Last Friday, April 30, was REEF's first Give BIG for the Oceans event. On this day, the REEF community came together to show support for marine conservation. As a result, our members set a REEF record for most funds raised in a single day. More than 100 people donated during Give BIG for the Oceans, allowing us to exceed our fundraising goal! We are so grateful to our members for their incredibly generous support. Thank you for helping to make our first ever Give BIG for the a Oceans a BIG success!

Give BIG for the Oceans was REEF's largest single-day matching opportunity to date, with all donations being doubled up to $15,000. Thank you to the Pelton Charitable Foundation and an anonymous supporter for providing these matching funds, allowing our conservation impact to go twice as far.

If you made a donation to REEF during Give BIG for the Oceans, please keep an eye on your mailbox. As a token of our thanks, all who gave on April 30 will receive a signed photo of a Broomtail Wrasse, photographed in the Red Sea by REEF Co-Founder Ned DeLoach.

Going forward, Give BIG for the Oceans will be an annual event, with even more ways to get involved. Stay tuned for more information, and thank you to all who supported REEF during Give BIG for the Oceans!