Region: TWA
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Species Name | Family Name | |||
Species ID | Common Name | Scientific Name | Common Name | Scientific Name |
0884 | Acadian Redfish | Sebastes fasciatus | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0448 | African Pompano | Alectis ciliaris | Jack | Carangidae |
0731 | Alewife Herring | Alosa pseudoharengus | Herring | Clupeidae |
0449 | Almaco Jack | Seriola rivoliana | Jack | Carangidae |
0712 | American Eel | Anguilla rostrata | Eel (Freshwater) | Anguillidae |
0723 | American Plaice | Hippoglossoides platessoides | Flounder (Right-Eye) | Pleuronectidae |
0732 | American Shad | Alosa sapidissima | Herring | Clupeidae |
0997 | Anemone Starksia sp (undescribed spB Cuba2016) | Starksia sp A | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0528 | Aquavina | Diplectrum radiale | Seabass | Serranidae |
0714 | Arctic Shanny | Stichaeus punctatus punctatus | Prickleback | Stichaeidae |
1100 | Argentine Seabass | Acanthistius brasilianus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0013 | Arrow Blenny | Lucayablennius zingaro | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
1076 | Arrow Stargazer | Gillellus greyae | Sand Stargazers | Dactyloscopidae |
0616 | Atlantic Bonito | Sarda sarda | Mackerel | Scombridae |
0450 | Atlantic Bumper | Chloroscombrus chrysurus | Jack | Carangidae |
0702 | Atlantic Cod | Gadus morhua | Cod | Gadidae |
0710 | Atlantic Croaker | Micropogonias undulatus | Drum | Sciaenidae |
1116 | Atlantic Cutlassfish | Trichiurus lepturus | Cutlassfish | Trichiuridae |
0349 | Atlantic Flashlight | Kryptophanaron alfredi | Flashlight | Anomalopidae |
0512 | Atlantic Guitarfish | Rhinobatos lentiginosus | Guitarfish | Rhinobatidae |
0763 | Atlantic Hagfish | Myxine glutinosa | Hagfish | Myxinidae |
0733 | Atlantic Herring | Clupea harengus | Herring | Clupeidae |
0451 | Atlantic Leatherjack | Oligoplites saurus | Jack | Carangidae |
0736 | Atlantic Mackerel | Scomber scombrus | Mackerel | Scombridae |
1099 | Atlantic Mangrove Blenny | Lupinoblennius vinctus | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0734 | Atlantic Menhaden | Brevoortia tyrannus | Herring | Clupeidae |
0844 | Atlantic Midshipman | Porichthys plectrodon | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0923 | Atlantic Moonfish | Selene setapinnis | Jack | Carangidae |
0483 | Atlantic Needlefish | Strongylura marina | Needlefish | Belonidae |
0993 | Atlantic Oyster Blenny | Hypleurochilus pseudoaequipinnis | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0744 | Atlantic Salmon | Salmo salar | Trout/Salmon | Salmonidae |
0768 | Atlantic Seasnail | Liparis atlanticus | Lumpfish & Snailfish | Cyclopteridae |
0557 | Atlantic Sharpnose Shark | Rhizoprionodon terraenovae | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0769 | Atlantic Silverside | Menidia menidia | Neotropical Silversides | Atherinopsidae |
0235 | Atlantic Spadefish | Chaetodipterus faber | Spadefish | Ephippidae |
0765 | Atlantic Spiny Lumpsucker | Eumicrotremus spinosus | Lumpfish & Snailfish | Cyclopteridae |
0841 | Atlantic Stingray | Dasyatis sabina | Stingray | Dasyatidae |
0633 | Atlantic Thread Herring | Opisthonema oglinum | Herring | Clupeidae |
0878 | Atlantic Tomcod | Microgadus tomcod | Cod | Gadidae |
0510 | Atlantic Torpedo Ray | Torpedo nobiliana | Electric Ray | Torpedinidae |
0713 | Atlantic Wolffish | Anarhichas lupus | Wolffish | Anarhichadidae |
0847 | Bahamas (Red Banner) Blenny (pka Redspine Glass Blenny) | Emblemariopsis occidentalis | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0403 | Balao | Hemiramphus balao | Halfbeak | Hemiramphidae |
1106 | Bald Blenny | Paraclinus infrons | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0163 | Balloonfish | Diodon holocanthus | Porcupinefish | Diodontidae |
0404 | Ballyhoo | Hemiramphus brasiliensis | Halfbeak | Hemiramphidae |
0316 | Banded Blenny | Paraclinus fasciatus | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0030 | Banded Butterflyfish | Chaetodon striatus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0715 | Banded Gunnel | Pholis fasciata | Gunnel | Pholidae |
0462 | Banded Jawfish | Opistognathus macrognathus | Jawfish | Opistognathidae |
0738 | Banded Killifish | Fundulus diaphanus | Killifish | Cyprinodontidae |
0890 | Banded Puffer | Colomesus psittacus | Puffer | Tetraodontidae |
0614 | Banded Rudderfish | Seriola zonata | Jack | Carangidae |
0164 | Bandtail Puffer | Sphoeroides spengleri | Puffer | Tetraodontidae |
0545 | Bandtail Searobin | Prionotus ophryas | Searobin | Triglidae |
0652 | Bandtooth Conger | Ariosoma balearicum | Conger | Congridae |
0594 | Bank Butterflyfish | Chaetodon aya | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0529 | Bank Sea Bass | Centropristis ocyurus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0883 | Banner Blenny | Emblemaria atlantica | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0415 | Banner Goby | Microgobius microlepis | Goby | Gobiidae |
0777 | Bantam Bass | Parasphyraenops incisus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0133 | Bar Jack | Caranx ruber | Jack | Carangidae |
0820 | Barber Goby (aka Widestripe Goby) | Gobiosoma figaro | Goby | Gobiidae |
0524 | Barbfish | Scorpaena brasiliensis | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0632 | Barbu | Polydactylus virginicus | Threadfin | Polynemidae |
0317 | Barfin Blenny | Malacoctenus versicolor | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0952 | Barfin Goby | Coryphopterus alloides | Goby | Gobiidae |
0311 | Barred Blenny | Hypleurochilus bermudensis | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0035 | Barred Cardinalfish | Apogon binotatus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0362 | Barred Clingfish | Tomicodon fasciatus | Clingfish | Gobiesocidae |
0118 | Barred Hamlet (Caribbean) | Hypoplectrus puella | Seabass | Serranidae |
0862 | Barred Searobin | Prionotus martis | Searobin | Triglidae |
0466 | Barsnout Goby | Elacatinus illecebrosum | Goby | Gobiidae |
0417 | Bartail Goby | Coryphopterus thrix | Goby | Gobiidae |
0752 | Basking Shark | Cetorhinus maximus | Mackerel Shark | Lamnidae |
0760 | Bay Anchovy | Anchoa mitchilli | Anchovy | Engraulidae |
0963 | Bearded Brotula | Brotula barbata | Cusk-eel | Ophidiidae |
0806 | Bearded Goby | Barbulifer ceuthoecus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0579 | Bearded Toadfish | Sanopus barbatus | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0047 | Beaugregory | Stegastes leucostictus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
1060 | Belize Blackcheek Blenny | Starksia weigti | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0036 | Belted Cardinalfish | Apogon townsendi | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0577 | Belted Sandfish | Serranus subligarius | Seabass | Serranidae |
0635 | Bermuda Bream | Diplodus bermudensis | Porgy | Sparidae |
0221 | Bermuda Chub/Gray Chub | Kyphosus sectatrix / K. bigibbus | Chub | Kyphosidae |
0991 | Bermuda Creole Wrasse | Clepticus sp. A | Wrasse | Labridae |
0636 | Bermuda Halfbeak | Hemiramphus bermudensis | Halfbeak | Hemiramphidae |
0992 | Bermuda Hog-mouth Fry (aka Bermuda Anchovy) | Anchoa choerostoma | Anchovy | Engraulidae |
0678 | Bermuda killifish | Fundulus bermudae | Killifish | Cyprinodontidae |
0811 | Bicolor Blenny | Malacoctenus sp. | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0048 | Bicolor Damselfish | Stegastes partitus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0835 | Bicolored Sand Eel | Bascanichthys paulensis | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
1111 | Big-eyed Frogfish | Antennarius radiosus | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0011 | Bigeye | Priacanthus arenatus | Bigeye | Priacanthidae |
0955 | Bigeye Anchovy | Anchoa lamprotaenia | Anchovy | Engraulidae |
0475 | Bigeye Mojarra | Eucinostomus havana | Mojarra | Gerreidae |
0452 | Bigeye Scad | Selar crumenophthalmus | Jack | Carangidae |
0874 | Bighead Searobin | Prionotus tribulus | Searobin | Triglidae |
0350 | Bigtooth Cardinalfish | Apogon affinis | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0588 | Black Brotula | Stygnobrotula latebricola | Viviparous Brotula | Bythitidae |
0376 | Black Drum | Pogonias cromis | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0207 | Black Durgon | Melichthys niger | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0091 | Black Grouper | Mycteroperca bonaci | Seabass | Serranidae |
0443 | Black Grunt | Haemulon bonariense | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0119 | Black Hamlet | Hypoplectrus nigricans | Seabass | Serranidae |
0453 | Black Jack | Caranx lugubris | Jack | Carangidae |
0109 | Black Margate | Anisotremus surinamensis | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0531 | Black Sea Bass | Centropristis striata | Seabass | Serranidae |
0600 | Black Snapper | Apsilus dentatus | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0695 | Blackbar Drum | Equetus iwamotoi | Drum | Sciaenidae |
1095 | Blackbar Shy Blenny | Starksia fasciata | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0198 | Blackbar Soldierfish | Myripristis jacobus | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
1059 | Blackbelly Blenny | Stathmonotus hemphillii | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0009 | Blackcap Basslet | Gramma melacara | Basslet | Grammatidae |
0849 | Blackcheek Shy Blenny Complex | Starksia lepicoelia complex | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0724 | Blackcheek Tonguefish | Symphurus plagiusa | Tonguefishes | Cynoglossidae |
0826 | Blackear Bass | Serranus atrobranchus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0212 | Blackear Wrasse | Halichoeres poeyi | Wrasse | Labridae |
0381 | Blackedge Moray | Gymnothorax nigromarginatus | Moray | Muraenidae |
0342 | Blackedge Triplefin | Enneanectes atrorus | Triplefin (Blenny) | Tripterygiidae |
0318 | Blackfin Blenny | Paraclinus nigripinnis | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0037 | Blackfin Cardinalfish | Astrapogon puncticulatus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
1058 | Blackfin Glass Blenny (pka Fine-cirrus Blenny) | Emblemariopsis leptocirris | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0189 | Blackfin Snapper | Lutjanus buccanella | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
1072 | Blackfinned Clingfish | Gobiesox nigripinnis | Clingfish | Gobiesocidae |
0842 | Blacknose Shark | Carcharhinus acronotus | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
1014 | Blackpored Eel | Ophichthus melanoporus | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0670 | Blackringed Goby | Tigrigobius zebrellus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0387 | Blackspotted Snake Eel | Quassiremus ascensionis | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0186 | Blacktip Shark | Carcharhinus limbatus | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0798 | Blackwing Searobin | Prionotus rubio | Searobin | Triglidae |
0001 | Blue Angelfish | Holacanthus bermudensis | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0042 | Blue Chromis | Azurina cyanea | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0896 | Blue Croaker | Bairdiella batabana | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0078 | Blue Dartfish (Blue Goby) | Ptereleotris calliurus | Dartfish | Ptereleotridae |
0120 | Blue Hamlet | Hypoplectrus gemma | Seabass | Serranidae |
0602 | Blue Marlin | Makaira nigricans | Billfishes | Istiophoridae |
0144 | Blue Parrotfish | Scarus coeruleus | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0134 | Blue Runner | Caranx crysos | Jack | Carangidae |
0753 | Blue Shark | Prionace glauca | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0204 | Blue Tang | Acanthurus coeruleus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0735 | Blueback Herring | Alosa aestivalis | Herring | Clupeidae |
0637 | Bluebar Jawfish (no longer a valid spp; Yellowhead Jawfish) | Opistognathus sp. | Jawfish | Opistognathidae |
0775 | Bluefin Tuna | Thunnus thynnus | Mackerel | Scombridae |
0737 | Bluefish | Pomatomus saltatrix | Bluefish | Pomatomidae |
1085 | Bluegold Glass Blenny | Emblemariopsis ruetzleri | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0776 | Bluegold Goby | Lythrypnus spilus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0213 | Bluehead | Thalassoma bifasciatum | Wrasse | Labridae |
0931 | Bluelip Hamlet | Hypoplectrus affinis | Seabass | Serranidae |
0145 | Bluelip Parrotfish | Cryptotomus roseus | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0920 | Bluespotted Blenny | Acanthemblemaria cf. rivasi | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0222 | Bluespotted Cornetfish | Fistularia tabacaria | Cornetfish | Fistulariidae |
0801 | Bluespotted Damselfish | Stegastes fuscus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0789 | Bluespotted Searobin | Prionotus roseus | Searobin | Triglidae |
0653 | Bluestriped Dartfish | Ptereleotris randalli | Dartfish | Ptereleotridae |
0105 | Bluestriped Grunt | Haemulon sciurus | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0469 | Bluestriped Lizardfish | Synodus saurus | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0340 | Bluethroat Pikeblenny | Chaenopsis ocellata | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0850 | Bluewing Searobin | Prionotus punctatus | Searobin | Triglidae |
1065 | Blunt-snout Goby | Psilotris amblyrhynchus | Goby | Gobiidae |
1117 | Bluntnose Jack | Hemicaranx amblyrhynchus | Jack | Carangidae |
0754 | Bluntnose Stingray | Hypanus say | Stingray | Dasyatidae |
0023 | Boga | Haemulon vittatum | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0347 | Bonefish | Albula vulpes | Bonefish | Albulidae |
0547 | Bonnethead | Sphyrna tiburo | Hammerhead Shark | Sphyrnidae |
0024 | Bonnetmouth | Emmelichthyops atlanticus | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0943 | Brassy Chub | Kyphosus vaigiensis | Chub | Kyphosidae |
1075 | Brazil Ocean Surgeonfish | Acanthurus bahianus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0975 | Brazilian Basslet | Gramma brasiliensis | Basslet | Grammatidae |
0819 | Brazilian Cardinal | Apogon americanus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0980 | Brazilian Chromis (aka Jubauna Reeffish) | Chromis jubauna | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
1013 | Brazilian Clown Wrasse | Halichoeres penrosei | Wrasse | Labridae |
1015 | Brazilian Cocoa Damselfish | Stegastes variabilis | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
1084 | Brazilian Glass Blenny | Emblemariopsis signifer | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0809 | Brazilian Razorfish | Xyrichtys incandescens | Wrasse | Labridae |
0977 | Brazilian Reef Stingray | Hypanus marianae | Stingray | Dasyatidae |
0967 | Brazilian Wrasse | Halichoeres brasiliensis | Wrasse | Labridae |
0982 | Brazilian Yellowcheek Wrasse | Halichoeres dimidiatus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0351 | Bridle Cardinalfish | Apogon aurolineatus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0165 | Bridled Burrfish | Chilomycterus antennatus | Porcupinefish | Diodontidae |
0935 | Bridled Goby (true species; not complex) | Coryphopterus glaucofraenum | Goby | Gobiidae |
0079 | Bridled Goby Complex (Bridled/Sand-Canyon/Patch-Reef) | C. glaucofraenum/C. bol/C. tortugae | Goby | Gobiidae |
0382 | Broadbanded Moray | Channomuraena vittata | Moray | Muraenidae |
0352 | Broadsaddle Cardinalfish | Apogon pillionatus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0418 | Broadstripe Goby | Elacatinus prochilos | Goby | Gobiidae |
1006 | Broadstripe/Sharknose Goby Group Windward Lesser Antilles | Elacatinus prochilos / Elacatinus evelynae group | Goby | Gobiidae |
0353 | Bronze Cardinalfish | Astrapogon alutus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0444 | Bronzestriped Grunt | Haemulon boschmae | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0865 | Brown Burrfish | Chilomycterus spinosus spinosus | Porcupinefish | Diodontidae |
0043 | Brown Chromis | Azurina multilineata | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0060 | Brown Garden Eel | Heteroconger longissimus | Conger | Congridae |
0817 | Brownbar Goby | Priolepis dawsoni | Goby | Gobiidae |
0808 | Brownstripe Grunt | Anisotremus moricandi | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0892 | Brushtail Tang (exotic) | Zebrasoma scopas | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0146 | Bucktooth Parrotfish | Sparisoma radians | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0915 | Bulb-Snout Snake Eels (incl. Whip Eel) | Bascanichthys spp. (incl. B. scuticaris) | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0900 | Bull Pipefish | Syngnathus springeri | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0552 | Bull Shark | Carcharhinus leucas | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
1109 | Burro Grunt | Rhonciscus crocro | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0121 | Butter Hamlet | Hypoplectrus unicolor | Seabass | Serranidae |
0761 | Butterfish | Peprilus triacanthus | Butterfishes | Stromateidae |
0106 | Caesar Grunt | Haemulon carbonarium | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0532 | Candy Basslet | Liopropoma carmabi | Basslet / Seabass | Liopropomatinae |
0568 | Cardinal Soldierfish | Plectrypops retrospinis | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
1080 | Caribbean Blenny | Emblemaria caldwelli | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0901 | Caribbean Neon Goby | Elacatinus lobeli | Goby | Gobiidae |
0907 | Caribbean ocellated moray | Gymnothorax ocellatus | Moray | Muraenidae |
0685 | Caribbean Pipefish | Syngnathus caribbaeus | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0504 | Caribbean Puffer | Sphoeroides greeleyi | Puffer | Tetraodontidae |
0561 | Caribbean Red Snapper | Lutjanus purpureus | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0627 | Caribbean Tonguefish | Symphurus arawak | Tonguefishes | Cynoglossidae |
0511 | Caribbean Torpedo | Torpedo sp. | Electric Ray | Torpedinidae |
0519 | Caribbean Whiptail Stingray | Himantura schmardae | Stingray | Dasyatidae |
0368 | Carolina Hake | Urophycis earllii | Cod | Gadidae |
0533 | Cave Basslet | Liopropoma mowbrayi | Basslet / Seabass | Liopropomatinae |
0929 | Cayman Bluespotted Variant Yellow Jawfish (aka Dottie’s Jawfish) | Opistognathus cf. gilberti | Jawfish | Opistognathidae |
0946 | Cayman Cleaning Goby | Elacatinus cayman | Goby | Gobiidae |
1068 | Cayman Greenbanded Goby | Tigrigobius harveyi | Goby | Gobiidae |
1003 | Cayman Sponge Goby | Elacatinus centralis | Goby | Gobiidae |
0142 | Cero | Scomberomorus regalis | Mackerel | Scombridae |
0061 | Chain Moray | Echidna catenata | Moray | Muraenidae |
0879 | Chain Pipefish | Syngnathus louisianae | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0179 | Chalk Bass | Serranus tortugarum | Seabass | Serranidae |
0666 | Chameleon Blenny | Protemblemaria punctata | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0396 | Channel Flounder | Syacium micrurum | Flounder | Bothidae |
1069 | Checkerboard Frillfin | Bathygobius lacertus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0505 | Checkered Puffer | Sphoeroides testudineus | Puffer | Tetraodontidae |
0320 | Checkered Shy Blenny Complex | Starksia ocellata complex | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0002 | Cherubfish | Centropyge argi | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0675 | Chessboard Shy Blenny Complex | Starksia sluiteri complex | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0383 | Chestnut Moray | Enchelycore carychroa | Moray | Muraenidae |
0778 | Chub Mackerel | Scomber japonicus | Mackerel | Scombridae |
0824 | Cinta Goby | Tigrigobius redimiculus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0419 | Cleaning Goby | Elacatinus genie | Goby | Gobiidae |
0517 | Clearnose Skate | Rostroraja eglanteria | Skate | Rajidae |
0838 | Clown Goby | Microgobius gulosus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0214 | Clown Wrasse | Halichoeres maculipinna | Wrasse | Labridae |
0367 | Cobia | Rachycentron canadum | Cobia | Rachycentridae |
0049 | Cocoa Damselfish | Stegastes xanthurus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0881 | Code Goby | Gobiosoma robustum | Goby | Gobiidae |
0947 | Colin's Sponge Goby | Elacatinus colini | Goby | Gobiidae |
0080 | Colon Goby | Coryphopterus dicrus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0233 | Common Snook | Centropomus undecimalis | Snook | Centropomidae |
0354 | Conchfish | Astrapogon stellatus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0093 | Coney | Cephalopholis fulva | Seabass | Serranidae |
0810 | Coney x Creolefish Hybrid | Menephorus sp. | Seabass | Serranidae |
0379 | Conger Eel | Conger oceanicus | Conger | Congridae |
0918 | Contoy Hamlet | Hypoplectrus ecosur | Seabass | Serranidae |
0795 | Convict Goby | Lythrypnus phorellus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0321 | Coral Blenny | Paraclinus cingulatus | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0672 | Coral Scorpionfish | Scorpaena albifimbria | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0445 | Corocoro Grunt | Orthopristis ruber | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0454 | Cottonmouth Jack | Uraspis secunda | Jack | Carangidae |
0107 | Cottonwick | Haemulon melanurum | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0807 | Cownose Ray | Rhinoptera bonasus | Stingray | Dasyatidae |
1079 | Cozumel Toadfish (not the same as Splendid Toad) | Sanopus johnsoni | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0215 | Creole Wrasse | Clepticus parrae | Wrasse | Labridae |
0180 | Creolefish (Atlantic) | Paranthias furcifer | Seabass | Serranidae |
0608 | Crested Blenny | Hypleurochilus geminatus | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0420 | Crested Goby | Lophogobius cyprinoides | Goby | Gobiidae |
0960 | Crested Pipefish | Cosmocampus brachycephalus | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0135 | Crevalle Jack | Caranx hippos | Jack | Carangidae |
0858 | Crosshatch Bass | Serranus luciopercanus | Seabass | Serranidae |
1062 | Cryptic Clingfish | Tomicodon cryptus | Clingfish | Gobiesocidae |
0987 | Cubana Goby (undescribed Elactinus sp A Cuba2016) | Elacatinus sp. A | Goby | Gobiidae |
0055 | Cubbyu | Pareques umbrosus | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0190 | Cubera Snapper | Lutjanus cyanopterus | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0759 | Cunner | Tautogolabrus adspersus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0703 | Cusk | Brosme brosme | Cod | Gadidae |
1125 | Darksaddle Blenny | Starksia sella | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0421 | Dash Goby | Ctenogobius saepepallens | Goby | Gobiidae |
0921 | Dashback Goby | Microgobius signatus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0716 | Daubed Shanny | Lumpenus maculatus | Prickleback | Stichaeidae |
0696 | Deepreef Scorpionfish | Scorpaenodes tredecimspinosus | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0567 | Deepwater Squirrelfish | Sargocentron bullisi | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0800 | Delalande Blenny | Malacoctenus delalandii | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0014 | Diamond Blenny | Malacoctenus boehlkei | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0687 | Diamond Pipefish | Syngnathus sp. | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
1051 | Diphasic Goby | Lythrypnus heterochroma | Goby | Gobiidae |
0205 | Doctorfish | Acanthurus chirurgus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0191 | Dog Snapper | Lutjanus jocu | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0391 | Dotterel Filefish | Aluterus heudeloti | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
1088 | Doubtful Lizardfish | Saurida suspicio | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0323 | Downy Blenny | Labrisomus kalisherae | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0864 | Drab Sole | Achirus achirus | Sole (American) | Achiridae |
0904 | Dusky Anchovy | Anchoa lyolepis | Anchovy | Engraulidae |
0324 | Dusky Blenny | Malacoctenus gilli | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0038 | Dusky Cardinalfish | Phaeoptyx pigmentaria | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0050 | Dusky Damselfish | Stegastes adustus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0397 | Dusky Flounder | Syacium papillosum | Flounder | Bothidae |
0986 | Dusky Grouper | Epinephelus marginata | Seabass | Serranidae |
0463 | Dusky Jawfish | Opistognathus whitehurstii | Jawfish | Opistognathidae |
0692 | Dusky Pipefish | Syngnathus floridae | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0553 | Dusky Shark | Carcharhinus obscurus | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0199 | Dusky Squirrelfish | Sargocentron vexillarium | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0407 | Dwarf Frogfish | Antennarius pauciradiatus | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0413 | Dwarf Goatfish | Upeneus parvus | Goatfish | Mullidae |
1022 | Dwarf Goby | Lythrypnus elasson | Goby | Gobiidae |
0629 | Dwarf Herring | Jenkinsia lamprotaenia | Silvery Fishes - Silversides, Herrings, and Anchovies | Atherinidae, Clupeidae, and Engraulidae |
0534 | Dwarf Sand Perch | Diplectrum bivittatum | Seabass | Serranidae |
0887 | Dwarf Seahorse | Hippocampus zosterae | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
1096 | Dwarf Shy Blenny | Starksia nanodes | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0322 | Dwarf Shy Blenny Complex | Starksia nanodes complex | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
1089 | Dwarf Spinyhead Blenny | Acanthemblemaria paula | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0587 | Dwarf Wrasse | Doratonotus megalepis | Wrasse | Labridae |
0325 | Eelgrass Blenny | Stathmonotus stahli | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0996 | Eightlined Goby (undescribed Ginburgellus spE Cuba2016) | Ginburgellus sp A | Goby | Gobiidae |
0363 | Emerald Clingfish | Acyrtops beryllinus | Clingfish | Gobiesocidae |
0488 | Emerald Parrotfish | Nicholsina usta usta | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0771 | Emperor Angelfish (exotic) | Pomacanthus imperator | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0868 | Erect Goby | Microgobius erectus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0422 | Exuma Goby | Elacatinus atronasum | Goby | Gobiidae |
0073 | Eyed Flounder | Bothus ocellatus | Flounder | Bothidae |
0010 | Fairy Basslet | Gramma loreto | Basslet | Grammatidae |
1082 | Falcon (Red Banner) Blenny | Emblemariopsis falcon | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
1053 | False Moray | Kaupichthys hyoproroides | False Moray Eels | Chlopsidae |
0803 | False Pilchard | Harengula clupeola | Silvery Fishes - Silversides, Herrings, and Anchovies | Atherinidae, Clupeidae, and Engraulidae |
0480 | Fantail Mullet | Mugil trichodon | Mullet | Mugilidae |
0717 | Fawn Cusk Eel | Lepophidium cervinum | Cusk-eel | Ophidiidae |
0700 | Feather Blenny | Hypsoblennius hentz | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0922 | Featherduster Blenny | Hypleurochilus multifilis | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0804 | Filament Blenny | Emblemaria hyltoni | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0880 | Finetooth Shark | Carcharhinus isodon | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0941 | Flagfin Glass Blenny Complex | Emblemariopsis sp. (Flagfin complex) | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0476 | Flagfin Mojarra | Eucinostomus melanopterus | Mojarra | Gerreidae |
0301 | Flameback Angelfish | Centropyge aurantonotus | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0039 | Flamefish | Apogon maculatus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0484 | Flat Needlefish | Ablennes hians | Needlefish | Belonidae |
0917 | Florida Barred Hamlet | Hypoplectrus floridae | Seabass | Serranidae |
0882 | Florida Blenny | Chasmodes saburrae | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0455 | Florida Pompano | Trachinotus carolinus | Jack | Carangidae |
0959 | Florida Smoothhead Glass Blenny | Emblemariopsis diaphana | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0225 | Flying Gurnard | Dactylopterus volitans | Flying Gurnard | Dactylopteridae |
1103 | Forked-bar Blenny | Starksia y-lineata | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0725 | Four Spot Flounder | Paralichthys oblongus | Flounder | Bothidae |
0704 | Fourbeard Rockling | Enchelyopus cimbrius | Cod | Gadidae |
0031 | Foureye Butterflyfish | Chaetodon capistratus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0966 | Fourspot Parrotfish | Scarus zelindae | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0618 | Freckled Blenny | Hypsoblennius ionthas | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0355 | Freckled Cardinalfish | Phaeoptyx conklini | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0564 | Freckled Soapfish | Rypticus bistrispinus | Soapfishes | Grammistidae |
0948 | Frecklefin Goby | Tigrigobius gemmatus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0003 | French Angelfish | Pomacanthus paru | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0108 | French Grunt | Haemulon flavolineatum | Grunt | Haemulidae |
1078 | Freshwater Gregory | Stegastes otophorus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0423 | Frillfin Goby | Bathygobius soporator | Goby | Gobiidae |
0962 | Fringed / Planehead / Pygmy Filefish Complex | Stephanolepis hispida / Monacanthus ciliatus / Stephanolepis setifer | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0392 | Fringed Filefish | Monacanthus ciliatus | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0802 | Gafttopsail Sea Catfish | Bagre marinus | Sea Catfishes | Ariidae |
0094 | Gag | Mycteroperca microlepis | Seabass | Serranidae |
0638 | Giraffe Garden Eel | Heteroconger camelopardalis | Conger | Congridae |
0551 | Glass Blenny | Coralliozetus diaphanus | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0012 | Glasseye Snapper (Atlantic) | Heteropriacanthus cruentatus | Bigeye | Priacanthidae |
0236 | Glassy Sweeper | Pempheris schomburgkii | Sweeper | Pempheridae |
0933 | Glover's Reef Toadfish | Vladichthys gloverensis | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0924 | Goatee Blenny | Paraclinus barbatus | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0990 | Golden Fairy Basslet | Gramma dejongi | Basslet | Grammatidae |
0122 | Golden Hamlet | Hypoplectrus gummigutta | Seabass | Serranidae |
0617 | Golden Smooth Trunkfish | Lactophrys triqueter | Boxfish | Ostraciidae |
0062 | Goldentail Moray | Gymnothorax miliaris | Moray | Muraenidae |
0876 | Goldface Toby | Canthigaster jamestyleri | Puffer | Tetraodontidae |
0326 | Goldline Blenny | Malacoctenus aurolineatus | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0081 | Goldspot Goby | Gnatholepis thompsoni | Goby | Gobiidae |
0388 | Goldspotted Eel | Myrichthys ocellatus | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0680 | Goldspotted Killifish | Floridichthys carpio | Killifish | Cyprinodontidae |
0096 | Goliath Grouper | Epinephelus itajara | Seabass | Serranidae |
0762 | Goosefish | Lophius americanus | Goosefish | Lophiidae |
0697 | Goosehead Scorpionfish | Scorpaena bergii | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0871 | Grass Porgy | Calamus arctifrons | Porgy | Sparidae |
0004 | Gray Angelfish | Pomacanthus arcuatus | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0192 | Gray Snapper | Lutjanus griseus | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0208 | Gray Triggerfish | Balistes capriscus | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0095 | Graysby | Cephalopholis cruentata | Seabass | Serranidae |
0877 | Gray_white-eyed goby | Emblemaria spp | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0007 | Great Barracuda | Sphyraena barracuda | Barracuda | Sphyraenidae |
0548 | Great Hammerhead | Sphyrna mokarran | Hammerhead Shark | Sphyrnidae |
0136 | Greater Amberjack | Seriola dumerili | Jack | Carangidae |
0234 | Greater Soapfish | Rypticus saponaceus | Soapfishes | Grammistidae |
0832 | Green Blenny (Utila/Mona) | Blennidae sp. B (Green Blenny) | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0063 | Green Moray | Gymnothorax funebris | Moray | Muraenidae |
0173 | Green Razorfish | Xyrichtys splendens | Wrasse | Labridae |
0661 | Green Sea Turtle | Chelonia mydas | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae |
0662 | Green Sea Turtle w/ FP Tumor | Chelonia mydas | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae |
0976 | Greenback (aka Greenlip) Parrotfish | Scarus trispinosus | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0424 | Greenbanded Goby | Tigrigobius multifasciatus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0607 | Greenbanded Wrasse | Halichoeres bathyphilus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0147 | Greenblotch Parrotfish | Sparisoma atomarium | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0746 | Grubby Sculpin | Myoxocephalus aenaeus | Sculpin | Cottidae |
0302 | Guaguanche | Sphyraena guachancho | Barracuda | Sphyraenidae |
0074 | Gulf Flounder | Paralichthys albigutta | Flounder | Bothidae |
1112 | Gulf Kingfish | Menticirrhus littoralis | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0679 | Gulf Pipefish | Syngnathus scovelli | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0574 | Gulf Toadfish | Opsanus beta | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0705 | Haddock | Melanogrammus aeglefinus | Cod | Gadidae |
0938 | Hairy Blenny (actual species; not complex) | Labrisomus nuchipinnis | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0015 | Hairy Blenny Complex | Labrisomus nuchipinnis/L. conditus/L.cricota | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0405 | Halfbeak | Hyporhamphus unifasciatus | Halfbeak | Hemiramphidae |
0843 | Hamlet - Juvenile | Hypoplectrus sp. | Seabass | Serranidae |
1098 | Hamlet sp C (Black USVI) | Hypoplectrus sp. (spC) | Seabass | Serranidae |
1074 | Hardhead Sea Catfish | Ariopsis felis | Sea Catfishes | Ariidae |
0888 | Hardhead Silverside | Atherinomorus stipes | Silvery Fishes - Silversides, Herrings, and Anchovies | Atherinidae, Clupeidae, and Engraulidae |
0490 | Harlequin / Banded Pipefish | Micrognathus crinitus | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0181 | Harlequin Bass | Serranus tigrinus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0926 | Harvestfish | Peprilus paru | Butterfishes | Stromateidae |
0656 | Hawksbill Sea Turtle | Eretmochelys imbricata | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae |
0303 | Heliotrope Basslet | Lipogramma klayi | Basslet | Grammatidae |
0654 | Highfin (Red Banner) Blenny (pka Red Banner Blenny) | Emblemariopsis tayrona (prev E. ramirezi) | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
1090 | Highfin Blenny | Lupinoblennius nicholsi | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
1054 | Highfin Goby | Gobionellus oceanicus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0056 | Highhat | Pareques acuminatus / Pareques lineatus | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0726 | Hogchoker | Trinectes maculatus | Sole | Soleidae |
0130 | Hogfish | Lachnolaimus maximus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0025 | Honeycomb Cowfish | Acanthostracion polygonius | Boxfish | Ostraciidae |
0384 | Honeycomb Moray | Gymnothorax saxicola | Moray | Muraenidae |
0969 | Horned Blenny | Paraclinus grandicomis | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0899 | Hornless (Red Banner) Blenny | Emblemariopsis randalli | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0137 | Horse-eye Jack | Caranx latus | Jack | Carangidae |
0227 | Houndfish | Tylosurus crocodilus crocodilus | Needlefish | Belonidae |
0082 | Hovering Dartfish (Hovering Goby) | Ptereleotris helenae | Dartfish | Ptereleotridae |
0925 | Hybrid Boxfish (spotted/scrawled trunkfish) | Boxfish | Ostraciidae | |
1092 | Hybrid Fairy Basslet x Golden Fairy Basslet | Gramma loreto x Gramma dejongi | Basslet | Grammatidae |
0129 | Hybrid Hamlet | Hypoplectrus (Hybrid) | Seabass | Serranidae |
0327 | Imitator Blenny | Malacoctenus erdmani | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0123 | Indigo Hamlet | Hypoplectrus indigo | Seabass | Serranidae |
0470 | Inshore Lizardfish | Synodus foetens | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
1128 | Insular Pipefish | Anarchopterus tectus | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0526 | invalid | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae | |
0337 | invalid spp | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae | |
0612 | Irish Pompano | Diapterus auratus | Mojarra | Gerreidae |
0676 | Island Frillfin | Bathygobius mystacium | Goby | Gobiidae |
0408 | Island Frogfish | Antennarius bermudensis | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0867 | Island Goby | Lythrypnus nesiotes | Goby | Gobiidae |
0949 | Island Seahorse (undescribed) | Hippocampus sp. | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0057 | Jackknife-Fish | Eques lanceolatus | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0875 | Jaggedhead (aka Devil or Whitecheek) Blenny | Acanthemblemaria johnsoni | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0825 | Jarocho Goby | Elacatinus jarocho | Goby | Gobiidae |
1056 | Jarocho Hamlet | Hypoplectrus atlahua | Seabass | Serranidae |
0821 | Jawfish (Brasil) | Opistognathus sp | Jawfish | Opistognathidae |
0157 | Jolthead Porgy | Calamus bajonado | Porgy | Sparidae |
0792 | Juvenile Grunt | Haemulon sp. | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0485 | Keeltail Needlefish | Platybelone argalus argalus | Needlefish | Belonidae |
0659 | Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle | Lepidochelys kempii | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae |
0628 | Key Brotula | Ogilbia cayorum | Viviparous Brotula | Bythitidae |
0691 | Key Worm Eel | Ahlia egmontis | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0473 | King Mackerel | Scomberomorus cavalla | Mackerel | Scombridae |
0497 | Knobbed Porgy | Calamus nodosus | Porgy | Sparidae |
0909 | Kuna Goby | Coryphopterus kuna | Goby | Gobiidae |
0348 | Ladyfish | Elops saurus | Tarpon | Elopidae |
1081 | Lancer (Red Banner) Blenny | Emblemariopsis lancea | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0223 | Lancer Dragonet | Paradiplogrammus bairdi | Dragonet | Callionymidae |
0854 | Lancetail Wormfish | Microdesmus lanceolatus | Wormfish | Microdesmidae |
0193 | Lane Snapper | Lutjanus synagris | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0182 | Lantern Bass | Serranus baldwini | Seabass | Serranidae |
0575 | Large Eye Toadfish (Estuarine Species Only) | Batrachoides gilberti | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0857 | Large-tooth Sawfish | Pristis perotteti | Sawfish | Pristidae |
0446 | Latin Grunt | Haemulon steindachneri | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0658 | Leatherback Sea Turtle | Dermochelys coriacea | Leatherback Sea Turtle | Dermochelyidae |
0897 | Lemon Goby | Vomerogobius flavus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0554 | Lemon Shark | Negaprion brevirostris | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0425 | Leopard Goby | Tigrigobius saucras | Goby | Gobiidae |
0605 | Leopard Searobin | Prionotus scitulus | Searobin | Triglidae |
0578 | Leopard Toadfish | Opsanus pardus | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0465 | Lesser Amberjack | Seriola fasciata | Jack | Carangidae |
0515 | Lesser Devil Ray (aka Atlantic Devil Ray) | Mobula hypostoma | Manta | Mobulidae |
0169 | Lesser Electric Ray | Narcine bancroftii | Electric Ray | Torpedinidae |
0491 | Lined Seahorse | Hippocampus erectus | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0782 | Lined Sole | Achirus lineatus | Sole (American) | Achiridae |
0416 | Linesnout Goby | Elacatinus lori | Goby | Gobiidae |
0646 | Lipstick surgeonfish (exotic) | Naso lituratus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0755 | Little Skate | Leucoraja erinacea | Skate | Rajidae |
0599 | Little Tunny | Euthynnus alletteratus | Mackerel | Scombridae |
0158 | Littlehead Porgy | Calamus proridens | Porgy | Sparidae |
0894 | Littlescale Threadfin | Polydactylus oligodon | Threadfin | Polynemidae |
0957 | Liza Mullet | Mugil liza | Mullet | Mugilidae |
0343 | Lofty Triplefin | Enneanectes altivelis | Triplefin (Blenny) | Tripterygiidae |
0657 | Loggerhead Sea Turtle | Caretta caretta | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae |
0965 | Long-Spined Sea Urchin | Diadema antillarum | Sea Urchin | Diadematidae |
0328 | Longfin Blenny | Labrisomus haitiensis | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0051 | Longfin Damselfish | Stegastes diencaeus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0312 | Longhorn Blenny | Hypsoblennius exstochilus | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0747 | Longhorn Sculpin | Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus | Sculpin | Cottidae |
0200 | Longjaw Squirrelfish | Neoniphon marianus | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0224 | Longlure Frogfish | Antennarius multiocellatus | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0956 | Longnose Batfish | Ogcocephalus corniger | Batfish | Ogcocephalidae |
1108 | Longnose Stingray | Hypanus guttatus | Stingray | Dasyatidae |
0032 | Longsnout Butterflyfish | Chaetodon aculeatus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0492 | Longsnout Seahorse | Hippocampus reidi | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0615 | Longspine Porgy | Stenotomus caprinus | Porgy | Sparidae |
0201 | Longspine Squirrelfish | Holocentrus rufus | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0456 | Lookdown | Selene vomer | Jack | Carangidae |
0764 | Lumpfish | Cyclopterus lumpus | Lumpfish & Snailfish | Cyclopteridae |
1115 | Lutz' Stingray (Brazil only) | Hypanus berthalutzae | Stingray | Dasyatidae |
0785 | M. meeki | Microgobius meeki | Goby | Gobiidae |
0457 | Mackerel Scad | Decapterus macarellus | Jack | Carangidae |
0688 | Maculated Flounder | Bothus maculiferus | Flounder | Bothidae |
0851 | Madmango Sea Catfish | Cathorops spixii | Sea Catfishes | Ariidae |
0373 | Mahi Mahi / Dolphin / Dorado | Coryphaena hippurus | Dolphinfish | Coryphaenidae |
1123 | Mahogany Goby | Lythrypnus crocodilus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0194 | Mahogany Snapper | Lutjanus mahogoni | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0589 | Man-of-war Fish | Nomeus gronovii | Butterfishes | Stromateidae |
0886 | Mangrove Gambusia | Gambusia rhizophorae | Mosquitofish | Poeciliidae |
0380 | Manytooth Conger | Conger triporiceps | Conger | Congridae |
0668 | Marbled Blenny | Paraclinus marmoratus | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0439 | Marbled Grouper | Dermatolepis inermis | Seabass | Serranidae |
1119 | Marbled Moray | Uropterygius macularius | Moray | Muraenidae |
0506 | Marbled Puffer | Sphoeroides dorsalis | Puffer | Tetraodontidae |
0873 | Mardi Gras Wrasse | Halichoeres burekae | Wrasse | Labridae |
0674 | Margintail Conger | Paraconger caudilimbatus | Conger | Congridae |
0083 | Masked Goby/Glass Goby | Coryphopterus personatus/hyalinus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0124 | Masked Hamlet | Hypoplectrus providencianus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0937 | Masquerader Hairy Blenny | Labrisomus conditus | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0951 | Matador Triplefin | Enneanectes matador | Triplefin (Blenny) | Tripterygiidae |
1025 | Maya Hamlet | Hypoplectrus maya | Seabass | Serranidae |
0822 | Medusa Blenny | Acanthemblemaria medusa | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0148 | Midnight Parrotfish | Scarus coelestinus | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0329 | Mimic Blenny | Labrisomus guppyi | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0356 | Mimic Cardinalfish | Apogon phenax | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0344 | Mimic Triplefin | Enneanectes jordani | Triplefin (Blenny) | Tripterygiidae |
0406 | Mirrorwing Flyingfish | Hirundichthys speculiger | Flyingfish | Exocoetidae |
0440 | Misty Grouper | Epinephelus mystacinus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0939 | Mock Blenny | Labrisomus cricota | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0641 | Mola mola | Mola mola | Molas | Molidae |
0016 | Molly Miller | Scartella cristata | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0836 | Mosquitofish | Gambusia affinis | Mosquitofish | Poeciliidae |
1066 | Moth Blenny | Ekemblemaria nigra | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0464 | Mottled Jawfish | Opistognathus maxillosus | Jawfish | Opistognathidae |
0477 | Mottled Mojarra | Eucinostomus lefroyi | Mojarra | Gerreidae |
0783 | Moustache Jawfish | Opistognathus lonchurus | Jawfish | Opistognathidae |
0739 | Mummichog | Fundulus heteroclitus heteroclitus | Killifish | Cyprinodontidae |
0525 | Mushroom Scorpionfish | Scorpaena inermis | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0535 | Mutton Hamlet | Alphestes afer | Seabass | Serranidae |
0195 | Mutton Snapper | Lutjanus analis | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
1005 | Naked Sole | Gymnachirus melas | Sole (American) | Achiridae |
0097 | Nassau Grouper | Epinephelus striatus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0084 | Neon Goby | Elacatinus oceanops | Goby | Gobiidae |
0912 | Nevis-St. Kitts Hamlet (Not Quite Shy Hybrid) | Hypoplectrus sp. A (Nevis) | Seabass | Serranidae |
1122 | Nicaragua Mosquitofish | Gambusia nicaraguensis | Mosquitofish | Poeciliidae |
1063 | Nicaragua Yellowprow Goby | Elacatinus xanthiprora | Goby | Gobiidae |
0372 | Night Sergeant | Abudefduf taurus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0426 | Nineline Goby | Ginsburgellus novemlineatus | Goby | Gobiidae |
1019 | Noronha Blenny | Scartella itajobi | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
1016 | Noronha Cleaner Goby | Elacatinus phthirophagus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0815 | Noronha Wrasse | Thalassoma noronhanum | Wrasse | Labridae |
0008 | Northern / Southern Sennet | Sphyraena borealis/picudilla | Barracuda | Sphyraenidae |
0774 | Northern Kingcroaker | Menticirrhus saxatilis | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0766 | Northern Pipefish | Syngnathus fuscus | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0767 | Northern Puffer | Sphoeroides maculatus | Puffer | Tetraodontidae |
0718 | Northern Sand Lance | Ammodytes dubius | Sand Lance | Ammodytidae |
0748 | Northern Searobin | Prionotus carolinus | Searobin | Triglidae |
0569 | Northern Stargazer | Astroscopus guttatus | Stargazer | Uranoscopidae |
0852 | Notchtongue Goby | Bathygobius curacao | Goby | Gobiidae |
0187 | Nurse Shark | Ginglymostoma cirratum | Carpet Shark | Ginglymostomatidae |
0719 | Ocean Pout | Macrozoarces americanus | Eelpout | Zoarcidae |
0206 | Ocean Surgeonfish | Acanthurus tractus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0209 | Ocean Triggerfish | Canthidermis sufflamen | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0514 | Oceanic Manta Ray | Mobula birostris | Manta | Mobulidae |
0555 | Oceanic Whitetip Shark | Carcharhinus longimanus | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0398 | Ocellated Flounder | Paralichthys ommatus | Flounder | Bothidae |
0409 | Ocellated Frogfish | Antennarius ocellatus | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0673 | Ocellated Tonguefish | Symphurus ommaspilus | Tonguefishes | Cynoglossidae |
0357 | Oddscale Cardinalfish | Apogon evermanni | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0660 | Olive Ridley Sea Turtle | Lepidochelys olivacea | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae |
1002 | One-striped Goby (undescribed spE Cuba2016) | Elacatinus sp B | Goby | Gobiidae |
0994 | Onespot Rabbitfish (exotic) | Siganus unimaculatus | Rabbitfish | Siganidae |
0684 | Onestripe Eel | Aprognathodon platyventris | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0828 | Opossum Pipefish | Microphis brachyurus | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0068 | Orange Filefish | Aluterus schoepfii | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
1130 | Orange Oyster Blenny | Hypleurochilus aequipinnis | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
1061 | Orange-spotted Clingfish | Acyrtus lanthanum | Clingfish | Gobiesocidae |
0536 | Orangeback Bass | Serranus annularis | Seabass | Serranidae |
0085 | Orangesided Goby | Tigrigobius dilepis | Goby | Gobiidae |
0694 | Orangespotted Blenny | Hypleurochilus springeri | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0069 | Orangespotted Filefish | Cantherhines pullus | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0427 | Orangespotted Goby | Nes longus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0631 | Orbicular Batfish (Exotic) | Platax orbicularis | Spadefish | Ephippidae |
0580 | Oyster Toadfish | Opsanus tau | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0953 | Padded Clingfish | Arcos macrophthalmus | Clingfish | Gobiesocidae |
0787 | Painted Wrasse | Halichoeres caudalis | Wrasse | Labridae |
0358 | Pale Cardinalfish | Apogon planifrons | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
1052 | Paleback Goby | Gobulus myersi | Goby | Gobiidae |
0330 | Palehead Blenny | Labrisomus gobio | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
1071 | Palette Surgeonfish (exotic) | Paracanthurus hepatus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0086 | Pallid Goby | Coryphopterus eidolon | Goby | Gobiidae |
0791 | Pallid Snake Eel | Ophichthus sp. | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0138 | Palometa | Trachinotus goodei | Jack | Carangidae |
0914 | Panama Cleaner Goby | Gobiosoma sp. | Goby | Gobiidae |
0307 | Pancake Batfish | Halieutichthys aculeatus | Batfish | Ogcocephalidae |
0891 | Panther Grouper (exotic) | Cromileptes altivelis | Seabass | Serranidae |
0364 | Papillate Clingfish | Acyrtus artius | Clingfish | Gobiesocidae |
0331 | Papillose Blenny | Acanthemblemaria chaplini | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0895 | Patch-Reef Goby (part of Bridled Goby Complex) | Coryphopterus tortugae | Goby | Gobiidae |
0075 | Peacock Flounder | Bothus lunatus | Flounder | Bothidae |
0860 | Peacock Grouper (exotic) | Cephalopholis argus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0313 | Pearl Blenny | Entomacrodus nigricans | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0590 | Pearlfish | Carapus bermudensis | Carapuds | Carapidae |
0174 | Pearly Razorfish | Xyrichtys novacula | Wrasse | Labridae |
0794 | Pennant Coralfish | Heniochus acuminatus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0183 | Peppermint Basslet | Liopropoma rubre | Basslet / Seabass | Liopropomatinae |
0087 | Peppermint Goby | Coryphopterus lipernes | Goby | Gobiidae |
0139 | Permit | Trachinotus falcatus | Jack | Carangidae |
0447 | Pigfish | Orthopristis chrysoptera | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0458 | Pilot Fish | Naucrates ductor | Jack | Carangidae |
0498 | Pinfish | Lagodon rhomboides | Porgy | Sparidae |
0999 | Pinstriped Hamlet (undescribed spD Cuba2016) | Hypoplectrus sp C | Seabass | Serranidae |
0493 | Pipehorse | Amphelikturus dendriticus | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0332 | Pirate Blenny | Emblemaria piratula | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0393 | Planehead Filefish | Stephanolepis hispida | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0159 | Pluma | Calamus pennatula | Porgy | Sparidae |
0176 | Plumed Scorpionfish | Scorpaena grandicornis | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0308 | Polka-dot Batfish | Ogcocephalus cubifrons | Batfish | Ogcocephalidae |
0706 | Pollock | Pollachius virens | Cod | Gadidae |
0374 | Pompano Dolphin | Coryphaena equisietis | Dolphinfish | Coryphaenidae |
0166 | Porcupinefish | Diodon hystrix | Porcupinefish | Diodontidae |
0111 | Porkfish | Anisotremus virginicus | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0149 | Princess Parrotfish | Scarus taeniopterus | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0216 | Puddingwife | Halichoeres radiatus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0333 | Puffcheek Blenny | Labrisomus bucciferus | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0645 | Pugjaw Wormfish | Cerdale floridana | Wormfish | Microdesmidae |
0870 | Pugnose Pipefish | Bryx dunckeri | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0044 | Purple Reeffish | Chromis scotti | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0064 | Purplemouth Moray | Gymnothorax vicinus | Moray | Muraenidae |
0394 | Pygmy Filefish | Stephanolepis setifer | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0786 | Pygmy Goby | Lythrypnus minimus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0537 | Pygmy Sea Bass | Serraniculus pumilio | Seabass | Serranidae |
0005 | Queen Angelfish | Holacanthus ciliaris | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0150 | Queen Parrotfish | Scarus vetula | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0210 | Queen Triggerfish | Balistes vetula | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0903 | Querimana Silverside | Melanorhinus microps | Neotropical Silversides | Atherinopsidae |
0334 | Quillfin Blenny | Labrisomus filamentosus | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0640 | Racoon Butterflyfish (Exotic) | Chaetodon lunula | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0720 | Radiated Shanny | Ulvaria subbifurcata | Prickleback | Stichaeidae |
0151 | Rainbow Parrotfish | Scarus guacamaia | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0140 | Rainbow Runner | Elagatis bipinnulata | Jack | Carangidae |
0745 | Rainbow Smelt | Osmerus mordax | Smelt | Osmeridae |
0217 | Rainbow Wrasse | Halichoeres pictus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0872 | Rainwater Killifish | Lucania parva | Topminnows and Killifishes | Fundulidae |
1120 | Randall's Soapfish | Rypticus randalli | Soapfishes | Grammistidae |
0796 | Red Barbier | Hemanthias vivanus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0365 | Red Clingfish | Acyrtus rubiginosus | Clingfish | Gobiesocidae |
0371 | Red Cornetfish | Fistularia petimba | Cornetfish | Fistulariidae |
0610 | Red Drum | Sciaenops ocellatus | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0414 | Red Goatfish | Mullus auratus | Goatfish | Mullidae |
0098 | Red Grouper | Epinephelus morio | Seabass | Serranidae |
0707 | Red Hake | Urophycis chuss | Cod | Gadidae |
0099 | Red Hind | Epinephelus guttatus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0683 | Red Lionfish (exotic) | Pterois volitans | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0471 | Red Lizardfish | Synodus synodus | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0499 | Red Porgy | Pagrus pagrus | Porgy | Sparidae |
0562 | Red Snapper | Lutjanus campechanus | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0905 | Red Squirrelfish | Sargocentron hastatum | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0152 | Redband Parrotfish | Sparisoma aurofrenatum | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0345 | Redbelly (pka Redeye) Triplefin | Enneanectes jordani (pka E. pectoralis) | Triplefin (Blenny) | Tripterygiidae |
0885 | Redcheek Goby | Tigrigobius rubrigenis | Goby | Gobiidae |
0623 | Redear Sardine (Redear Herring) | Harengula humeralis | Silvery Fishes - Silversides, Herrings, and Anchovies | Atherinidae, Clupeidae, and Engraulidae |
0814 | Redeye (aka Gray) Parrotfish | Sparisoma axillare | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
1010 | Redeye Mullet | Mugil rubrioculus | Mullet | Mugilidae |
0576 | Redface Moray | Monopenchelys acuta | Moray | Muraenidae |
0486 | Redfin Needlefish | Strongylura notata notata | Needlefish | Belonidae |
0749 | Redfish sp. | Sebastes sp. | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0017 | Redlip Blenny | Ophioblennius macclurei | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
1018 | Redlip Blenny (Brazil) | Ophioblennius trinitatis | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0226 | Redspotted Hawkfish | Amblycirrhitus pinos | Hawkfish | Cirrhitidae |
0154 | Redtail Parrotfish | Sparisoma chrysopterum | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0459 | Redtail Scad | Decapterus tabl | Jack | Carangidae |
1087 | Redtooth Triggerfish (non-native) | Odonus niger | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0538 | Reef Bass | Pseudogramma gregoryi | Seabass | Serranidae |
0033 | Reef Butterflyfish | Chaetodon sedentarius | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0058 | Reef Croaker | Odontoscion dentex | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0797 | Reef Parrotfish | Sparisoma amplum | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0177 | Reef Scorpionfish | Scorpaenodes caribbaeus | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0188 | Reef Shark (Caribbean) | Carcharhinus perezii | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0202 | Reef Squirrelfish | Holocentrus coruscus | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0784 | Reef-cave Brotula | Grammonus claudei | Viviparous Brotula | Bythitidae |
0964 | Regal Demoiselle (Exotic) | Neopomacentrus cyanomos | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0604 | Remora | Remora remora | Remora | Echeneidae |
0665 | Resh Pikeblenny | Chaenopsis resh | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0385 | Reticulate Moray | Muraena retifera | Moray | Muraenidae |
0780 | Ribbon Blenny | Emblemaria vitta | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0869 | Ridgefin Eel | Callechelys springeri | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0335 | Ringed Shy Blenny Complex | Starksia hassi complex | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0981 | Ringneck Blenny (aka Variable Blenny) | Parablennius pilicornis | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0812 | Rocas Gregory | Stegastes rocasensis | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0006 | Rock Beauty | Holacanthus tricolor | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0721 | Rock Gunnel | Pholis gunnellus | Gunnel | Pholidae |
0100 | Rock Hind | Epinephelus adscensionis | Seabass | Serranidae |
0624 | Rock Sea Bass | Centropristis philadelphica | Seabass | Serranidae |
0428 | Rockcut Goby | Gobiosoma grosvenori | Goby | Gobiidae |
1020 | Rockpool Blenny | Entomacrodus vomerinus | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0018 | Rosy Blenny | Malacoctenus macropus | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0175 | Rosy Razorfish | Xyrichtys martinicensis | Wrasse | Labridae |
0460 | Rough Scad | Trachurus lathami | Jack | Carangidae |
0586 | Rough Triggerfish | Canthidermis maculatus | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0306 | Roughback Batfish | Ogcocephalus parvus | Batfish | Ogcocephalidae |
0336 | Roughhead Blenny | Acanthemblemaria aspera | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0346 | Roughhead Triplefin | Enneanectes boehlkei | Triplefin (Blenny) | Tripterygiidae |
0359 | Roughlip Cardinalfish | Apogon robinsi | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0520 | Roughtail Stingray | Dasyatis centroura | Stingray | Dasyatidae |
0859 | Roughtongued Bass | Pronotogrammus martinicensis | Seabass | Serranidae |
0461 | Round Scad | Decapterus punctatus | Jack | Carangidae |
0893 | Roundel Skate | Raja texana | Skate | Rajidae |
0429 | Rusty Goby | Priolepis hipoliti | Goby | Gobiidae |
0788 | Saddle Bass | Serranus notospilus | Seabass | Serranidae |
1004 | Saddle Squirrelfish | Sargocentron poco | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0570 | Saddle Stargazer | Gillellus rubrocinctus | Sand Stargazers | Dactyloscopidae |
0019 | Saddled Blenny | Malacoctenus triangulatus | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
1017 | Saddled Blenny Brazilian Complex | Malacoctenus aff triangulatus species (Brazil) | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0686 | Saddled Parrotfish | Sparisoma frondosum | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0020 | Sailfin Blenny | Emblemaria pandionis | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0837 | Sailfin Molly | Poecilia latipinna | Mosquitofish | Poeciliidae |
0650 | Sailfin tang (exotic) | Zebrasoma veliferum | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0805 | Sailfish | Istiophorus platypterus | Billfishes | Istiophoridae |
0112 | Sailors Choice | Haemulon parra | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0230 | Sand Diver | Synodus intermedius | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0377 | Sand Drum | Umbrina coroides | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0184 | Sand Perch | Diplectrum formosum | Seabass | Serranidae |
0571 | Sand Stargazer | Dactyloscopus tridigitatus | Sand Stargazers | Dactyloscopidae |
0644 | Sand Tiger | Carcharias taurus | Sand Tiger (shark) | Odontaspididae |
0238 | Sand Tilefish | Malacanthus plumieri | Tilefish | Malacanthidae |
0936 | Sand-Canyon Goby (part of Bridled Goby Complex) | Coryphopterus bol | Goby | Gobiidae |
0556 | Sandbar Shark | Carcharhinus plumbeus | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0581 | Sapo | Batrachoides surinamensis | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0663 | Sapo Bocon | Amphichthys cryptocentrus | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0664 | Sapo Cano | Thalassophryne maculosa | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0494 | Sargassum Pipefish | Syngnathus pelagicus | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0211 | Sargassum Triggerfish | Xanthichthys ringens | Triggerfish | Balistidae |
0410 | Sargassumfish | Histrio histrio | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0160 | Saucereye Porgy | Calamus calamus | Porgy | Sparidae |
0360 | Sawcheek Cardinalfish | Apogon quadrisquamatus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0611 | Scaled Sardine | Harengula jaguana | Silvery Fishes - Silversides, Herrings, and Anchovies | Atherinidae, Clupeidae, and Engraulidae |
1104 | Scaled Sardine / False Herring complex | Harengula clupeola / Harengula jaguana | Herring | Clupeidae |
0549 | Scalloped Hammerhead | Sphyrna lewini | Hammerhead Shark | Sphyrnidae |
0101 | Scamp | Mycteroperca phenax | Seabass | Serranidae |
0539 | School Bass | Schultzea beta | Seabass | Serranidae |
0196 | Schoolmaster | Lutjanus apodus | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0026 | Scrawled Cowfish | Acanthostracion quadricornis | Boxfish | Ostraciidae |
0070 | Scrawled Filefish | Aluterus scriptus | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0591 | Scrawled Sole | Trinectes inscriptus | Sole | Soleidae |
0620 | Scup | Stenotomus chrysops | Porgy | Sparidae |
0500 | Sea Bream | Archosargus rhomboidalis | Porgy | Sparidae |
0750 | Sea Raven | Hemitripterus americanus | Sculpin | Cottidae |
0655 | Sea Turtle sp. (unidentified) | Sea Turtles | Cheloniidae | |
0021 | Seaweed Blenny | Parablennius marmoreus | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0934 | Secretary Blenny | Acanthemblemaria maria | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0430 | Seminole Goby | Microgobius carri | Goby | Gobiidae |
0052 | Sergeant Major | Abudefduf saxatilis | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
1070 | Sharknose / Cleaning Goby Complex Bahamas TCI | Elacatinus evelynae / Elacatinus genie complex | Goby | Gobiidae |
0431 | Sharknose Goby | Elacatinus evelynae | Goby | Gobiidae |
0231 | Sharksucker | Echeneis naucrates | Remora | Echeneidae |
0167 | Sharpnose Puffer | Canthigaster rostrata | Puffer | Tetraodontidae |
0065 | Sharptail Eel | Myrichthys breviceps | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0161 | Sheepshead | Archosargus probatocephalus | Porgy | Sparidae |
0740 | Sheepshead Minnow | Cyprinodon variegatus | Killifish | Cyprinodontidae |
0162 | Sheepshead Porgy | Calamus penna | Porgy | Sparidae |
0910 | Shelf Flounder | Etropus cyclosquamus | Sand Flounder | Paralichthyidae |
1105 | Shoal Flounder | Syacium gunteri | Flounder | Bothidae |
0310 | Short Bigeye | Pristigenys alta | Bigeye | Priacanthidae |
0495 | Shortfin Pipefish | Cosmocampus elucens | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0573 | Shortfin Sweeper | Pempheris poeyi | Sweeper | Pempheridae |
0751 | Shorthorn Sculpin | Myoxocephalus scorpius | Sculpin | Cottidae |
0309 | Shortnose Batfish | Ogcocephalus nasutus | Batfish | Ogcocephalidae |
1083 | Shortspine (Red Banner) Blenny | Emblemariopsis dianae | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0088 | Shortstripe Goby | Elacatinus chancei | Goby | Gobiidae |
0698 | Shorttail Snake Eel | Callechelys guineensis | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0399 | Shrimp Flounder | Gastropsetta frontalis | Flounder | Bothidae |
0125 | Shy Hamlet | Hypoplectrus guttavarius | Seabass | Serranidae |
0606 | Sicklefin Devil Ray (aka Greater Devil Ray) | Mobula tarapacana | Manta | Mobulidae |
0799 | Silk Snapper | Lutjanus vivanus | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0558 | Silky Shark | Carcharhinus falciformis | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0708 | Silver Hake | Merluccius bilinearis | Cod | Gadidae |
0478 | Silver Jenny | Eucinostomus gula | Mojarra | Gerreidae |
0742 | Silver Perch | Bairdiella chrysoura | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0502 | Silver Porgy | Diplodus caudimacula | Porgy | Sparidae |
0773 | Skate sp. | Leucoraja sp. | Skate | Rajidae |
1007 | Skilletfish | Gobiesox strumosus | Clingfish | Gobiesocidae |
0642 | Skipjack Tuna | Katsuwonus pelamis | Mackerel | Scombridae |
0432 | Slaty Goby | Elacatinus tenox | Goby | Gobiidae |
0071 | Slender Filefish | Monacanthus tuckeri | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0479 | Slender Mojarra | Eucinostomus jonesii | Mojarra | Gerreidae |
0968 | Slender Mojarra / Spotfin Mojarra Complex | Eucinostomus jonesii / Eucinostomus argenteus | Mojarra | Gerreidae |
0218 | Slippery Dick | Halichoeres bivittatus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0945 | Slope Soapfish | Rypticus carpenteri | Soapfishes | Grammistidae |
0113 | Smallmouth Grunt | Haemulon chrysargyreum | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0516 | Smalltooth Sawfish | Pristis pectinata | Sawfish | Pristidae |
0521 | Smooth Butterfly Ray | Gymnura micrura | Stingray | Dasyatidae |
0889 | Smooth clingfish | Gobiesox nudus | Clingfish | Gobiesocidae |
0772 | Smooth Flounder | Pleuronectes putnami | Flounder (Right-Eye) | Pleuronectidae |
0550 | Smooth Hammerhead | Sphyrna zygaena | Hammerhead Shark | Sphyrnidae |
0027 | Smooth Trunkfish | Lactophrys triqueter | Boxfish | Ostraciidae |
1101 | Smoothcheek Scorpionfish | Scorpaena isthmensis | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0647 | Smootheye Shy Blenny Complex | Starksia atlantica complex | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
1067 | Smoothhead Glass Blenny (pka Blackhead Blenny) | Emblemariopsis bahamensis | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0942 | Smoothhead Glass Blenny Complex | Emblemariopsis sp. (Smoothhead complex) | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0722 | Snakeblenny | Lumpenus lumpretaeformis | Prickleback | Stichaeidae |
0472 | Snakefish | Trachinocephalus myops | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
0540 | Snow Bass | Serranus chionaraia | Seabass | Serranidae |
0779 | Snowy Grouper | Hyporthodus niveatus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0823 | Social Wrasse | Halichoeres socialis | Wrasse | Labridae |
0770 | Sohal Surgeonfish (exotic) | Acanthurus sohal | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0970 | Sooty Eel | Bascanichthys bascanium | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0634 | Southern Flounder | Paralichthys lethostigma | Flounder | Bothidae |
0513 | Southern Guitarfish | Rhinobatos percellens | Guitarfish | Rhinobatidae |
0369 | Southern Hake | Urophycis floridana | Cod | Gadidae |
0507 | Southern Puffer | Sphoeroides nephelus | Puffer | Tetraodontidae |
0940 | Southern Smoothhead Glass Blenny | Emblemariopsis bottomei | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0572 | Southern Stargazer | Astroscopus y-graecum | Stargazer | Uranoscopidae |
0170 | Southern Stingray | Hypanus americanus | Stingray | Dasyatidae |
0898 | Spaghetti Eel | Moringua edwardsi | Worm or Spaghetti Eels | Moringuidae |
0114 | Spanish Grunt | Haemulon macrostoma | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0131 | Spanish Hogfish | Bodianus rufus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0143 | Spanish Mackerel | Scomberomorus maculatus | Mackerel | Scombridae |
0906 | Spanish Sardine | Sardinella aurita | Silvery Fishes - Silversides, Herrings, and Anchovies | Atherinidae, Clupeidae, and Engraulidae |
0913 | Speckled Blenny | Acanthemblemaria betinensis | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0689 | Speckled Hind | Epinephelus drummondhayi | Seabass | Serranidae |
0958 | Spiked Pipefish | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae | |
0911 | Spikefin Glass Blenny (pka Caribbean Flagfin Glass Blenny) | Emblemariopsis carib | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0559 | Spinner Shark | Carcharhinus brevipinna | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0756 | Spiny Dogfish | Squalus acanthias | Dogfish | Squalidae |
0840 | Spiny Flounder | Engyophrys senta | Flounder | Bothidae |
0667 | Spiny Sailfin Blenny | Emblemaria diphyodontis | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0527 | Spinycheek Scorpionfish | Neomerinthe hemingwayi | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
1057 | Spinycheek Soldierfish | Corniger spinosus | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0338 | Spinyhead Blenny | Acanthemblemaria spinosa | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
1023 | Splendid Shy Blenny (Cayman endemic) | Starksia splendens | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0582 | Splendid Toadfish | Sanopus splendidus | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0361 | Sponge Cardinalfish | Phaeoptyx xenus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0711 | Spot | Leiostomus xanthurus | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0022 | Spotcheek Blenny | Labrisomus nigricinctus | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0509 | Spotfin Burrfish | Chilomycterus reticulatus | Porcupinefish | Diodontidae |
0034 | Spotfin Butterflyfish | Chaetodon ocellatus | Butterflyfish | Chaetodontidae |
0639 | Spotfin Flounder | Cyclopsetta fimbriata | Sand Flounder | Paralichthyidae |
0596 | Spotfin Goby | Oxyurichthys stigmalophius | Goby | Gobiidae |
0132 | Spotfin Hogfish | Bodianus pulchellus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0919 | Spotfin Jawfish | Opistognathus robinsi | Jawfish | Opistognathidae |
0601 | Spotfin Mojarra | Eucinostomus argenteus | Mojarra | Gerreidae |
0978 | Spotfin Tonguefish | Symphurus oligomerus | Tonguefishes | Cynoglossidae |
0690 | Spotjaw Blenny | Acanthemblemaria rivasi | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0089 | Spotlight Goby | Elacatinus louisae | Goby | Gobiidae |
0400 | Spottail Flounder | Bothus robinsi | Flounder | Bothidae |
0856 | Spottail Goby | Ctenogobius stigmaturus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0501 | Spottail Pinfish | Diplodus holbrookii | Porgy | Sparidae |
1110 | Spotted Batfish | Ogcocephalus pantostictus | Batfish | Ogcocephalidae |
0375 | Spotted Dragonet | Diplogrammus pauciradiatus | Dragonet | Callionymidae |
1118 | Spotted Driftfish | Ariomma regulus | Driftfishes | Ariommatidae |
0059 | Spotted Drum | Eques punctatus | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0171 | Spotted Eagle Ray | Aetobatus narinari | Eagle Ray | Myliobatidae |
0076 | Spotted Goatfish | Pseudupeneus maculatus | Goatfish | Mullidae |
0434 | Spotted Goby | Coryphopterus punctipectophorus | Goby | Gobiidae |
0370 | Spotted Hake | Urophycis regia | Cod | Gadidae |
0066 | Spotted Moray | Gymnothorax moringa | Moray | Muraenidae |
0178 | Spotted Scorpionfish | Scorpaena plumieri plumieri | Scorpionfish | Scorpaenidae |
0626 | Spotted Seatrout | Cynoscion nebulosus | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0389 | Spotted Snake Eel | Ophichthus ophis | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0565 | Spotted Soapfish | Rypticus subbifrenatus | Soapfishes | Grammistidae |
0390 | Spotted Spoon-nose Eel | Echiophis intertinctus | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0028 | Spotted Trunkfish | Lactophrys bicaudalis | Boxfish | Ostraciidae |
1021 | Spotted Whiff | Citharichthys macrops | Flounder | Bothidae |
1064 | Springer's Blenny (Smootheye Shy Blenny Complex species) | Starksia springeri | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0203 | Squirrelfish | Holocentrus adscensionis | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
0974 | St Paul's Damselfish | Stegastes sanctipauli | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0846 | St. Vincent Linesnout goby | Elacatinus sp. St. Vincent | Goby | Gobiidae |
1008 | Stalk Blenny / False Papillose Blenny | Acanthemblemaria greenfieldi | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0366 | Stippled Clingfish | Gobiesox punctulatus | Clingfish | Gobiesocidae |
0848 | Stippled spoon-nose Eel | Echiophis punctifer | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0155 | Stoplight Parrotfish | Sparisoma viride | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0386 | Stout Moray | Muraena robusta | Moray | Muraenidae |
0813 | Streamer Wrasse | Clepticus brasiliensis | Wrasse | Labridae |
0412 | Striated Frogfish | Antennarius striatus | Frogfish | Antennariidae |
0619 | Striped Bass | Morone saxatilis | Temperate Basses | Percichthyidae |
0701 | Striped Blenny | Chasmodes bosquianus | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0508 | Striped Burrfish | Chilomycterus schoepfii | Porcupinefish | Diodontidae |
0522 | Striped Cardinalfish | Apogon robbyi | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0378 | Striped Croaker | Bairdiella sanctaeluciae | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0115 | Striped Grunt | Haemulon striatum | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0979 | Striped Hamlet (restricted to Fort Liberte Haiti) | Hypoplectrus liberte | Seabass | Serranidae |
0741 | Striped Killifish | Fundulus majalis | Killifish | Cyprinodontidae |
1012 | Striped Mojarra | Eugerres plumieri | Mojarra | Gerreidae |
0481 | Striped Mullet | Mugil cephalus | Mullet | Mugilidae |
0156 | Striped Parrotfish | Scarus iseri | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0682 | Striped Searobin | Prionotus evolans | Searobin | Triglidae |
0818 | Striped Trumpet | Aulostomus strigosus | Trumpetfish | Aulostomidae |
0621 | Summer Flounder (Fluke) | Paralichthys dentatus | Flounder | Bothidae |
0045 | Sunshinefish | Chromis insolata | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0833 | Surf Eel | Ichthyapus ophioneus | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
0944 | Surf Shy Blenny Complex | Starksia smithvanizi complex | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0902 | Surge Clingfish | Tomicodon rupestris | Clingfish | Gobiesocidae |
0853 | Surgeonfish Mutant | Acanthurus spp. | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0467 | Swordtail Jawfish | Lonchopisthus micrognathus | Jawfish | Opistognathidae |
0126 | Tan Hamlet | Hypoplectrus randallorum | Seabass | Serranidae |
0237 | Tarpon | Megalops atlanticus | Tarpon | Elopidae |
0541 | Tattler Bass | Serranus phoebe | Seabass | Serranidae |
0630 | Tautog | Tautoga onitis | Wrasse | Labridae |
0314 | Tessellated Blenny | Hypsoblennius invemar | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |
0757 | Thorny Skate | Amblyraja radiata | Skate | Rajidae |
0401 | Three-eye Flounder | Ancylopsetta dilecta | Flounder | Bothidae |
0304 | Threeline Basslet | Lipogramma trilineatum | Basslet | Grammatidae |
0053 | Threespot Damselfish | Stegastes planifrons | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
1055 | Tidewater Mojarra | Eucinostomus harengulus | Mojarra | Gerreidae |
0435 | Tiger Goby | Gobiosoma macrodon | Goby | Gobiidae |
0102 | Tiger Grouper | Mycteroperca tigris | Seabass | Serranidae |
0560 | Tiger Shark | Galeocerdo cuvier | Requiem Shark | Carcharhinidae |
0487 | Timucu | Strongylura timucu | Needlefish | Belonidae |
0185 | Tobaccofish | Serranus tabacarius | Seabass | Serranidae |
0116 | Tomtate | Haemulon aurolineatum | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0930 | Topsail Chub | Kyphosus cinerascens | Chub | Kyphosidae |
0592 | Townsend Angelfish (Hybrid Queen/Blue) | Holacanthus sp. (Hybrid) | Angelfish | Pomacanthidae |
0585 | Tripletail | Lobotes surinamensis | Tripletail | Lobotidae |
0402 | Tropical Flounder | Paralichthys tropicus | Flounder | Bothidae |
0239 | Trumpetfish | Aulostomus maculatus | Trumpetfish | Aulostomidae |
0029 | Trunkfish | Lactophrys trigonus | Boxfish | Ostraciidae |
0983 | Tuiupiranga Parrotfish | Sparisoma tuiupiranga | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
0829 | Tunnel Goby | Psilotris kaufmani | Goby | Gobiidae |
0603 | Tusked Goby | Risor ruber | Goby | Gobiidae |
0677 | Twinhorn Blenny | Coralliozetus cardonae | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0542 | Twinspot Bass | Serranus flaviventris | Seabass | Serranidae |
0954 | Two-Bar Triplefin | Enneanectes deloachorum | Triplefin (Blenny) | Tripterygiidae |
0040 | Twospot Cardinalfish | Apogon pseudomaculatus | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0693 | Twostripe Puffer | Canthigaster figueiredoi | Puffer | Tetraodontidae |
0950 | Undescribed Manta Ray (Caribbean new species) | Mobula sp. cf birostris | Manta | Mobulidae |
0395 | Unicorn Filefish | Aluterus monoceros | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
1121 | Unidentified Cardinalfish | Apogon sp. | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
1107 | Unidentified Cleaning / Sponge Goby (Elacatinus sp.) | Elacatinus sp. | Goby | Gobiidae |
0961 | Unidentified Clingfish | Clingfish | Gobiesocidae | |
1126 | Unidentified Cornetfish | Fistularia sp. | Cornetfish | Fistulariidae |
1086 | Unidentified Cusk-eel | Ophidiidae sp. | Cusk-eel | Ophidiidae |
0319 | Unidentified Darkheaded Blenny Emblemariopsis sp. B | Emblemariopsis sp. B (Darkheaded) | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0669 | Unidentified Emblemariopsis spp (incl. spikefin and flagfin) | Emblemariopsis spp. | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
1114 | Unidentified Flyingfish | Exocoetidae sp | Flyingfish | Exocoetidae |
0928 | Unidentified Halfbeak | Hyporhamphus sp./ Hemiramphus sp./ Euleptorhamphus | Halfbeak | Hemiramphidae |
1127 | Unidentified Jack | Carangidae sp. | Jack | Carangidae |
1091 | Unidentified Jawfish | Opistognathus sp. | Jawfish | Opistognathidae |
1129 | Unidentified Killifish | Cyprinodontidae sp. | Killifish | Cyprinodontidae |
0916 | Unidentified Lizardfish | Synodus sp. | Lizardfish | Synodontidae |
1009 | Unidentified Mojarra sp. | Eucinostomus/Gerres spp. | Mojarra | Gerreidae |
0971 | Unidentified Mullet | Mugil sp. | Mullet | Mugilidae |
0927 | Unidentified Needlefish | Needlefish | Belonidae | |
1093 | Unidentified Pipefish (Syngnathus sp.) | Syngnathus sp. (unidentified) | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0834 | Unidentified Pipefish sp. | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae | |
1073 | Unidentified Porgy | Porgy | Sparidae | |
0995 | Unidentified Scad | Jack | Carangidae | |
0866 | Unidentified Sea Catfish | Ariidae | Sea Catfishes | Ariidae |
1133 | Unidentified Seahorse | Hippocampus sp. | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
1113 | Unidentified Searobin | Prionotus sp. | Searobin | Triglidae |
0518 | Unidentified Shy Blenny Starksia | Starksia sp. | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0232 | Unidentified Silvery Fish (Silversides / Anchovies / Herrings) | Atheriniformes sp./ Clupeiformes sp. | Silvery Fishes - Silversides, Herrings, and Anchovies | Atherinidae, Clupeidae, and Engraulidae |
1077 | Unidentified Snake Eel | Ophichthidae sp. | Snake Eel | Ophichthidae |
1011 | Unidentified Sole sp. (Achiridae sp.) | Achiridae sp. | Sole (American) | Achiridae |
1132 | Unidentified Toadfish | Batrachoididae sp. | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0622 | Unidentified Triplefin species | Enneanectes sp. | Triplefin (Blenny) | Tripterygiidae |
1124 | Unidentified Tuna | Thunnus sp. | Mackerel | Scombridae |
0908 | Veracruz Hamlet | Hypoplectrus castroaguirrei | Seabass | Serranidae |
0563 | Vermillion Snapper | Rhomboplites aurorubens | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0544 | Vieja | Serranus dewegeri | Seabass | Serranidae |
0067 | Viper Moray | Enchelycore nigricans | Moray | Muraenidae |
0474 | Wahoo | Acanthocybium solandri | Mackerel | Scombridae |
0613 | Wall Goby (aka Semiscaled Goby) | Tigrigobius pallens | Goby | Gobiidae |
0441 | Warsaw Grouper | Epinephelus nigritus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0988 | Warteye Stargazer | Gillellus uranidea | Sand Stargazers | Dactyloscopidae |
0168 | Web Burrfish | Chilomycterus antillarum | Porcupinefish | Diodontidae |
0092 | Western Comb Grouper | Mycteroperca acutirostris | Seabass | Serranidae |
0781 | Western Smoothhead Glass Blenny (pka Seafan Blenny) | Emblemariopsis pricei | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0546 | Whale Shark | Rhincodon typus | Carpet Shark | Rhincodontidae |
0671 | White Grouper | Mycteroperca cidi | Seabass | Serranidae |
0117 | White Grunt | Haemulon plumierii | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0709 | White Hake | Urophycis tenuis | Cod | Gadidae |
0110 | White Margate | Haemulon album | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0482 | White Mullet | Mugil curema | Mullet | Mugilidae |
0743 | White Perch | Morone americana | Temperate Basses | Percichthyidae |
0643 | White Trevally | Pseudocaranx dentex | Jack | Carangidae |
0436 | White-eye Goby | Bollmannia boqueronensis | Goby | Gobiidae |
1001 | White-tailed Hamelt (undescribed spF Cuba2017) | Hypoplectrus sp D | Seabass | Serranidae |
1000 | Whitebar Goby (undescribed spG Cuba2016) | Tigrigobius sp A | Goby | Gobiidae |
0503 | Whitebone Porgy | Calamus leucosteus | Porgy | Sparidae |
0523 | Whitefin Sharksucker | Echeneis neucratoides | Remora | Echeneidae |
0998 | Whitelined Grunt (undescribed spC Cuba2016) | Haemulon sp A | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0583 | Whitelined Toadfish | Sanopus greenfieldorum | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0827 | Whitemouth Croaker | Micropogonias furnieri | Drum | Sciaenidae |
0496 | Whitenose Pipefish | Cosmocampus albirostris | Pipefish and Seahorse | Syngnathidae |
0816 | Whitespotted (aka Blackear) Moray | Muraena pavonina | Moray | Muraenidae |
0072 | Whitespotted Filefish | Cantherhines macrocerus | Filefish | Monacanthidae |
0566 | Whitespotted Soapfish | Rypticus maculatus | Soapfishes | Grammistidae |
0790 | Whitespotted Surgeonfish (Exotic) | Acanthurus guttatus | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0584 | Whitespotted Toadfish | Sanopus astrifer | Toadfish | Batrachoididae |
0041 | Whitestar Cardinalfish | Apogon lachneri | Cardinalfish | Apogonidae |
0831 | Whitestriped Squirrelfish (St. Vincent) | unID | Squirrelfish | Holocentridae |
1024 | Williams Blenny (Blackcheek Shy Blenny complex species) | Starksia williamsi | Blenny - Labrisomids | Labrisomidae |
0727 | Windowpane Flounder | Scophthalmus aquosus | Flounder | Bothidae |
0932 | Windward Triplefin | Enneanectes wilki | Triplefin (Blenny) | Tripterygiidae |
0728 | Winter Flounder | Pseudopleuronectes americanus | Flounder (Right-Eye) | Pleuronectidae |
0758 | Winter Skate | Leucoraja ocellata | Skate | Rajidae |
0729 | Witch Flounder | Glyptocephalus cynoglossus | Flounder (Right-Eye) | Pleuronectidae |
0543 | Wrasse Basslet | Liopropoma eukrines | Basslet / Seabass | Liopropomatinae |
0339 | Wrasse Blenny | Hemiemblemaria simulus | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0609 | Yellow Garden Eel | Heteroconger luteolus | Conger | Congridae |
0077 | Yellow Goatfish | Mulloidichthys martinicus | Goatfish | Mullidae |
0141 | Yellow Jack | Caranx bartholomaei | Jack | Carangidae |
0468 | Yellow Jawfish | Opistognathus gilberti | Jawfish | Opistognathidae |
0648 | Yellow Sailfin Tang (exotic) | Zebrasoma flavescens | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0172 | Yellow Stingray | Urobatis jamaicensis | Round Stingrays | Urolophidae |
1131 | Yellow Triplefin | Enneanectes flavus | Triplefin (Blenny) | Tripterygiidae |
0127 | Yellowbelly Hamlet | Hypoplectrus aberrans | Seabass | Serranidae |
0305 | Yellowcheek Basslet | Gramma linki | Basslet | Grammatidae |
0219 | Yellowcheek Wrasse | Halichoeres cyanocephalus | Wrasse | Labridae |
0830 | Yellowedge Grouper | Epinephelus flavolimbatus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0341 | Yellowface Pikeblenny | Chaenopsis limbaughi | Blenny - Pike, tube, and flag | Chaenopsidae |
0793 | Yellowfin Chromis | Chromis flavicauda | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0103 | Yellowfin Grouper | Mycteroperca venenosa | Seabass | Serranidae |
0229 | Yellowfin Mojarra | Gerres cinereus | Mojarra | Gerreidae |
0625 | Yellowfin Tuna | Thunnus albacares | Mackerel | Scombridae |
0228 | Yellowhead Jawfish | Opistognathus aurifrons | Jawfish | Opistognathidae |
0220 | Yellowhead Wrasse | Halichoeres garnoti | Wrasse | Labridae |
0090 | Yellowline Goby | Elacatinus horsti | Goby | Gobiidae |
0104 | Yellowmouth Grouper | Mycteroperca interstitialis | Seabass | Serranidae |
0437 | Yellownose Goby | Elacatinus randalli | Goby | Gobiidae |
0438 | Yellowprow Goby | Elacatinus xanthiprora | Goby | Gobiidae |
0973 | Yellowstriped Grunt | Haemulon squamipinna | Grunt | Haemulidae |
0153 | Yellowtail (Redfin) Parrotfish | Sparisoma rubripinne | Parrotfish | Scaridae |
1102 | Yellowtail Amberjack | Seriola lalandi | Jack | Carangidae |
0054 | Yellowtail Damselfish | Microspathodon chrysurus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0730 | Yellowtail Flounder | Limanda ferruginea | Flounder (Right-Eye) | Pleuronectidae |
0128 | Yellowtail Hamlet | Hypoplectrus chlorurus | Seabass | Serranidae |
0046 | Yellowtail Reeffish | Chromis enchrysura | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0649 | Yellowtail Sailfin Tang (exotic) | Zebrasoma xanthurum | Surgeonfish | Acanthuridae |
0197 | Yellowtail Snapper | Ocyurus chrysurus | Snapper | Lutjanidae |
0651 | Yellowtip Damselfish | Stegastes pictus | Damselfish | Pomacentridae |
0681 | Zebra Sole | Gymnachirus nudus | Sole (American) | Achiridae |
0315 | Zebratail Blenny | Hypleurochilus caudovittatus | Blenny - Combtooth | Blenniidae |