Main Features

* This program makes it possible for you to enter your survey data offline - without an internet connection.

* You will need to access the internet to upload the completed surveys, and then error-check and submit the surveys to REEF through the online entry interface at Important note: this is a 2 step process - after uploading your surveys from this program, you must logon to the Online Data Entry interface to submit your surveys to REEF. They are not submitted from this program.

* You can enter as many surveys as you like while you are offline.

* The program supports surveys from all of REEF's regions.

* Select your view: Each region has multiple underwater survey papers. Be sure to select the version of paper that you are using so that the species are listed in the same order..

Saving and Submitting Your Survey

* At any point while you are entering survey data, you can save the survey using "Save For Later". You can then continue entering the survey or start entering a new survey. To access saved (but not uploaded) surveys, use the Open Survey option under the File menu.

* Once you have completed a survey, you can either "Mark For Upload" (if you are offline) or "Upload" (if you are online).

* When you have internet access and are ready to submit one or more surveys that were Marked For Upload, go to the Upload options under the File menu.

Updating the Program and Data Files

* These steps must be done while online. Always be sure to update the program whenever you are online.

* Click "Check For Updates" under the Help menu. If there is a newer version of the program available than what you are currently running, it will prompt you to visit to download the most current version.

* During the update check, it will also check for updated data files (zone codes, species lists). If new versions are available, you will be asked if you want the program to download the files.

8 Steps to Completing a Survey

There are 8 steps needed to enter, submit, and upload your REEF survey data using this program. The first 6 can be done offline and are found on tabs along the top of the program. The last two steps require an Internet connection to upload your surveys to the REEF Online Data Entry page and ultimately submit your surveys through that page.

1. Member Info

2. Survey Info Part 1

3. Survey Info Part 2

4. Listed Species

5. Unlisted Species

6. Confirmation

7. (Need Internet Access) Upload Your Surveys

8. (Need Internet Access) Log Onto the REEF Online Data Entry page ( to Error Check and Submit Your Surveys



Step One: Member Info Tab

1. Enter your REEF member number

2. Enter your last name. (shortcut: Hit 'enter' to move on to the next screen)

Step Two: Survey Info Part 1

1. Choose your survey location

2. Choose the type of survey

3. Select the survey date

4. Select the time you started your dive

5. Enter the Geographic Zone Code if you know it. If you don't know it, type in part of the name of the site in the Geographic Zone Search box. A chart will appear so you can select the proper site. (Some sites in different areas have the same name, so this helps you select the proper one). Click on the name of the site in the chart, and it will automatically appear in the Geographic Zone Code box.

Step Three: Survey Info Part 2

1. Enter surface and/or bottom water temperatures (note: surface water temperature, NOT air temperature)

2. Select Fahrenheit (default) or Celsius

3. Enter bottom time

4. Select visibility

5. Select average depth

6. Select maximum depth

7. Select current

8. Select habitat type. If you were surveying over several types, choose the best fit where you spent most of your time or found the most fish species.

Step Four: Listed Species

The *most common* fish (and invertebrates in applicable regions) are listed on this page.

1. **Select your view: For each region, there are different versions of the uw survey paper, be sure to select the one that you are using.

2. Choose your name display: Common, Scientific or Both

3. Click on the family (or phylum for invertebrates). A species list will appear.

4. Click on the desired species. A box will appear by your mouse pointer, select the abundance code.

5. Mark abundance codes for all species seen that were positively identified during your survey.

Step Five: Unlisted Species

If you didn't find your fish on the Listed Species list, here's where you'll likely find it. Use the search bar to type in all or part of the name. Click on the species when you find it, and select the abundance in the pop up window. If you find a species and click on it, but it does NOT appear in the list above the search bar, that's because it's a Listed Species. But you can still add it from this page without going back to the Listed Species page. If you saw a species that you cannot find on this list, send an email to to request that it be added.

Step Six: Confirmation

This screen shows your survey in its entirety, with both Listed and Unlisted Species lists. Missing fields are marked in RED. Double check it for accuracy and then either "Save For Later" (in case you may need to add more species) or if you're all done with it, "Mark for Upload".

Step Seven: Upload Your Surveys

You'll need an internet connection for this step! If you are currently working on a survey and it's ready to go, click Upload Now. You will be asked whether you want to just submit this survey or all surveys that have been marked for upload. You can also access these options under the File menu.

You will receive amessage once your survey(s) upload successfully. *Note, you are not finished yet!* See Step Eight.

Step Eight: Log onto the REEF Online Data Entry Page to Error Check and Submit Your Survey

Go to and sign on using your member number and last name. Once past the address verification page, you'll see a list of your pending surveys. Click on each one of them, progress through error-checking and the final submission page. Only after hitting Submit is your survey completely finished and transmitted to REEF! After your survey(s) are submitted to REEF, it typically takes 1-3 weeks for final processing and error checking by REEF staff. After that, your surveys will be available online for viewing through the reporting features on

Thank you for using the REEF Data Entry Program!

We welcome your feedback and comments. Please send them to