April is Earth Month, and as we look forward to Earth Day on April 22, you might be looking for ways to stay connected to the environment in these uncertain times. We are all facing new and unfamiliar challenges as we adjust to this rapidly changing situation and navigate disruptions to our daily life. Here are some fun and easy activities you can do from the comfort and safety of your home:

Check out a Fishinar (or ten) - Already watched everything on Netflix? No need to worry! Browse our archive of more than 180 free, educational, marine life webinars. From butterflyfishes of Hawaii to the most common fish of Costa Rica, there is something for everybody!

Submit your REEF surveys - Did you know that your REEF surveys never expire? This is an excellent time to dust off any backlogged surveys you may have. You can submit them into our publicly accessible database to better inform research, policy, and management. It’s also a great way to relive the fun of past dives!

Watch (or rewatch) Changing Seas - Check out this Emmy Award-winning series to learn more about the Grouper Moon Project. This episode chronicles the ongoing, collaborative efforts of REEF and the Cayman Islands Department of the Environment to study and protect one of the last great populations of the critically endangered Nassau Grouper.

Dive into your reading list - The REEF Campus in Key Largo, Florida, is closed to the public, but we are continuing to ship online store orders. We have a great selection of marine life guidebooks available for areas including the Caribbean, Pacific, and more. Order yours today!

Connect with fellow fishwatchers - If you’re on Facebook, request to join one (or all!) of our eight regional Facebook groups. These active forums provide a fantastic opportunity to share your photos and observations and ask questions. Whether you are brand new to the world of fishwatching, or have been doing it for years, all are welcome.