Every winter since 1996, REEF co-founder and renowned underwater photographer, Paul Humann, has selected one of his own marine life photographs to give to our most generous supporters. Members who contribute $250 or more during REEF’s winter fundraising campaign receive that year’s signed and numbered limited-edition print. Below is look back at the gallery of all prior winter limited-edition images from Paul.
Click on the name of each image to read Paul's notes on how and where he took the photo and why it was selected. (available for most)
2023 - Pennant Bannerfish, Fiji
2022 - Redtail (aka Crosshatch) Triggerfish, Galapagos Islands |
2021 - Trio of False Clown Anemonefish | 2020 - Hard and Soft Coral with Reticulated Dascyllus, Fiji |
2014 - Goliath Grouper aggregation, Epinephelus itajara |
2012 - Nassau Grouper Spawning Aggregation, Epinephelus striatus - TWA |
2010 - Coral Grouper, Cephalopholis miniata |
2009 - South Pacific Reef |
2008 - Yellowhead Jawfish, Opistognathus aurifrons |
2007 - Spotted Eagle Rays, Aeetobatus narinari |
2005 - White Grunt, Haemulon plumierii |
2004 - Emperor Angelfish, Pomacanthus imperator SOP, CIP, IORS |
2003 - Golden Cowrays, Rhinoptera steindachneri - TEP |
2001 - Orangethroat Pikeblenny, Chaenopsis alepidota - TEP |
2000 – Goliath Grouper, Epinephelus itajara |
1998 – Schoolmaster, Lutjanus apodus |
1997 - Nassau Grouper, Epinephelus striatus |
1996 - Fairy Basslet, Gramma loreto |