Squirrelfish | Neoniphon aurolineatus | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0376 | Goldrim Surgeonfish (aka Goldrim Tang) | Acanthurus nigricans | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0150 | Goldring Surgeonfish | Ctenochaetus strigosus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0214 | Goldspot Sardine | Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus | Herrings | Clupeidae |
0338 | Gorgonian Goby | Bryaninops amplus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0014 | Gosline's Fangblenny | Plagiotremus goslinei | Blenny | Blenniidae |
0133 | Gray Reef Shark | Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos | Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0138 | Gray Snapper (aka Green Jobfish) | Aprion virescens | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0377 | Gray Unicornfish | Naso caesius | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0008 | Great Barracuda | Sphyraena barracuda | Barracuda | Sphyraenidae |
0426 | Great Hammerhead Shark | Sphyrna mokarran | Hammerhead Shark | Sphyrnidae |
0331 | Greater Amberjack | Seriola dumerili | Jack | Carangidae |
0213 | Green Sea Turtle | Chelonia mydas | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae |
0212 | Green Sea Turtle w/ FP | Chelonia mydas | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae |
0102 | Halfbeak sp. | Hemiramphus and Hyporhamphus sp. | Halfbeak | Hemiramphidae |
0339 | Halfspotted Goby | Asterropteryx semipunctatus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0128 | Hawaiian (Green) Lionfish | Dendrochirus barberi | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0310 | Hawaiian (pka Mustache) Conger | Conger marginatus | Conger | Congridae |
0490 | Hawaiian Anchovy | Encrasicholina purpurea | Anchovies | Engraulidae |
0011 | Hawaiian Bigeye | Priacanthus meeki | Bigeye | Priacanthidae |
0087 | Hawaiian Black Grouper | Epinephelus quernus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0182 | Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse | Labroides phthirophagus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0049 | Hawaiian Dascyllus | Dascyllus albisella | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0520 | Hawaiian Dwarf Flounder | Engyprosopon hawaiiensis | Lefteye Flounder | Bothidae |
0073 | Hawaiian Fantail Filefish | Pervagor spilosoma | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0201 | Hawaiian Flagtail | Kuhlia xenura | Flagtail | Kuhliidae |
0394 | Hawaiian Freckled Frogfish | Abantennarius drombus | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0063 | Hawaiian Garden Eel | Gorgasia hawaiiensis | Conger | Congridae |
0053 | Hawaiian Gregory | Stegastes marginatus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0183 | Hawaiian Hogfish | Bodianus albotaeniatus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0184 | Hawaiian Knifefish | Cymolutes lecluse | Wrasse | Labridae |
0204 | Hawaiian Lizardfish (aka Ulae Lizardfish) | Synodus ulae | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0006 | Hawaiian Longfin Anthias | Pseudanthias hawaiiensis | Anthias | Anthiadidae |
0399 | Hawaiian Morwong | Goniistius vittatus | Trumpeters | Latridae |
0208 | Hawaiian Orbicular Velvetfish (aka Hawaiian Coral Croucher) | Caracanthus typicus | Orbicular Velvetfish | Caracanthidae |
0129 | Hawaiian Red Lionfish (aka Hawaiian Turkeyfish) | Pterois sphex | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0054 | Hawaiian Rock Damselfish | Plectroglyphidodon sindonis | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0306 | Hawaiian Ruby Cardinalfish | Apogon erythrinus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0050 | Hawaiian Sergeant | Abudefduf abdominalis | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0341 | Hawaiian Shrimp Goby | Psilogobius mainlandi | Goby | Gobiidae |
0210 | Hawaiian Silversides | Atherinomorus insularum | Silversides | Atherinidae |
0042 | Hawaiian Spotted Cardinalfish | Ostorhinchus maculiferus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0143 | Hawaiian Squirrelfish | Sargocentron xantherythrum | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0330 | Hawaiian Thicklipped Jack | Pseudocaranx cheilio | Jack | Carangidae |
0347 | Hawaiian Triplefin | Enneapterygius atriceps | Triplefins | Tripterygiidae |
0117 | Hawaiian Whitespotted Toby | Canthigaster jactator | Pufferfish | Tetraodontidae |
0017 | Hawaiian Zebra Blenny (aka Zebra Rockskipper) | Istiblennius zebra | Blenny | Blenniidae |
0456 | Hawksbill Sea Turtle | Eretmochelys imbricata | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae |
0009 | Heller's Barracuda | Sphyraena helleri | Barracuda | Sphyraenidae |
0312 | Henshaw's Snake Eel | Brachysomophis henshawi | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0461 | Highfin Chub | Kyphosus cinerascens | Chub | Kyphosidae |
0103 | Houndfish (aka Crocodile Needlefish) | Tylosurus crocodilus | Needlefish | Belonidae |
0415 | Hybrid Achilles Tang / Goldrim Tang | Acanthurus sp. | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0427 | Hybrid Indo-Pacific / Hawaiian Sergeant | Abudefduf sp | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0498 | Hybrid Saddle Wrasse / Fivestripe Wrasse | Thalassoma sp. | Wrasse | Labridae |
0499 | Hybrid Saddle Wrasse / Sunset Wrasse | Thalassoma sp. | Wrasse | Labridae |
0059 | Indigo Dartfish (aka Spottail Dartfish) | Ptereleotris heteroptera | Dartfish | Ptereleotridae |
0511 | Indo-Pacific Knifefish | Cymolutes praetextatus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0051 | Indo-Pacific Sergeant | Abudefduf vaigiensis | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0527 | Infantfishes | Schindleria spp. | Infantfish | Schindleriidae |
0041 | Iridescent Cardinalfish | Pristiapogon kallopterus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0081 | Island (Doublebar) Goatfish | Parupeneus insularis | Goatfish | Mullidae |
0326 | Island Jack | Carangoides orthogrammus | Jack | Carangidae |
0300 | Japanese Angelfish | Centropyge interrupta | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0505 | Juvenile Parrotfish - Unidentified | Parrotfish | Scaridae | |
0500 | Kawakawa | Euthynnus affinis | Mackerels | Scombridae |
0536 | Keeljaw Needlefish | Tylosurus acus melanotus | Needlefish | Belonidae |
0104 | Keeltail Needlefish | Platybelone argalus | Needlefish | Belonidae |
0358 | Kellogg's Scorpionfish | Scorpaenodes kelloggi | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0459 | Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle | Lepidochelys kempii | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae |
0019 | Ladyfish | Elops hawaiensis | Tenpounders | Elopidae |
0163 | Lagoon Triggerfish | Rhinecanthus aculeatus | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0118 | Lantern Toby | Canthigaster epilampra | Pufferfish | Tetraodontidae |
0309 | Large-Eye Conger | Ariosoma marginatum | Conger | Congridae |
0539 | Large-spotted Snake Eel | Ophichthus polyophthalmus | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0533 | Large-spotted Snake Moray | Uropterygius polyspilus | Moray | Muraenidae |
0130 | Leaf Scorpionfish | Taenianotus triacanthus | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0097 | Leatherback | Scomberoides lysan | Jack | Carangidae |
0458 | Leatherback Sea Turtle | Dermochelys coriacea | Leatherback Sea Turtle | Dermochelyidae |
0164 | Lei Triggerfish | Sufflamen bursa | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0027 | Lined Butterflyfish | Chaetodon lineolatus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0185 | Lined Coris | Coris ballieui | Wrasse | Labridae |
0484 | Lizardfish sp. (unidentified) | Saurida/Synodus sp. | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0389 | Lobel's Lizardfish | Synodus lobeli | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0457 | Loggerhead Sea Turtle | Caretta caretta | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae |
0303 | Longnose Butterflyfish (aka Big Longnose Butterflyfish) | Forcipiger longirostris | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0323 | Longnose Hawkfish | Oxycirrhites typus | Hawkfish | Cirrhitidae |
0121 | Longspine Porcupinefish (aka Spiny Balloonfish) | Diodon holocanthus | Porcupinefish | Diodontidae |
0348 | Longtail Dragonet | Callionymus decoratus | Dragonet | Callionymidae |
0483 | Lowfin Chub (aka Brassy Chub) | Kyphosus vaigiensis | Chub | Kyphosidae |
0359 | Lowfin Scorpionfish | Scorpaenodes parvipinnis | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0098 | Mackerel Scad | Decapterus macarellus | Jack | Carangidae |
0314 | Magnificent Snake Eel | Myrichthys magnificus | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0082 | Manybar Goatfish | Parupeneus multifasciatus | Goatfish | Mullidae |
0507 | Marbled Blenny | Entomacrodus marmoratus | Blenny | Blenniidae |
0003 | Masked Angelfish | Genicanthus personatus | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0119 | Maze Toby | Canthigaster rivulata | Pufferfish | Tetraodontidae |
0342 | Michel's Ghostgoby | Pleurosicya micheli | Goby | Gobiidae |
0488 | Midget Chromis (aka Dwarf Chromis) | Pycnochromis acares | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0206 | Milkfish | Chanos chanos | Milkfish | Chanidae |
0028 | Milletseed Butterflyfish | Chaetodon miliaris | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0207 | Moorish Idol | Zanclus cornutus | Moorish Idol | Zanclidae |
0423 | Mozambique Tilapia (exotic) | Sarotherodon melanotheron (Exotic) | Cichlids | Cichlidae |
0029 | Multiband Butterflyfish | Chaetodon multicinctus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0390 | Nebulous Lizardfish | Saurida nebulosa | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0343 | Noble Goby | Priolepis eugenius | Goby | Gobiidae |
0416 | Oceanic Blacktip Shark | Carcharhinus limbatus | Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0410 | Oceanic Whitetip Shark | Carcharhinus longimanus | Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0173 | Old Woman Wrasse (aka Blacktail Wrasse) | Thalassoma ballieui | Wrasse | Labridae |
0460 | Olive Ridley Sea Turtle | Lepidochelys olivacea | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae |
0492 | Onescale Pygmygoby | Trimma unisquamis | Goby | Gobiidae |
0151 | Orangeband Surgeonfish | Acanthurus olivaceus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0391 | Orangemouth Lizardfish | Saurida flamma | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0168 | Orangespine Unicornfish | Naso lituratus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0203 | Oriental Flying Gurnard (aka Helmet Gurnard) | Dactyloptena orientalis | Flying Gurnard | Dactylopteridae |
0030 | Ornate Butterflyfish | Chaetodon ornatissimus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0186 | Ornate Wrasse | Halichoeres ornatissimus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0031 | Oval Butterflyfish | Chaetodon lunulatus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0052 | Oval Chromis | Chromis ovalis | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0043 | Pacific (Agile) Chromis | Pycnochromis pacifica | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0462 | Pacific (Gray) Chub | Kyphosus sectatrix | Chub | Kyphosidae |
0108 | Pacific Threadfin (aka Six-Fingered Threadfin) | Polydactylus sexfilis | Threadfin | Polynemidae |
0395 | Painted Frogfish | Antennarius pictus | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0111 | Palenose Parrotfish | Scarus psittacus | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0515 | Palestripe Podge | Suttonia lineata | Seabass | Serranidae |
0169 | Paletail Unicornfish | Naso brevirostris | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0078 | Panther Flounder | Bothus pantherinus | Lefteye Flounder | Bothidae |
0088 | Peacock Grouper | Cephalopholis argus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0187 | Peacock Razorfish (aka Peacock Razor Wrasse) | Iniistius pavo | Wrasse | Labridae |
0188 | Pearl Wrasse | Anampses cuvier | Wrasse | Labridae |
0518 | Pelagic Manta Ray (aka Oceanic / Giant Manta Ray) | Mobula birostris | Manta | Mobulidae |
0032 | Pennantfish (aka Pennant Butterflyfish) | Heniochus diphreutes | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0477 | Peppered Moray | Gymnothorax pictus | Moray | Muraenidae |
0368 | Peppered Squirrelfish | Sargocentron punctatissimum | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0320 | Pfluger's Goatfish (Orange Goatfish) | Mulloidichthys pfluegeri | Goatfish | Mullidae |
0543 | Phoenix Island Damselfish | Plectroglyphidodon phoenixensis | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0411 | Pilotfish | Naucrates ductor | Jack | Carangidae |
0165 | Pinktail Triggerfish (aka Pinktail Durgon) | Melichthys vidua | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0516 | Polynesian Halfbeak | Hemiramphus depauperatus | Halfbeak | Hemiramphidae |
0120 | Porcupinefish (aka Giant Porcupinefish) | Diodon hystrix | Porcupinefish | Diodontidae |
0004 | Potter's Angelfish | Centropyge potteri | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0189 | Psychedelic Wrasse | Anampses chrysocephalus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0405 | Pyle's Sandlance | Ammodytoides pylei | Sandlance | Ammodytidae |
0033 | Pyramid Butterflyfish | Hemitaurichthys polylepis | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0034 | Raccoon Butterflyfish | Chaetodon lunula | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0519 | Rainbow Chub (aka Bluestriped Chub) | Sectator ocyurus | Chub | Kyphosidae |
0099 | Rainbow Runner | Elagatis bipinnulata | Jack | Carangidae |
0396 | Randall's Frogfish | Antennarius randalli | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0353 | Randall's Puffer | Torquigener randalli | Pufferfish | Tetraodontidae |
0541 | Red Earth Dwarf Goby | Trimma milta | Goby | Gobiidae |
0478 | Red shoulder wrasse | Stethojulis bandanensis | Wrasse | Labridae |
0091 | Redbarred Hawkfish | Cirrhitops fasciatus | Hawkfish | Cirrhitidae |
0514 | Redblotch Perchlet | Plectranthias winniensis | Anthias | Anthiadidae |
0112 | Redlip Parrotfish (aka Ember Parrotfish) | Scarus rubroviolaceus | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0494 | Redmarbled Lizardfish | Synodus rubromarmoratus | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0209 | Redspotted Sandperch | Parapercis schauinslandii | Sandperch | Pinguipedidae |
0105 | Redstripe Pipefish | Dunckerocampus baldwini | Pipefish & Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0205 | Reef Lizardfish | Synodus variegatus | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0350 | Regal Parrotfish | Scarus dubius | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0035 | Reticulated Butterflyfish | Chaetodon reticulatus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0397 | Reticulated Frogfish | Antennatus tuberosus | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0344 | Rimmed-scale Goby | Priolepis limbatosquamis | Goby | Gobiidae |
0152 | Ringtail Surgeonfish | Acanthurus blochii | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0190 | Ringtail Wrasse | Oxycheilinus unifasciatus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0191 | Rockmover Wrasse | Novaculichthys taeniourus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0512 | Rosy Dragonet | Synchiropus rosulentus | Dragonet | Callionymidae |
0369 | Roughscale Soldierfish | Plectrypops lima | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0370 | Saber Squirrelfish (aka Longjaw Squirrelfish) | Sargocentron spiniferum | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0192 | Saddle Wrasse | Thalassoma duperrey | Wrasse | Labridae |
0036 | Saddleback Butterflyfish | Chaetodon ephippium | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0517 | Saddled Snake Eel | Leiuranus semicinctus | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0153 | Sailfin Tang (Pacific) | Zebrasoma velifer | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0364 | Sandbar Shark | Carcharhinus plumbeus | Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0414 | Sargassum Frogfish (aka Sargassumfish) | Histrio histrio | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0365 | Scalloped Hammerhead Shark | Sphyrna lewini | Hammerhead Shark | Sphyrnidae |
0015 | Scarface Blenny | Cirripectes vanderbilti | Blenny | Blenniidae |
0074 | Scrawled Filefish | Aluterus scriptus | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0455 | Sea Turtle sp. (unidentified) | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae | |
0508 | Semicircle Angelfish (exotic) | Pomacanthus semicirculatus | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0107 | Sharpnose Mullet | Neomyxus leuciscus | Mullet | Mugilidae |
0016 | Shortbodied Blenny (aka Spotted Coral Blenny) | Exallias brevis | Blenny | Blenniidae |
0193 | Shortnose Wrasse | Macropharyngodon geoffroy | Wrasse | Labridae |
0360 | Shortsnout Scorpionfish | Scorpaenopsis brevifrons | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0428 | Shoulderspot Goby | Gnatholepis cauerensis | Goby | Gobiidae |
0316 | Shy Filefish | Cantherhines verecundus | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0083 | Sidespot Goatfish | Parupeneus pleurostigma | Goatfish | Mullidae |
0522 | Silversides spp. | Atherinidae spp. | Silversides | Atherinidae |
0170 | Sleek Unicornfish | Naso hexacanthus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0392 | Slender Lizardfish | Saurida gracilis | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0400 | Slender Remora (aka Sharksucker) | Echeneis naucrates | Remora | Echeneidae |
0524 | Slendertail Moray | Gymnothorax gracilicaudus | Moray | Muraenidae |
0491 | Slingjaw Wrasse | Epibulus insidiator | Wrasse | Labridae |
0194 | Smalltail Wrasse (aka Pencil Wrasse) | Pseudojuloides cerasinus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0139 | Smalltooth Jobfish (aka Forktail Snapper) | Aphareus furca | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0064 | Snowflake Moray | Echidna nebulosa | Moray | Muraenidae |
0304 | Speckled Butterflyfish | Chaetodon citrinellus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0361 | Speckled Scorpionfish | Sebastapistes coniorta | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0113 | Spectacled Parrotfish | Chlorurus perspicillatus | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0493 | Spiny Cowfish | Lactoria Diaphana | Boxfish | Ostraciidae |
0362 | Spotfin Scorpionfish | Sebastapistes ballieui | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0371 | Spotfin Squirrelfish | Neoniphon sammara | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0020 | Spotted Boxfish | Ostracion meleagris | Boxfish | Ostraciidae |
0354 | Spotted Burrfish | Chilomycterus reticulatus | Porcupinefish | Diodontidae |
0126 | Spotted Eagle Ray | Aetobatus ocellatus | Stingray | Myliobatidae |
0403 | Spotted Knifejaw | Oplegnathus punctatus | Knifejaw | Oplegnathidae |
0122 | Spotted Puffer | Arothron meleagris | Pufferfish | Tetraodontidae |
0378 | Spotted Unicornfish | Naso maculatus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0075 | Squaretail Filefish | Cantherhines sandwichiensis | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0114 | Stareye Parrotfish | Calotomus carolinus | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0408 | Steindachner's Moray Eel | Gymnothorax steindachneri | Moray | Muraenidae |
0092 | Stocky Hawkfish | Cirrhitus pinnulatus | Hawkfish | Cirrhitidae |
0065 | Stout Moray | Gymnothorax eurostus | Moray | Muraenidae |
0407 | Strange-face Scorpionfish (aka Strange eyes Scorpionfish) | Rhinopias xenops | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0506 | Strasburg's Blenny | Entomacrodus strasburgi | Blenny | Blenniidae |
0398 | Striated Frogfish | Antennarius striatus | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0123 | Stripebelly Puffer | Arothron hispidus | Pufferfish | Tetraodontidae |
0109 | Striped Mullet | Mugil cephalus | Mullet | Mugilidae |
0545 | Striped Surgeonfish | Acanthurus lineatus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0401 | Stripey | Microcanthus strigatus | Stripeys | Microcanthidae |
0383 | Sunset Wrasse | Thalassoma lutescens | Wrasse | Labridae |
0195 | Surge Wrasse | Thalassoma purpureum | Wrasse | Labridae |
0538 | Susan's Dwarfgoby | Eviota susanae | Goby | Gobiidae |
0372 | Tahitian Squirrelfish (aka Bluestripe Squirrelfish) | Sargocentron tiere | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0345 | Taylor's Pygmygoby | Trimma taylori | Goby | Gobiidae |
0037 | Teardrop Butterflyfish | Chaetodon unimaculatus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0319 | Therese's Sole | Aseraggodes therese | Sole | Soleidae |
0007 | Thompson's Anthias | Pseudanthias thompsoni | Anthias | Anthiadidae |
0039 | Thompson's Butterflyfish | Hemitaurichthys thompsoni | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0154 | Thompson's Surgeonfish | Acanthurus thompsoni | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0021 | Thornback Cowfish | Lactoria fornasini | Boxfish | Ostraciidae |
0038 | Threadfin Butterflyfish | Chaetodon auriga | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0324 | Threadfin Jack (aka African Pompano) | Alectis ciliaris | Jack | Carangidae |
0055 | Threespot Chromis | Chromis verater | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0317 | Threespot Flounder | Samariscus triocellatus | Slender Flounder | Samaridae |
0480 | Tiera batfish (exotic) | Platax teira | Spadefishes, batfishes, and spats | Ephippidae |
0420 | Tiger Shark | Galeocerdo cuvier | Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0066 | Tiger Snake Moray | Scuticaria tigrina | Moray | Muraenidae |
0305 | Tinker's Butterflyfish | Chaetodon tinkeri | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0131 | Titan Scorpionfish | Scorpaenopsis cacopsis | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0525 | Transparent Cardinalfish | Pseudamiops diaphanes | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0106 | Trumpetfish (aka Pacific Trumpetfish) | Aulostomus chinensis | Trumpetfish | Aulostomidae |
0322 | Twospot Hawkfish | Amblycirrhitus bimacula | Hawkfish | Cirrhitidae |
0393 | Twospot Lizardfish | Synodus binotatus | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0340 | Twospot Sandgoby | Fusigobius duospilus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0196 | Twospot Wrasse | Oxycheilinus bimaculatus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0067 | Undulated Moray | Gymnothorax undulatus | Moray | Muraenidae |
0315 | Unicorn Filefish | Aluterus monoceros | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0464 | Unidentified Cardinalfish spp. | Apogon sp | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0495 | Unidentified Dragonet sp | Callionymus sp./Synchiropus sp. | Dragonet | Callionymidae |
0532 | Unidentified Flagtail (Hawaiian/Zebra) | Kuhlia sp. | Flagtail | Kuhliidae |
0535 | Unidentified Flyingfish | Exocoetidae sp. | Flying Fish | Exocoetidae |
0537 | Unidentified Frill Goby | Bathygobius spp. | Goby | Gobiidae |
0540 | Unidentified Porcupinefish | Diodon sp. | Porcupinefish | Diodontidae |
0530 | Unidentified Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae sp. | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0542 | Unidentified Silvery Baitfish | Atherinidae, Clupeidae, and Engraulidae | Silvery Fishes - Silversides, Herrings, and Anchovies | Atherinidae, Clupeidae, and Engraulidae |
0528 | Unidentified Snake Eel | Ophichthidae sp. | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0068 | Viper Moray | Enchelynassa canina | Moray | Muraenidae |
0413 | Wahoo | Acanthocybium solandri | Mackerels | Scombridae |
0479 | Waikiki cardinalfish | Apogonichthys perdix | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0166 | Wedgetail Triggerfish (aka Reef Triggerfish) | Rhinecanthus rectangulus | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0482 | Whale shark | Rhincodon typus | Whale Shark | Rhincodontidae |
0346 | Whip-coral Goby (aka Wire Coral Goby) | Bryaninops yongei | Goby | Gobiidae |
0404 | Whiskered Boarfish (aka Whiskered Armorhead) | Evistias acutirostris | Armorhead (Boarfish) | Pentacerotidae |
0502 | White Remora | Remorina albescens | Remora | Echeneidae |
0056 | White-tail Chromis | Pycnochromis leucurus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0384 | Whitebanded Sharpnose Wrasse | Wetmorella albofasciata | Wrasse | Labridae |
0155 | Whitebar Surgeonfish | Acanthurus leucopareius | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0421 | Whitemargin Moray | Gymnothorax albimarginatus | Moray | Muraenidae |
0379 | Whitemargin Unicornfish | Naso annulatus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0069 | Whitemouth Moray | Gymnothorax meleagris | Moray | Muraenidae |
0385 | Whitepatch Razorfish | Xyrichtys aneitensis | Wrasse | Labridae |
0084 | Whitesaddle Goatfish | Parupeneus porphyreus | Goatfish | Mullidae |
0422 | Whitespot Soldierfish (aka Spinyface Soldierfish) | Pristilepis oligolepis | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0156 | Whitespotted Surgeonfish | Acanthurus guttatus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0134 | Whitetip Reef Shark | Triaenodon obesus | Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0373 | Whitetip Soldierfish | Myripristis vittata | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0529 | Whitetongue Jack | Uraspis helvola | Jack | Carangidae |
0022 | Whitley's Boxfish | Ostracion whitleyi | Boxfish | Ostraciidae |
0386 | Wood's Razor Wrasse | Novaculops woodi | Wrasse | Labridae |
0157 | Yellow Tang | Zebrasoma flavescens | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0351 | Yellowbar Parrotfish | Calotomus zonarchus | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0321 | Yellowbarbel Goatfish | Parupeneus chrysonemus | Goatfish | Mullidae |
0085 | Yellowfin Goatfish | Mulloidichthys vanicolensis | Goatfish | Mullidae |
0374 | Yellowfin Soldierfish | Myripristis chryseres | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0158 | Yellowfin Surgeonfish | Acanthurus xanthopterus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0409 | Yellowfin Tuna | Thunnus albacares | Mackerels | Scombridae |
0060 | Yellowhead (Banded) Moray | Gymnothorax rueppelliae | Moray | Muraenidae |
0070 | Yellowmargin Moray | Gymnothorax flavimarginatus | Moray | Muraenidae |
0197 | Yellowstripe Coris (aka Blackstripe Coris) | Coris flavovittata | Wrasse | Labridae |
0086 | Yellowstripe Goatfish (aka Squarespot Goatfish) | Mulloidichthys flavolineatus | Goatfish | Mullidae |
0375 | Yellowstripe Squirrelfish | Sargocentron ensifer | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0417 | Yellowtail Amberjack | Seriola lalandi | Jack | Carangidae |
0198 | Yellowtail Coris | Coris gaimard | Wrasse | Labridae |
0076 | Yellowtail Filefish | Pervagor aspricaudus | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0504 | Yellowtail Snake Eel | Apterichtus flavicaudus | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0071 | Zebra Moray | Gymnomuraena zebra | Moray | Muraenidae |
0503 | Zebra-head Flagtail | Kuhlia sandvicensis | Flagtail | Kuhliidae |