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Geographic Zone Codes
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Zone List
0 -
1 - Bay of Bengal
11 - Bangladesh
12 - India
1201 - Puducherry
12010001 - Temple Reef
13 - Sri Lanka
2 - Maldives
21 - Far North Atolls
2101 - Haa Alif Atoll (North Thiladhunmathi)
21010001 - NW Uligamu / Uligan
21010002 - SW Uligamu / Uligan
2102 - Haa Dhaalu Atoll (South Thiladhunmathi)
22 - Northern Atolls
2201 - Shaviyani Atoll (North Miladhunmadulu)
2202 - Maamakunudhoo Atoll
2203 - Noonu Atoll (South Miladhunmadulu)
2204 - Raa Atoll (North Maalhosmadulu)
22040001 - Huruvalhi House Reef
22040002 - Vaadhoo Reef
22040003 - Huruvalhi Faru (Carpe Vita Resort House Reef)
22040004 - Beriyan Thila
2205 - Baa Atoll (South Maalhosmadulu)
22050001 - Dhonfanu Faru
22050002 - Kakaa Thila
22050003 - Ananthara Kihavah Faru
22050004 - Nelivaru Haa
22050005 - Kumadu / Kamadhoo
22050006 - Reethi Beach
22050007 - Hanifaru Bay
22050008 - Dhonfanu Thila
22050009 - Dharavandhoo
22050010 - Nelivaru Thila
22050011 - Dhigali Haa
22050012 - Madu Thila / Maahdu Giri
22050013 - Fares
22050014 - Yellow Wall / Kihaa Faru
22050015 - Dhigali Giri
22050016 - Maahdu House Reef
2206 - Lhaviyani Atoll (Faadhippolhu)
22060001 - Kuredu Express
22060002 - Zafari Reef
22060003 - Kuda Kandu
22060004 - Fushifaru Kandu
22060005 - Vavvaru Out Reef
22060006 - The Shipyard
22060007 - Kahlifushifaru Corner
22060008 - Nakolhu Giri
22060009 - Aquarium
22060010 - Tinga Giri
22060011 - Bodu Giri
22060012 - Latheef Reef
22060013 - Coral Garden
22060014 - Kuredu House Reef
22060015 - Kuredu Caves
22060016 - Naifaru House Reef East
22060017 - Naifaru House Reef West
22060018 - Naifaru Beyru
22060019 - Naifaru Vilu
22060020 - Powerhouse Point
2207 - Goidhu Atoll
2208 - Ghaafaru Atoll
2209 - Rasdhu / Rasdhoo Atoll
22090001 - Miyaru Faru
22090002 - North Channel
22090003 - Veligandu North
22090004 - Veligandu East
22090005 - Madivaru Corner
22090006 - Hammerhead Point
22090007 - Rasdhoo Reef
22090008 - Holi Faru
22090009 - Kuramathi Wreck
22090010 - Three Palms
22090011 - Bodu Gah
22090012 - Caves (Rasdhu)
22090013 - Bodu Ashey
22090014 - Rasdhoo Madivaru
22090015 - Manta Thila (Rasdhoo)
22090016 - Rasdhoo Manta Rock / Manta Point
23 - Ari and Male Atolls
2301 - North Male' Atoll (Kaafu Atoll)
23010001 - Ghadaffi's Place
23010002 - Helengeli House Reef
23010003 - Maha Thila
23010004 - Ali Giri
23010005 - Fairytale Reef
23010006 - Miayru Thila
23010007 - Kuda Kandu (North Male)
23010008 - Sleeping Shark
23010009 - Prisca Corner
23010010 - Prisca Head
23010011 - Meeru Corner
23010012 - Asdu House Reef
23010013 - Kandu Vah Giri
23010014 - Palm Reef
23010015 - Aquarium
23010016 - Kani Corner
23010017 - Myaru Lohwalu
23010018 - Paradise Manta Point
23010019 - HP Reef
23010020 - Lankan Manta Point
23010021 - Nassimo Thila
23010022 - Sunlight Thila
23010023 - Okobe Thila
23010024 - Kudu Vah Giri
23010025 - Fanhamas Thila
23010026 - Bandos Reef
23010027 - Bandos Rock
23010028 - Banana Reef (Hulhumale)
23010029 - Club Med House Reef
23010030 - Kurumba Faru House Reef
23010031 - Feydhoo Caves
23010032 - Maldive Victory Wreck
23010033 - Kikki Reef
23010034 - Kandu Thila
23010035 - Rasfari Corner
23010036 - Shark Point
23010037 - Rasfari Beyru
23010038 - Kuda Thila Boduhithi
23010039 - Boduhithi Thila
23010040 - Boduhithi House Reef
23010041 - Kuda Hithi House Reef
23010042 - Nakatcha Thila
23010043 - Neygey Thila
23010044 - Maska Reef
23010045 - Washimas Thila
23010046 - Madivaru Beyru
23010047 - Madi Gaa
23010048 - Ihi Gaa
23010049 - Blue Point
23010050 - Didi Gaa
23010051 - Summer Island House Reef
23010052 - West Point
23010053 - Blue Canyon
23010054 - Kuda Faru Shark Point
23010055 - Moosa Faru
23010056 - Eri Faru
23010057 - Eriyadu
23010058 - Bodu Adi
23010059 - Kahambu Thila
23010060 - Makunudu Inside
23010061 - Yellow Reef
23010062 - Makunudu House Reef
23010063 - Makanudu Giri
23010064 - Makanudu Faru
23010065 - Hembadhoo Wreck
23010066 - Thulhagiri House Reef
23010067 - Olahali Thila
23010068 - Kuda Hithi Giri
23010069 - Boduhithi Faru
23010070 - Fish Tank (Kaafu Atoll)
23010071 - Fish Factory
23010072 - Hulhumale Jetty
2302 - South Male' Atoll (Kaafu Atoll)
23020001 - Velassaru Thila
23020002 - Vaadhoo Kandu
23020003 - Embudu Channel
23020004 - Embudu Thila
23020005 - Stage Reef
23020006 - Medha Faru
23020007 - Kudagiri Wreck
23020008 - Hogura Hura
23020009 - Maafushi Corner
23020010 - Maafushi Outside
23020011 - Cocoa Outside
23020012 - Cocoa Corner
23020013 - Kandooma Thila
23020014 - Kandooma Caves
23020015 - Napoleon Reef
23020016 - Lhosfushi Kuda Kandu (north of channel)
23020017 - Manta Point
23020018 - Banana Reef (South Male Islands)
23020019 - Aquarium
23020020 - Guraidhoo Channel South
23020021 - Medu Faru
23020022 - Guraidhoo Corner / Losfushi (south of channel)
23020023 - Fihalhohi Faru Tila
23020024 - Fihalhohi Paradise
23020025 - Fihalhohi Housereef North
23020026 - Fihalhohi Housereef East
23020027 - Olhuveli Resort Housereef
23020028 - Bodu Hura
23020029 - Olhuveli Outside
23020030 - Rihiveli Wreck
23020031 - Ranikan
23020032 - Vari Giri Pinnacle
23020033 - Vilivaru Giri / Virivalu Giri
23020034 - Fan Giri
23020035 - Sexy Beach (near Maafushi)
2303 - Ari Atoll
23030001 - Thinfushi Thila
23030002 - Dive Base Albatross House Reef
23030003 - Maaya Thila / Maya Thila
23030004 - Maayafushi Bay
23030005 - Halaveli Wreck
23030006 - Bathalaa Thila
23030007 - Bathalaa Maagaa Kan Thila
23030008 - Ran Faru
23030009 - Maalhos Thila
23030010 - Manta Passe
23030011 - Fesdhu Wreck
23030012 - Ellaidhoo House Reef
23030013 - Mushimasmigili
23030014 - Himendhoo Thila
23030015 - Moofushi
23030016 - Omadhu Thila
23030017 - Ali Thila
23030018 - Veli Kandu
23030019 - Panetone / Pannettoni
23030020 - Dhegaa Thila
23030021 - Mahibadhoo Rocks / Machibadhoo Manta
23030022 - Bodumiyarugau
23030023 - Rahdhigga Island House Reef
23030024 - Rah Dhigga Thila / Aiyabe Thila Hollywood
23030025 - Dhigu Thila
23030026 - Aiyabe Thila
23030027 - Vilamendhoo Thila
23030028 - Ranvelhi Thila
23030029 - Amazing Reef
23030030 - Bobana Thila / Angaga Thila
23030031 - Goh Raalhu Thila
23030032 - Rangali Madivaru (north side of channel)
23030033 - Rangali Madivaru / Manta Point (south side of channel)
23030034 - Kudhimaa Wreck (Machchafushi House Reef NE side)
23030035 - Machchafushi House Reef (SW side)
23030036 - Machchafushi Wreck (South side of resort)
23030037 - Ranvelli Village House Reef
23030038 - Dangethi Thila
23030039 - Dangethi Port
23030040 - Kahambu Giri
23030041 - Kuda Thila
23030042 - Thinfushi Beyru Thila
23030043 - Five Rocks
23030044 - Broken Rock
23030045 - Kudarah Thila
23030046 - Dhigu Rah Beyru Thila
23030047 - Aah Thila
23030048 - Bodufinolhu Thila
23030049 - Sun Island House Reef
23030050 - Maamigili Beyru
23030051 - Maamigili Corner
23030052 - Ariyadhoo Corner / Ariyadhoo NW side
23030053 - Kudadhoo Corner
23030054 - Dhidhoo Beru
23030055 - Ari Beache Beru
23030056 - Hafsa Thila (Ari)
23030057 - Holiday Thila
23030058 - Fish Head
23030059 - En Mas Thila
23030060 - Ellaidhoo Thila
23030061 - Dhigu Rah Thila
23030062 - Beyru Thila
23030063 - Lha Miyara Gaa Thila
23030064 - Athabu Thila
23030065 - Angaga Island Resort
23030066 - Miyarugaa Thila
23030067 - Bulhaa Lhahi Thila
23030068 - Mandhoo Thila
23030069 - Kandholhu Dhoo
23030070 - Orimas Thila
23030073 - Ukulhas Thila
23030074 - Thoddu
23030075 - Thundu Fushi Thila
23030076 - Thinfushi Kuda Thila
23030077 - Hudhu Thila
23030078 - Dhonkalo Thila
23030079 - Moofushi Rocks / Manta Point
23030080 - Dhigga Thila
23030081 - Rehi Thila
23030082 - Dhigu Rah Arches
23030083 - Sun Island Outer Reef
23030084 - Mirihi Giri (South Ari)
23030085 - Inchi Island / Lhohi Reef (South Ari)
23030086 - Bathalaa Faru Jetty
23030087 - Dhigurashu
23030088 - Dhigurah Out
23030089 - Bulhalohi Caves / Bulhaa Lhohi Caves
23030090 - Lily Beach Resort
23030091 - Gangehi
23030092 - Holholla Thila / Hohola Thila
23030093 - Fesdhoo Lagoon / Fesdhu Lagoon
23030094 - Mirihi House Reef
23030095 - Dhangethi Finholu
23030096 - Dhangethi Lagoon
24 - Southern Atolls
2401 - Vaavu Atoll (Felidhu Atoll)
24010001 - Kudiboli Kandu
24010002 - Fulidhoo Caves
24010003 - The Wall
24010004 - Alimathaa Kandu
24010005 - Alimathaa / Alimatta Jetty
24010006 - Miyara Kandu / Shark Point
24010007 - Dhevana / Dhewana Kandu
24010008 - Felidhoo Kandu
24010009 - Lhiththolhu Kandu
24010010 - Fushi Kandu
24010011 - Fotteyo Kandu / Hurahu Kandu
24010012 - East Point
24010013 - Rakeedhoo Corner / Rakeedhoo Faru
24010014 - Mathaa Giri
24010015 - Anbara Giri
24010016 - Vali Thila
24010017 - Dhakunu Kandu / Dekunu Kandu
24010018 - Hanjehi Giri
24010019 - Kahabu Giri
24010020 - Batha Giri
24010021 - Sara's Thila
24010022 - Fushi Faru
24010023 - Geydhoshu Thila
24010024 - Faru Kolhu
24010025 - Thila Bari
24010026 - Medhu Kandu
24010027 - Maffassaru Giri
24010028 - Vashu Giri
24010029 - Kudhibili Giri
24010030 - Kunaveshi Coral
2402 - Meemu Atoll (Mulakatholhu)
24020001 - Vattaru Kandu
24020002 - Vanhuravalhi Kandu
24020003 - Shark's Tongue
24020004 - Mantas and More
24020005 - Boahura Express
24020006 - Chapati Tilas
24020007 - Pretty in Pink
24020008 - Simply the Best
24020009 - Picasso
24020010 - Medhufushi Tila
24020011 - Rayvilla Wreck
24020012 - Dhekuna Thila
24020013 - Kurali Beru
24020014 - Vangurar Alhi
24020015 - Dhigaru Hulba
24020016 - Meemu Mulee Begru
24020017 - Molham Kaholu
2403 - Faafu Atoll (North Nilandhe Atoll)
24030001 - Filitheyo Outside
24030002 - Filitheyo Housereef
2404 - Dhaalu Atoll (South Nilandhe Atoll)
24040001 - Meedhoo Caves
24040002 - Velavaru Kandu
24040003 - Velavaru Thila
24040004 - Bandidhoo Giri
2405 - Thaa Atoll (Kolhumadulu)
24050001 - Dhiffushi Kandu
24050002 - Dhiyamigili
2406 - Laamu Atoll (Hadhdhunmathi)
24060001 - Isdhoo
24060002 - Maabaidhoo Kandu
24060003 - Mundoo Kandu
2407 - Huvadhu Atoll
24070001 - Vilingili Kandu
24070002 - Kuredhdhoo Kandu
24070003 - Nilandhoo Kandu
24070004 - Nilandhoo Giri
24070005 - Hafsa Thila
24070006 - Maafushi Beru
24070007 - Short Cut Channel
24070008 - Meradhoo Kandu
24070009 - Meradhoo Thila
24070010 - Dhevana Thila
24070011 - Hootu Kandu
24070012 - Kaadedhdhoo Kandu
24070013 - Kondey Kandu
24070014 - Dhiyadhoo
24070015 - Maarehaa Kandu
24070016 - Vaadhoo Thila
24070017 - Mofzaa Thila
24070018 - Vodamulaa
25 - Far South Atolls
2501 - Fuvahmulah (Gnaviyani Atoll)
25010001 - Fuvahmulah North
25010002 - Fuvahmulah South
2502 - Addu Atoll (Seenu Atoll)
25020001 - Mudakan
25020002 - British Loyalty Wreck
25020003 - Kuda Kandu
25020004 - Demon Point
25020005 - Bushy East
25020006 - Maa Kandu
25020007 - Maa Kandu Beru
25020008 - Vilingili (Addu Atoll)
3 - Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Aden
31 - Pakistan
32 - Iran
33 - Kuwait
34 - Saudi Arabia (East Coast)
35 - Qatar
36 - United Arab Emirates (UAE)
3601 - Northern Coast UAE
36010001 - Sunset Mall Beach
36010002 - Sunset Kite Beach
36010003 - Jumeirah 3 Beach
36010004 - Roda Beach (Dubai)
3602 - Eastern Coast UAE
36020001 - Snoopy Island (Fujairah)
36020002 - Dibba Rock
37 - Oman
3701 - South / Southeast Coast Oman (Yemen Border - Ras Al Haad)
37010001 - Ras Mirbat
37010002 - Marriott Wreck
37010003 - Hamdis Block
37010004 - Wreck Concrete City (near Salalah)
37010005 - Clorex
37010006 - Frankenstein
37010007 - Mirbat Valley
37010008 - Chinese Wreck / China Wreck
37010009 - Bird Island
37010010 - Barco Block
37010011 - Ramal Qana
37010012 - Eagle Bay
37010013 - Tina's Valley
37010014 - Betang Sanch / Wokan Wreck (near Raz al Jinz Turtle Reserve)
37010015 - Turtle Beach Point Rocks
3702 - Hallaniyat Islands
37020001 - The Cave (Hasikiyah Island)
37020002 - Mini Gozo / The Arch (Hasikiyah Island)
37020003 - Coral Bay (Hasikiyah Island)
37020004 - Fish Highway (Schmies Island)
37020005 - Angry Grouper (Schmies Island)
37020006 - Schmies Fingers (Schmies Island)
37020007 - Qibliyah Rock (Al Qibliyah Island)
37020008 - Gotta Qibliyah (Al Qibliyah Island)
37020009 - Gotta Schmies (Schmies Island)
37020011 - The Aquarium (Hasikayah Island)
37020012 - The Plateau (Hasikayah Island)
37020013 - Coral Garden (Al Sawda)
37020014 - Farsha (Al Sawda)
37020015 - Schmies Wall (Schmies Island)
37020016 - Canal Garden (Al Qibliyah)
3703 - Masirah Island
37030001 - Shab Tawil / Tawiel Reef
37030002 - Bovy Reef
37030003 - Masirah Channel
37030004 - Ras Kaydah Point
3704 - Northeast Coast Oman (west of Ras Al Haad)
37040001 - Al Munassir Wreck
37040002 - Turtle Reef Near Al Munassir Wreck
37040003 - Jissah Point
37040004 - Seahorse
37040005 - Mermaid Cove
37040006 - Decorator Bay
37040007 - Al-Bustan Palace (Ritz) Rocks
3705 - Daymaniyat Islands
37050001 - Aquarium
37050002 - Sira North (Sira)
37050003 - Sira South (Sira)
37050004 - Mouse Trap (Sira)
37050005 - Tito's Run (Police Island)
37050006 - Police Run (Police Island)
37050007 - Junn Center Wall (Junn Island)
37050008 - Three Sisters (Police Island)
3706 - Fahal Island
37060001 - Fahal Island North
37060002 - Fahal Island Coral Gardens
37060003 - Fahal Island West Side
38 - Yemen (South Coast / Socotra)
3801 - Socotra (Yemen)
4 - Red Sea
41 - Yemen (West Coast and Islands)
42 - Saudi Arabia (West Coast)
4201 - Saudi Arabia side Gulf of Aqaba
4202 - Tiran and nearby islands (Saudi Arabia)
42020001 - Tiran 1
42020002 - Tiran 2
42020003 - Tiran 3
42020004 - Abo Korosh
42020005 - El Ashka
4203 - Tabuk, Madinah provinces (N. Red Sea Saudi Arabia)
42030001 - Breka
42030002 - Aramco
42030003 - Cement Factory Base
42030004 - Cement Factory Lakok Base
42030005 - Cement Factory 1
42030006 - Cement Factory Shark Bay
42030007 - Cement Open Water
42030008 - Henw 1
42030009 - Henw 2
42030010 - Henw 3
42030011 - Yanbou Sharm Sunken Boat
42030012 - Yanbou Ras El Akhdar
42030013 - Yanbou Ras El Akhdar 2
42030014 - Yanbou Kornish 1
42030015 - Yanbou Kornish 2
42030016 - Yanbou Arak
42030017 - Yanbou IONA Wreck
42030018 - Yanbou Abo Galawa
42030019 - Yanbou Seven Sisters North Island
42030020 - Yanbou Seven Sisters Middle Island
42030021 - Yanbou Seven Sisters South Island
42030022 - Yanbou Kaysareya
42030023 - Yanbou Kaysareya 2
42030024 - Yanbou Coste
4204 - Makkah province (Central Red Sea Saudi Arabia)
42040001 - Rabigh Beach
42040002 - Sheraton Red Sea Beach Club (Obhur)
42040003 - Shark Reef West (offshore)
42040004 - Shark Reef East (inshore)
42040005 - KAUST King Abdullah Monument
42040006 - Sheb Nizar South
42040007 - Rose Reef
42040008 - Al Fahal North
42040009 - Abu Shosha
42040010 - Tahlah North
42040011 - Tahlah South
42040012 - Jeddah Shoebaa
42040013 - Jeddah Dream Divers Spot
42040014 - Mastura
42040015 - La Plage Beach Resort
42040016 - New Jeddah Front Beach
42040017 - El Badei Coste
42040018 - Duqise Island
4205 - Asir and Jizan provinces (S. Red Sea Saudi Arabia
420501 - Farasan Island
42050101 - Farasan Island East
43 - Jordan
4301 - Gulf of Aqaba Jordan side
43010001 - Cazar Reef / First Bay South
43010002 - King Abdullah Reef
43010004 - Rainbow Reef / Cable Reef
43010005 - Cedar Pride Wreck
43010006 - Japanese Gardens
43010007 - Seven Sisters
43010008 - C-130 Hercules Aircraft Wreck
43010009 - First Bay North
43010010 - South of King Abdullah Reef (Aqaba Beach)
44 - Israel
44000001 - Satil Wreck
44000002 - Princess Beach
44000003 - Underwater Restaurant HaSela Beach, Eilat
44000004 - The Sisters (Migdalor Beach)
44000005 - Eilat Coral Beach Nature Reserve
44000006 - Table Corals (Eilat)
44000007 - Lighthouse (Eilat)
45 - Egypt
4501 - Sinai Peninsula
45010001 - SS Thistlegorm Wreck
45010002 - Lighthouse (Dahab)
45010003 - House Reef Right (Big Blue Dahab)
45010004 - Eel Garden
45010005 - Mashraba
45010006 - House Reef Left (Big Blue Dahab)
45010007 - Bannerfish Bay
45010008 - Um Sid (Dahab)
45010009 - The Caves (Dahab)
45010010 - El Bells - Blue Hole
45010011 - Blue Hole Right Side
45010012 - Canyon Gardens
45010013 - The Canyon
45010014 - The Islands
45010015 - Golden Blocks to Moray Garden
45010016 - Moray Garden Right
45010017 - Moray Garden Left
45010018 - Gabr el-Bint North (Dahab)
45010019 - Gabr el-Bint South (Dahab)
45010020 - Golden Blocks Left
45010021 - Sheraton (Sharm El Sheikh)
45010022 - Kingston Wreck
45010023 - Jackfish Alley (Ras Mohammed National Park)
45010024 - Jackson Reef (off Tiran Island)
45010025 - Gordon Reef (off Tiran Island)
45010026 - Thomas Reef (off Tiran Island)
45010027 - Shark and Yolanda Reef
45010029 - Dunraven Wreck (Sha'ab Mahmodat)
45010030 - Sha'ab Ali / Shaab Ali
45010031 - Shag Rock
45010032 - The Alternatives (Sha'abel-Utat)
45010033 - Anemone City
45010034 - Ras Fanar Lighthouse (Mangrove Island - Ras Mohammed)
45010035 - Fayroza Beach (Nuwaibaa)
45010036 - Duna Corals (Nuwaibaa)
45010037 - Tarabin (Nuwaibaa)
45010038 - Sinai Beach (Nuwaibaa)
45010039 - Banana Beach (Nuwaibaa)
45010040 - Botcha (Nuwaibaa)
45010041 - Kum Kum (Nuwaibaa)
45010042 - Salah El Din Castle (Pharoahs Island)
45010043 - Firan Valley (Fjord Bay)
45010044 - Solar Lake
45010045 - Taba Heights
45010046 - Orascom Beach
45010047 - Taba 1
45010048 - Three Pools
45010049 - Mahmoudat
45010050 - Ras Fanar (Ras Mohamed Nature Preserve)
4502 - Suez to Hurghada
45020001 - Rosalie Moller Wreck
45020002 - Sha'ab Reef (Abu Nuhas)
45020003 - Wreck of the Tiles / Chrisoula K Wreck / Marcus Wreck - Abu Nuhas
45020004 - Dolphin House / Sha'ab El Erg (10 miles NE of Hurghada)
45020005 - El Fanous / Lighthouse / Torfa Fanous East
45020006 - El Mina Wreck
45020007 - Small Giftun Island South / Divers Alley
45020008 - Abu Hashish Sud
45020009 - Sud Abu Ramada / South Abu Ramada / Carlsons Corner
45020010 - Turft el Shahed (Small Giftun Island)
45020011 - Balena Wreck
45020012 - Sea Star Beau Rivage Hotel
45020013 - Shabh Abou Galawa
45020014 - Abu Galawa
45020015 - Fanadier North
45020016 - Gota Abu Ramada
45020017 - Ghiannis D. Wreck (Abu Nuhas)
45020018 - Gubal Barge (Gubal Island)
45020019 - Bluff Point (Small Gubal Island)
45020020 - Small Giftun Island Police Station
45020021 - Umm Gammar (Mother of the Moon)
45020022 - Shaab Iris
45020023 - Fanadier South
45020024 - El Fanous West
45020025 - Marriott Beach Resort Snorkel
45020026 - Poseidon's Garden (Shaab el Erg)
45020027 - Ulysses Wreck
45020028 - Gezira Syul Kebir
45020029 - Lagoon on Abu Nuhas
45020030 - Wreck of the Carnatic / Carnatik (Abu Nuhas)
45020031 - El Malik
45020032 - Ras Disha
45020033 - Erg So Maya (Small Giftun)
45020034 - Turtle Bay
45020035 - Ain Sokhna (Gulf of Suez)
45020036 - Cancun Beach (Gulf of Suez)
45020037 - Abu Zneima (Gulf of Suez)
45020038 - Der (Gulf of Suez)
45020039 - Ras Shoqir (Gulf of Suez)
45020040 - Gobel Kaber North Fanar
45020041 - Gobel Kaber Fasma
45020042 - Gobel Kaber South
45020043 - Gobel Kaber Surface Wreck
45020044 - Tawilah Resort
45020045 - Onghosh
45020046 - Seyal Small
45020047 - Erk Kaber Fanar
45020048 - Erk Kaber Open Water
45020049 - Erk Kaber Betaan
45020050 - Erk Sagher Lagoon
45020051 - Erk Sagher Fanar
45020052 - Abu Nugar
45020053 - Soma Bay North Point
45020054 - Shedwan North Point
45020055 - Shedwan Abo Edam
45020056 - Shedwan Bura
45020057 - Shedwan Middle Part
45020058 - Shedwan South Point
45020059 - Shedwan South Fanar
45020060 - Shedwan Dehar 1
45020061 - Shedwan Dehar 2
45020062 - Shedwan Dehar 3
45020063 - Abu Nuhas Reef (outside lagoon)
4503 - S. of Hurghada to Quseir
45030001 - Ras Abu Soma
45030002 - Panorama Reef
45030003 - Salem Express Wreck
45030004 - Abu Soma Garden
45030005 - Tobia Arbaa
45030006 - North GT Isle (Soma Bay)
45030007 - East GT Isle (Soma Bay)
450301 - Big and Little Brother Islands
45030101 - Little Brother Island
45030102 - SW Wall Little Brother Island
45030103 - Big Brother Island
45030104 - West Wall of Big Brother Island
45030105 - South End of Big Brother Island
45030106 - Numidia Wreck (Big Brother Island)
45030107 - East Wall of Big Brother Island
4504 - S. of Quseir to Sudan Border (incl. Halaib Triangle)
45040001 - Marsa Shona / Marsa Shouna / Shoab El Shouna
45040002 - Elphinstone Reef
45040003 - Sha'ab Sharm
45040004 - Gota Sheleniat
45040005 - Marsa Abou Dabbab North
45040006 - Marsa Abou Dabbab South
45040007 - Sharm Abou Dabbab
45040008 - Marsa Hermez North
45040009 - Marsa Shagra North
45040010 - Marsa Shagra South
45040011 - Marsa Gabal El Rosas
45040012 - Gorgonia Beach
45040013 - Hankorab
45040014 - Siyal Island / Jazirat Suyul
45040015 - Um El Sheikh Island
45040016 - Marsa Mobarak North
45040017 - Marsa Mobarak South
45040018 - Abou Nawas Garden
45040019 - Torombi
45040020 - Sha'ab Abu Dabab 2 / Abu Dabab North
45040021 - Sha'ab Abu Dabab South
45040022 - Sha'ab Abu Dabab 4
45040023 - Marsa Nakari North
45040024 - Marsa Nakari South
45040025 - Wadi El Gemal House Reef
45040026 - Ras Baghdady
45040027 - Marsa Umm El Abbas
45040028 - Sha'ab Gubar
45040029 - Almathuf
45040030 - Marsa Moren North
45040031 - Marsa Moren South
45040032 - Sha'ab Abu Dabab 3
45040033 - Umm Halhala North
45040034 - Umm Halhala South
45040035 - Dream Lagoon
45040036 - Blue Lagoon
45040037 - Emerald Lagoon
45040038 - Marsa Egla North
45040039 - Marsa Egla South
45040040 - Marsa Asalaya North
45040041 - Marsa Asalaya South
45040042 - Marsa Sefen
45040043 - Shaab Samadai Cave
45040044 - Shaab Samadai South Pinnacles
45040045 - Shaab Samadai Torpha
45040046 - Marsa Shouna South
45040047 - Marsa Shouna North
45040048 - Shaab Marsa Alam
45040049 - Lagoon View
45040050 - Abo Ramad 1
45040051 - Abo Ramad 2
45040052 - Debya
45040053 - Fandiraa
45040054 - Shalateen 1
45040055 - Shalateen 2
45040056 - Halyeb Bay Outlet
45040057 - Halyeb Bay Middle
45040058 - Halyeb Condenser
45040059 - El Ghadear
45040060 - SE Siyal Bommies
45040061 - Siyal Island Shore
45040062 - Shaab Abu Dabbab 1
45040063 - Shaab Abu Dabbab 5
450401 - Daedalus Reef
45040101 - Daedalus Reef (NE tip)
45040102 - Daedalus Reef (South end)
45040103 - Daedalus Reef (West side)
45040104 - Anemone City (Daedalus NW)
45040105 - Daedalus Reef (SE side)
450402 - Fury Shoals and nearby islands
45040201 - Sha'ab Claudia / Claude / Claudio
45040202 - Sataya / Dolphin Reef
45040203 - Sha'ab Hamam
45040204 - Abou Galawa Soraya
45040205 - Malahi / Malahy
45040206 - Satayh South
45040207 - Gota Satya
45040208 - Gota Heaven
45040209 - Sha'ab Maksour South
450403 - St. Johns and nearby islands
45040301 - Umm Khararem (St. Johns Cave)
45040302 - Umm Eruk (St. Johns)
45040303 - Paradise (St. Johns)
45040304 - Goataa Soraya / Small Gota (St. Johns)
45040305 - Goataa Kebir / Big Gota (St. Johns)
45040306 - Dangerous Reef (St. Johns)
45040307 - Zabargad Island
45040308 - Rocky Island
45040309 - Habil Ali (St. Johns)
45040310 - Small Habili
45040311 - El Orug
45040312 - Sirinata (Mukawwa Island)
45040313 - Habili Jaffa
46 - Sudan
4601 - Sanganeb National Park
46010001 - Sankaneb East
46010002 - Sankaneb West
47 - Eritrea
48 - Djibouti
5 - South Africa East Coast
51 - Somalia
52 - Kenya
5201 - Kenya Northern Border to North of Malindi (Galana River)
52010001 - Kiungamwine Island Centre
52010002 - Kiungamwine Island North
52010003 - Kiungamwine Island South
52010004 - Kiwayu Island Centre
52010005 - Kiwayu Island North
52010006 - Kiwayu Island South
52010007 - Pate Island Central
52010008 - Pate Island North
52010009 - Pate Island South
52010010 - Manda Island Central
52010011 - Manda Island North
52010012 - Manda Island South
52010013 - Mandatani Reef
52010014 - Lamu Central
52010015 - Lamu North
52010016 - Lamu South
5202 - North Coast Kenya (Malindi to North of Mombasa)
52020001 - South Reef (Watamu Marine Park)
52020002 - Blue Lagoon (Malindi)
52020003 - Casuarina Point (Malindi)
52020004 - Giriama Caves (Malindi)
52020005 - Lionfish Colony (Malindi)
52020006 - Lobster (Malindi)
52020007 - Malindi 1 (Malindi)
52020008 - Malindi 2 (Malindi)
52020009 - Marine Park (Malindi)
52020010 - Marine Park Caves (Malindi)
52020011 - North Reef (Malindi)
52020012 - Papa (Malindi)
52020013 - Sardinia Reef (Malindi)
52020014 - Shark Rock (Malindi)
52020015 - Tewa 1 (Malindi)
52020016 - Tewa 2 (Malindi)
52020017 - Turtle Island (Malindi)
52020018 - Anthias (Watamu)
52020019 - Barracuda Reef (Watamu)
52020020 - Black Coral (Watamu)
52020021 - Brain Coral (Watamu)
52020022 - Canyon (Watamu)
52020023 - Canyon North (Watamu)
52020024 - Canyon South (Watamu)
52020025 - Coral Gardens (Watamu
52020026 - Crackers (Watamu)
52020027 - Deep Place (Watamu)
52020028 - Dolphin Point (Watamu)
52020029 - Drummers Reef (Watamu)
52020030 - Kushanga Reef (Watamu)
52020031 - Moray Reef (Watamu)
52020032 - Moray North (Watamu)
52020033 - Mida wreck (Watamu)
52020034 - Octopus Reef (Watamu)
52020035 - Red Fire (Watamu)
52020036 - Secret Garden (Watamu)
52020037 - Soft Coral (Watamu)
52020038 - South Dolphin Point (Watamu)
52020039 - Turtle Reef (Watamu)
52020040 - Kanamai 1 (Mtwapa)
52020041 - Kanamai 2 (Mtwapa)
52020042 - Mesa (Mtwapa)
52020043 - Mtwapa (Mtwapa)
52020044 - Kuruwitu Marine Sanctuary (Kijangwani)
52020045 - Kuruwitu Reef Star Restoration Site (Kijunwani)
52020046 - Vipingo (Kijangwani)
52020047 - Vuma Caves (Takaunga)
52020048 - Vuma Rocks (Takaunga)
52020049 - White House (Kijangwani)
52020050 - Bamburi Coral Gardens (Mombasa)
52020051 - Brain Coral (Mombasa)
52020052 - Coral Seaside (Mombasa)
52020053 - Kasa / Green Turtle Reef (Mombasa)
52020054 - Lobster Bank (Mombasa)
52020056 - Malaika (Mombasa)
52020057 - Mombasa 2 (Mombasa)
52020058 - MS Globe Star Wreck (Mombasa)
52020059 - Mushroom (Mombasa)
52020060 - MV Dania wreck (Mombasa)
52020061 - Nyali Reef (Mombasa)
52020062 - Paradise (Mtwapa)
52020063 - Rasiwatine (Mombasa)
52020064 - Sandy Ray / Stingray City (Mombasa)
52020065 - Shark Point (Mombasa)
52020066 - The Pinnacles (Mtwapa)
52020067 - Tusker (Mombasa)
52020068 - Barracuda Channel (Malindi)
5203 - South Coast Kenya (Mombasa to Kenya southern border)
52030001 - Kisite Point (Kisite Marine Park)
52030002 - Shelley Corner (South of Mombasa)
52030003 - The Wall (South of Mombasa)
52030004 - Camp Site (Waa)
52030005 - Capricho (Waa)
52030006 - Kasa Kubwa (Waa)
52030007 - Kikadini (Waa)
52030008 - Miru (Waa)
52030009 - Pongwe (Waa)
52030010 - Samaki Mbiwi (Waa)
52030011 - Twiga (Waa)
52030012 - Waa Corals (Waa)
52030013 - Waa Ufa (Waa)
52030014 - Waa Wreck / HMS Hilday (Waa)
52030015 - Kongo (Tiwi)
52030016 - Maweni (Tiwi)
52030017 - Mwachema (Tiwi)
52030018 - Tiwi Wall (Tiwi)
52030019 - Baobab (Diani Beach)
52030020 - Galu (Diani Beach)
52030021 - Igloo (Diani Beach)
52030022 - Jadini (Diani Beach)
52030023 - Kisima Mungu (Diani Beach)
52030024 - MV Alpha Funguo wreck (Diani Beach)
52030025 - Mwanamochi (Diani Beach)
52030026 - New Place (Diani Beach)
52030027 - Nomads (Diani Beach)
52030028 - Nyuki (Diani Beach)
52030029 - Shark Alley (Diani Beach)
52030030 - Swahili Nurseries (Diani Beach)
52030031 - Chale Corner (Chale Island)
52030032 - Dzinani (Kinondo)
52030033 - Gazi (Chale Island)
52030034 - Kinondo Reef (Kinondo)
52030035 - Maftaha (Kinondo)
52030036 - Maisha Marefu (Kinondo)
52030037 - Mkurumuji (Chale Island)
52030038 - Msambweni (Chale Island)
52030039 - Mtumbawe (Chale Island)
52030040 - Mwabungu (Kinondo)
52030041 - Mwanyaza (Kinondo)
52030042 - Papa Mashilingi (Chale Island)
52030043 - Shimo la Samaki (Chale Island)
52030044 - Zigzag (Chale Island)
52030045 - Coral Garden (Kisite)
52030046 - Dolphin Point (Kisite)
52030047 - Home Reef (Wasini Island)
52030048 - Inner Kisite (Kisite Island)
52030049 - Nyali Reef (Kisite)
52030050 - Outer Kisite (Kisite Island)
52030051 - Pink Reef (Kisite)
52030052 - Secret Place (Kisite)
52030053 - Shimo Ndogo (Kisite)
52030054 - Birthday Reef
52030055 - Lucky Chance (Mombasa)
53 - Tanzania
5301 - Zanzibar and surrounding islands
53010001 - Wattabomi (Mnemba Atoll)
53010002 - Kichuani (Mnemba Atoll)
53010003 - Aquarium (Mnemba Atoll)
53010004 - Big Wall (Mnemba Atoll)
53010005 - Deep Blue (Mnemba Atoll)
53010006 - Deep Drift Dives (Mnemba Atoll)
53010007 - Drift Dives (Mnemba Atoll)
53010008 - Grouper's Rock (Mnemba Atoll)
53010009 - Jack Fish Spot (Mnemba Atoll)
53010010 - Maxxani Wall (Mnemba Atoll)
53010011 - Sand Banks (Mnemba Atoll)
53010012 - Small Wall (Mnemba Atoll)
53010013 - Turtle Reef (Mnemba Atoll)
53010014 - West Bank (Mnemba Atoll)
53010015 - West Gardens (Mnemba Atoll)
53010016 - Ametatu (Zanzibar North)
53010017 - Chakatuni (Zanzibar North)
53010018 - Haji (Zanzibar North)
53010019 - Hunga (Zanzibar North)
53010020 - Kichafi (Zanzibar North)
53010021 - Kendwa Reef (Zanzibar North)
53010022 - Leon's Wall (Zanzibar North)
53010023 - Leven Bank (Zanzibar North)
53010024 - Mbwangawa (Zanzibar North)
53010025 - Misoli (Zanzibar North)
53010026 - Muyuni Plate Corals (Zanzibar North)
53010027 - Nankiville (Zanzibar North)
53010028 - Renco Bommi (Zanzibar North)
53010029 - Shane's Reef (Zanzibar North)
53010030 - Haunted Wall (Tumbatu Island)
53010031 - Mwana Wa Mwana (Tumbatu Island)
53010032 - Shetani (Tumbatu Island)
53010033 - Aquarium (Zanzibar West)
53010034 - Bawe Island (Zanzibar West)
53010035 - Pange Reef (Zanzibar West)
53010036 - Pinnacles (Zanzibar West)
53010037 - The Great Northern wreck (Zanzibar West)
53010038 - The Royal Navy Lighter wreck (Zanzibar West)
53010039 - Two Stones (Zanzibar West)
53010040 - Ukumbe Reef (Zanzibar West)
53010041 - Cement Wall (Zanzibar South-Central)
53010042 - Kizidi Reef (Zanzibar South-Central)
5302 - Tanga Region
53020001 - Kirui Island North (KIMR)
53020002 - Kirui Island South (KIMR)
53020003 - Kwale Island North (KWMR)
53020004 - Kwale Island South (KWMR)
53020005 - Ulenge Island North (UMR)
53020006 - Ulenge Island South (UMR)
53020007 - Karange Island (TACMP)
53020008 - Toten Island (TACMP)
53020009 - Yambe Island (TACMP)
53020010 - Fungu Datcha (MAMR)
53020011 - Fungu Sineeha (MAMR)
53020012 - Fungu Ushongo (MAMR)
53020013 - Kipumbwe Reefs (MAMR)
53020014 - Masera (MAMR)
53020015 - Maziwi Isand (MAMR)
5303 - Pemba Island
53030001 - Fundu Reef - Coral Garden (Pemba North)
53030002 - Fundu Reef - Crack (Pemba North)
53030003 - Fundu Reef - Mandela Wall (Pemba North)
53030004 - Fundu Reef - Pinnacle (Pemba North)
53030005 - Fundu Reef - South Wall (Pemba North)
53030006 - Jahazi Reef (Pemba North)
53030007 - Kokota Reef (Pemba North)
53030008 - Manta Point (Pemba North)
53030009 - Njau Gap Coral Garden (Pemba North)
53030010 - Njau Gap Northern Reef (Pemba North)
53030011 - Njau Gap Southern Reef (Pemba North)
53030012 - Pole Pole Mountain (Pemba North)
53030013 - Scorpion's Secret (Pemba North)
53030014 - Shimba Hills (Pemba North)
53030015 - Shimba Wall (Pemba North)
53030016 - Slip Stream (Pemba North)
53030017 - Swiss Reef (Pemba North)
53030018 - The Cave (Pemba North)
53030019 - The Dolphins (Pemba North)
53030020 - The Edge (Pemba North)
53030021 - Three Sisters (Pemba North)
53030022 - Uvinje Gap Northern Wall (Pemba North)
53030023 - Uvinje Gap Southern Wall (Pemba North)
53030024 - Misali Island 1 (Pemba South)
53030025 - Misali Island - Coral Mountains (Pemba South)
53030026 - Misali Island - Kilimanjaro (Pemba South)
53030027 - Misali Island - Makarere Reef (Pemba South)
53030028 - Misali Island - Mapinduzi Reef (Pemba South)
53030029 - Panza - Emerald Reef (Pemba South)
53030030 - Panza - Paraportiani wreck (Pemba South)
53030031 - Turtle Reef (Pemba South)
5304 - Pwani Region
5305 - Dar es Salaam Region
53050001 - MV Nyassa wreck (Dar es Salaam)
53050002 - Fungu Yasini Reef (Dar es Salaam)
53050003 - Msasani Peninsula (Dar es Salaam)
53050004 - Mbuamaji Reef (Dar es Salaam)
53050005 - Bongoyo Reef (Dar es Salaam)
53050006 - Mbudya Patches (Dar es Salaam)
53050007 - Mbudya Reef (Dar es Salaam)
53050008 - Kendwa Island (Dar es Salaam)
53050009 - Makatumbe Islands - inner (Dar es Salaam)
53050010 - Makatumbe Islands - outer (Dar es Salaam)
53050011 - Mwamba Kikwero (Dar es Salaam)
53050012 - Mwamba Mkadya (Dar es Salaam)
53050013 - Pangavini Reef (Dar es Salaam)
53050014 - Sinda Islands - inner (Dar es Salaam)
53050015 - Sinda Islands - outer (Dar es Salaam)
5306 - Mafia Island
53060001 - Bwejuu Island (Mafia Island West)
53060002 - Mange Reef (Mafia Island South)
53060003 - Kitutia Reef (Mafia Island South)
53060004 - Chekechea (Chole Bay)
53060005 - Chole Reef (Chole Bay)
53060006 - Coral Garden (Chole Bay)
53060007 - Coral Islands (Chole Bay)
53060008 - Corinne's Reef (Chole Bay)
53060009 - Critter's Alley (Chole Bay)
53060010 - Danii's Reef (Chole Bay)
53060011 - Frogfish Town (Chole Bay)
53060012 - Kinasi Pass (Chole Bay)
53060013 - Kinasi Wall (Chole Bay)
53060014 - Kwaza's Reef (Chole Bay)
53060015 - Manyanga's Reef (Chole Bay)
53060016 - Milimani North (Chole Bay)
53060017 - Milimani South (Chole Bay)
53060018 - Msumbiji (Chole Bay)
53060019 - Nudi City (Chole Bay)
53060020 - Pole Pole Reef (Chole Bay)
53060021 - Pyramid (Chole Bay)
53060022 - Small Rock (Chole Bay)
53060023 - The Hill (Chole Bay)
53060024 - The Shoulder (Chole Bay)
53060025 - Tom's Garden (Chole Bay)
53060026 - Jiwe la Mzungu Reef (Juani Island)
53060027 - Juani North (Juani Island)
53060028 - Juani South (Juani Island)
53060029 - Kasa (Juani Island)
53060030 - Dindini Caves (Baleni)
53060031 - Dindini Wall (Baleni)
53060032 - Forbes (Baleni)
53060033 - Jina Wall (Baleni)
53060034 - Mikadini (Baleni)
5307 - Lindi Region
53070001 - Fanjove Island (Lindi)
53070002 - Okuza Island (Lindi)
53070003 - Songo Island (Lindi)
53070004 - Mama Tembo Reef (Kilwa Kisiwani)
5308 - Mtwara Region
54 - Mozambique
5401 - Cabo Delgado Province
54010001 - Anemone Rock (Pemba)
54010002 - Baobab Rocks (Pemba)
54010003 - Bay Garden (Pemba)
54010004 - Beach Reef (Pemba)
54010005 - Dolphin Playground or Playground (Pemba)
54010006 - Farol Ledge or Lighthouse Ledge (Pemba)
54010007 - First Reef (Pemba)
54010008 - Penguin Shoal (Pemba)
54010009 - Ponta Saide Ali (Pemba)
54010010 - Pyro Banks (Pemba)
54010011 - River Mouth (Pemba)
54010012 - The Finger (Pemba)
54010013 - The Gap (Pemba)
54010014 - Tunel (Pemba)
54010015 - Whipcoral Garden (Pemba)
54010016 - Willy's Reef (Pemba)
54010017 - Medjumbe Island (Quirimbas)
54010018 - Tambuzi Island (Quirimbas)
54010019 - Metondo Island (Quirimbas)
54010020 - Vamizi Island (Quirimbas)
54010021 - Rongui Island (Quirimbas)
54010022 - Tecomaji Island (Quirimbas)
54010023 - Anemone Garden (Situ Island)
54010024 - Aquarium (Situ Island)
54010025 - Camel Rock (Situ Island)
54010026 - Crayfish Alley (Situ Island)
54010027 - Grimmer's Grovel (Situ Island)
54010028 - Plant Garden (Situ Island)
54010029 - Skating Rink (Situ Island)
54010030 - Son Spot (Situ Island)
54010031 - Sponge Garden (Situ Island)
54010032 - Tari Paradise (Situ Island)
54010033 - Tari Steps (Situ Island)
54010034 - Texas (Situ Island)
54010035 - Unicorn (Situ Island)
54010036 - Ariel's Garden (Quisiva Island)
54010037 - Bunting's Bulge (Quisiva Island)
54010038 - Caves (Quisiva Island)
54010039 - Colosseum (Quisiva Island)
54010040 - Coral Garden (Quisiva Island)
54010041 - Disaster Drop-off (Quisiva Island)
54010042 - Holes in the Floor (Quisiva Island)
54010043 - Overhangs (Quisiva Island)
54010044 - Quisiva Lagoon (Quisiva Island)
54010045 - Quirimba Island (Quirimbas)
54010046 - Ibo Island (Quirimbas)
54010047 - Matemo Island (Quirimbas)
5402 - Nampula Province
54020001 - Baixe do Pinda (Nacala Bay)
54020002 - Ossimba House Reef (Nacala Bay)
54020003 - Kwalala Lodge (Nacala Bay)
5403 - Zambezia Province
5404 - Sofala Province
5405 - Inhambane Province
54050001 - 9 Mile Shallow (Bazaruto North)
54050002 - Brindle Bass Reef (Bazaruto North)
54050003 - Forrest Gump (Bazaruto North)
54050004 - Greek Temple (Bazaruto North)
54050005 - Manta Ray Reef (Bazaruto North)
54050006 - Rainbow Runner Reef (Bazaruto North)
54050007 - The Potholes (Bazaruto North)
54050008 - Three Trees (Bazaruto North)
54050009 - Turtle Ridge (Bazaruto North)
54050010 - Whale Rock (Bazaruto North)
54050011 - Zenguelemo Point (Bazaruto North)
54050012 - 2 Mile Reef (Bazaruto South)
54050013 - 2 Mile Reef - The Gap (Bazaruto South)
54050014 - Amphitheatre (Bazaruto South)
54050015 - Area 51 (Bazaruto South)
54050016 - Atlantis or 5 Mile (Bazaruto South)
54050017 - Kingfish Alley (Bazaruto South)
54050018 - Marlin Pinnacles (Bazaruto South)
54050019 - Sao Sebastiao (Bazaruto South)
54050020 - Shark Vaal (Bazaruto South)
54050021 - The FAD (Bazaruto South)
54050022 - The Rollercoaster (Bazaruto South)
54050023 - Turtle Coves (Bazaruto South)
54050024 - Baitfish (Pomene)
54050025 - Bay Ledge North Mark (Pomene)
54050026 - Bay Ledge South Mark (Pomene)
54050027 - Hotel Pinnacle (Pomene)
54050028 - Kitwe (Pomene)
54050029 - Pension (Pomene)
54050030 - Steps (Pomene)
54050031 - The Estuary (Pomene)
54050032 - Zambia Shoal (Pomene)
54050033 - Zambia Shoal - Sleepy Hollow (Pomene)
54050034 - Zambia Shoal - Three Sisters (Pomene)
54050035 - Zambia Shoal - Trojan's Gauntlet (Pomene)
54050036 - Big Surprise / Zambezi Reef (Morrungulo)
54050037 - Caves and Overhangs (Morrungulo)
54050038 - Jake's Crack (Morrungulo)
54050039 - King Deep (Morrungulo)
54050040 - New Year's Reef (Morrungulo)
54050041 - Pinnacle Reef (Morrungulo)
54050042 - Rappies Playstation (Morrungulo)
54050043 - Rob's Ridge (Morrungulo)
54050044 - Sylvia Shoal (Morrungulo)
54050045 - Sylvia Shoal - Croc's Wall North Mark (Morrungulo)
54050046 - The Hand (Morrungulo)
54050047 - Amazon (Tofo)
54050048 - Anchor Reef (Tofo)
54050049 - Barra Lagoon (Tofo)
54050050 - Buddies Reef (Tofo)
54050051 - Buraco do Diablo / Drifters (Tofo)
54050052 - Chambers / Chamber of Secrets (Tofo)
54050053 - Clownfish Reef (Tofo)
54050054 - Colosseum (Tofo)
54050055 - Coral Gardens (Tofo)
54050056 - Crocodile Rock (Tofo)
54050057 - EN1 (Tofo)
54050058 - Giant's Castle (Tofo)
54050059 - Grottos (Tofo)
54050060 - Hogwarts (Tofo)
54050061 - Krakatoa (Tofo)
54050062 - Lion's Den (Tofo)
54050063 - Manta Reef (Tofo)
54050064 - Marble Arch (Tofo)
54050065 - Mike's Cupboard (Tofo)
54050066 - Oasis (Tofo)
54050067 - Praia do Rocha (Tofo)
54050068 - Reggie's (Tofo)
54050069 - Rob's Bottom (Tofo)
54050070 - Salon (Tofo)
54050071 - Sherwood Forest (Tofo)
54050072 - Simon's Town (Tofo)
54050073 - Skylight (Tofo)
54050074 - Table Top (Tofo)
54050075 - The Office (Tofo)
54050076 - Barra (North Tofo)
54050077 - Barnacle (Guinjata Bay)
54050078 - Batfish (Guinjata Bay)
54050079 - Caves (Guinjata Bay)
54050080 - Coral Gardens (Guinjata Bay)
54050081 - Devil's Peak (Guinjata Bay)
54050082 - Disneyland (Guinjata Bay)
54050083 - Eel Alley (Guinjata Bay)
54050084 - Egypt (Guinjata Bay)
54050085 - Extacy (Guinjata Bay)
54050086 - Extacy Canyon (Guinjata Bay)
54050087 - Fishbowl (Guinjata Bay)
54050088 - Green Tree (Guinjata Bay)
54050089 - Hard Rock North (Guinjata Bay)
54050090 - Hard Rock South (Guinjata Bay)
54050091 - Honeycomb (Guinjata Bay)
54050092 - Island Rock (Guinjata Bay)
54050093 - Kingfisher Reef (Guinjata Bay)
54050094 - KK-Zee (Guinjata Bay)
54050095 - Legoland (Guinjata Bay)
54050096 - Levi's Ledge (Guinjata Bay)
54050097 - Manta Canyon (Guinjata Bay)
54050098 - Manta Pinnacle (Guinjata Bay)
54050099 - Paindane Express (Guinjata Bay)
54050100 - Pao (Guinjata Bay)
54050101 - Pixies (Guinjata Bay)
54050102 - Turtle Creek (Guinjata Bay)
54050103 - Deans (Zavora Bay)
54050104 - Deep Reef South (Zavora Bay)
54050105 - Great Wall South (Zavora Bay)
54050106 - Red Sands (Zavora Bay)
54050107 - Rio Sainas (Zavora Bay)
54050108 - Sponge City (Zavora Bay)
54050109 - Tentacao (Zavora Bay)
54050110 - White Sands (Zavora Bay)
54050111 - Yogis (Zavora Bay)
5406 - Gaza Province
54060001 - Xai-Xai Reef (XaiXai)
54060002 - Bilene Reef (Bilene)
54060003 - Lagoon Mouth (Bilene)
54060004 - Turtle Bay (Bilene)
54060005 - Uembje Lagoon - Legoland artificial reef (Bilene)
54060006 - Uembje Lagoon - The Graveyard artificial reef (Bilene)
54060007 - Uembje Lagoon Reef (Bilene)
5407 - Maputo Province
54070001 - Baixo Danae (Inhaca)
54070002 - Banco de China (Inhaca)
54070003 - Bunkshin Reef (Inhaca)
54070004 - Coral Gardens (Inhaca)
54070005 - Hotel Reef (Inhaca)
54070006 - Portuguese Island (Inhaca)
54070007 - Barreira Vermelha (MNAP north)
54070008 - Ponta Torres Reef (MNAP north)
54070009 - Santa Maria Reef (MNAP north)
54070010 - Anchor (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070011 - Aquarium (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070012 - Atlantis (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070013 - Bass City (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070014 - Bee Hive (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070015 - Blacks (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070016 - Breadloaf (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070017 - Brent's Ridge (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070018 - Checkers (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070019 - Cloudbreak (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070020 - Creche (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070021 - Doodles (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070022 - Fingers (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070023 - Kev's Ledge (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070024 - Legoland (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070025 - Lighthouse Reef (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070026 - Malongane Ledge (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070027 - Mavericks (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070028 - Paradise Ledge (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070029 - Pinnacles (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070030 - Rianna's Arch (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070031 - Steps (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070032 - Steve's Ledge (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070033 - Shallow Malongane (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070034 - Texas (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070035 - Three Sisters (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070036 - The Ridge (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070037 - Turtle Creek (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
54070038 - Wayne's World (Ponta Do Ouro / Ponta Malongane)
55 - South Africa
5501 - Western Cape
5502 - Eastern Cape
5503 - KwaZulu-Natal
55030001 - Sodwana Bay
55030002 - Durban No 1
55030003 - Durban North Breakwater Wall
55030004 - Durban Blood Reef
55030005 - North Pinnacles (Aliwal Shoal)
55030006 - Raggies Cave (Aliwal Shoal)
55030007 - Cathedral (Aliwal Shoal)
55030008 - Pinnacle Ridge (Aliwal Shoal)
55030009 - Southern Ledges (Aliwal Shoal)
55030010 - Inside Edge (Aliwal Shoal)
55030011 - South Section (Aliwal Shoal)
55030012 - 2 Mile - Four Buoy (Sodwana Bay)
55030013 - 2 Mile - Antons (Sodwana Bay)
55030014 - 2 Mile - Arches (Sodwana Bay)
55030015 - 2 Mile - Caves and Overhangs (Sodwana Bay)
55030016 - 2 Mile - Chain (Sodwana Bay)
55030017 - 2 Mile - Coral Garden (Sodwana Bay)
55030018 - Hopscotch (Sodwana Bay)
55030019 - 5 Mile - Hotspot (Sodwana Bay)
55030020 - Mellow Yellow (Sodwana Bay)
55030021 - 2 Mile - Pinnacles (Sodwana Bay)
55030022 - Quarter Mile (Sodwana Bay)
55030023 - 2 Mile - Simons Cave (Sodwana Bay)
55030024 - Stringer (Sodwana Bay)
55030025 - 5 Mile - Ribbon (Sodwana Bay)
55030026 - 5 Mile - Gotham (Sodwana Bay)
55030027 - 2 Mile North (Sodwana Bay)
55030028 - 3 Mile - Teddy Bear's Picnic (Sodwana Bay)
55030029 - 4 Mile (Sodwana Bay)
55030030 - 5 Mile - Pot Hole (Sodwana Bay)
55030031 - 6 Mile - Snapper's College (Sodwana Bay)
55030032 - 7 Mile (Sodwana Bay)
55030033 - 8 Mile - Ramseys (Sodwana Bay)
55030034 - 9 Mile (Mabibi)
55030035 - Bikini Cleaning Station (Sodwana Bay)
55030036 - Bikini South (Sodwana Bay)
55030037 - Roonies (Sodwana Bay)
55030038 - 2 Mile - Eastern Chain (Sodwana Bay)
55030039 - 2 Mile - Deep Sponge (Sodwana Bay)
55030040 - 2 Mile - Grand Central (Sodwana Bay)
55030041 - 2 Mile - Wayne's World (Sodwana Bay)
55030042 - 2 Mile - White Tip (Sodwana Bay)
55030045 - 5 Mile - Lettuce (Sodwana Bay)
55030047 - 7 Mile - Mushroom Rocks (Sodwana Bay)
55030048 - 7 Mile - Amphitheatre (Sodwana Bay)
55030049 - 7 Mile - Northern Wall (Sodwana Bay)
55030050 - 9 Mile - Breaking Waters (Mabibi)
55030051 - 9 Mile - Green Tree (Mabibi)
55030052 - iSimangaliso Wetlands Park - Rocktail Bay (Mabibi)
55030053 - iSimangaliso Wetlands Park - Bhanga Nek (Kosi Bay)
55030054 - 2 Mile - Two Buoy (Sodwana Bay)
55030055 - 5 Mile - Zombie (Sodwana Bay)
55030056 - 2 Mile - Gravestone (Sodwana Bay)
55030057 - Leven Banks (iSimangaliso Sanctuary zone)
55030058 - Red Cliffs (iSimangaliso Sanctuary zone)
55030059 - Northern Pinnacle (Protea Banks)
55030060 - Northern Caves - Northern Pinnacle (Protea Banks)
55030061 - Southern Pinnacle (Protea Banks)
55030062 - Anvil - Southern Pinnacle (Protea Banks)
55030063 - Kingfish Gully - Southern Pinnacle (Protea Banks)
55030064 - Lord of the Rings - Southern Pinnacle (Protea Banks)
55030065 - Southern Cave - Southern Pinnacle (Protea Banks)
55030066 - The Arena / Sand Shark Gully - Southern Pinnacle (Protea Banks)
55030067 - The Village - Southern Pinnacle (Protea Banks)
55030068 - Playground (Protea Banks)
6 - Indian Ocean Islands
61 - Madagascar
6100 - East Side Madagascar
61000001 - Nosy Faho
6101 - Ile Sainte Marie
61010001 - Albrand (Ile Sainte Marie)
61010002 - Rocher Des Baleiniers (Ile Sainte Marie)
6102 - West Side Madagascar
61020001 - Andavadoaka 1
61020002 - Andavadoaka 2
61020003 - Andavadoaka 3
61020004 - Andavadoaka 4
61020005 - Opwall (Nosy Be)
62 - Comoro Islands and other Scattered Islands in the IO
63 - Reunion, Mauritius, Rodrigues
6301 - Reunion
6302 - Mauritius
63020001 - Merville Reef (Grand Baie)
63020002 - Confetti Bay (Coin de Mire)
6303 - Rodrigues
63030001 - Port Mathurin, Rodrigues
64 - Chagos Archipelago
6401 - Diego Garcia
64010001 - RZ1
64010002 - A1
64010003 - RZ2
64010004 - LN2
64010005 - C1
64010006 - LS1
64010007 - LSE
64010008 - RBN
64010009 - CAP
64010011 - SP
64010012 - LW
65 - Seychelles
6501 - Inner Seychelles
650101 - Mahe (Grand Anse Mahe)
65010101 - Joker Reef
65010102 - Beau Vallon Reef
65010103 - Twin Barges Wreck
65010104 - Dredger Wreck
65010105 - Baie Ternay Marine Park
65010106 - Matoopa Point / Matoupe
65010107 - Fishermans Cove Reef
65010108 - L'ilot Island
65010109 - Vacoa Reef
65010110 - Cerf Island Marine Park
65010111 - L' Habitation (Cerf Island)
65010112 - Grouper Point
65010113 - Aquarium (Mahe)
65010114 - Scala Reef
65010115 - Ray's Point
65010116 - Chuckles
65010117 - Brissare
65010118 - Whale Rock (Mahe Island)
65010119 - Dragon Teeth
65010120 - Conception North
65010121 - Conception South
65010122 - Moyenne Island
65010123 - Shark Bank
65010124 - Alice in Wonderland
65010125 - Intendance Rock
65010126 - Anse Forbans
65010127 - Port Launay
65010128 - Shark Point
65010129 - Napolean Inn
65010130 - Fairy Island / North Anse Royal Beach
65010131 - Bay Ternay Central
65010132 - Bay Ternay Northwest
65010133 - Lighthouse
65010134 - Port Launay West
650102 - Praslin and nearby Islands
65010201 - Shark Rock
65010202 - Caiman Rock
65010203 - Criminal Rock
65010204 - Albatros
65010205 - Booby Rock
65010206 - Whale Rock (Praslin Island)
65010207 - Channel Rock
65010208 - Low Channel Rock
65010209 - Small Sister
65010210 - West Sister Bank
65010211 - Coral Garden
65010212 - Anse Lazio (Praslin Island)
65010213 - Red Point (Curieuse)
65010214 - Coral Garden (Curieuse)
65010215 - Ave Maria
65010216 - White Bank
65010217 - Anse Severe (La Digue)
6502 - Outer Seychelles
65020001 - Arcade (Alphonse Atoll - Alphonse Group)
65020002 - Galawa (Alphonse Atoll - Alphonse Group)
65020003 - Blue Safari House Reef (Alphonse Atoll - Alphonse Group)
65020004 - Maggicliff (Alphonse Atoll - Alphonse Group)
65020005 - Route 33 (Alphonse Atoll - Alphonse Group)
65020006 - Grouper Gangway (Alphonse Atoll - Alphonse Group)
65020007 - Napoleon (St. Francois Atoll - Alphonse Group)
65020008 - Trigger Hill (St. Francois Atoll - Alphonse Group)
65020009 - Arina (St. Francois Atoll - Alphonse Group)
65020010 - Theater (St. Francois Atoll - Alphonse Group)
65020011 - Mantam North (St. Francois Atoll - Alphonse Group)
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Zone: Egypt
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