REEF is happy to announce that the 2019 Fishinar schedule is posted and ready for registrations!

Fishinars are fun, free online marine life identification sessions that cover topics from all of REEF’s world-wide project areas. These hour-long interactive sessions are great for beginning and advanced surveyors alike, and all are welcome whether you avidly survey, want to get started, or just want to learn more about marine life.

Tune in next year to learn about a variety of topics, from seahorses in the Caribbean to sea slugs in California, with more than 20 sessions taught by REEF staff and marine life experts. As part of the 2019 series, REEF will also feature two four-part beginners' courses, one covering the 60 of the more common fish in Florida, the Caribbean, and the Bahamas, and one covering the 60 Pacific Northwest invertebrates/algae species that REEF monitors. These introductory courses will be great for those looking to get their feet wet in marine life identification, as well as excellent reviews for more advanced surveyors.

If you can’t attend one of the Fishinars, or want to watch one again, REEF members also enjoy the benefit of being able to re-watch any of REEF’s 150+ archived Fishinars online, at their convenience. For the full 2019 schedule, to register, and to re-watch Fishinars, please visit