REEF uses a hierarchical 8-digit code system for survey site locations. Each geographic area has its own set of codes. When completing a survey, you need to know the complete 8-digit code for the site you surveyed.

If the site that you surveyed is not currently on our list, then please email to request a new code to be assigned. Please provide the site name, general location, and ideally the latitude and longitude.

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Region: SAS
Zone: SOUTH ATLANTIC STATES (North Carolina thru Georgia)

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ZoneZone Code listGeographic ReportNameHave Coordinates?
93Zone Code listGeographic ReportSoutheast US (North Carolina/Hatteras Canyon thru Georgia)
9301Zone Code listGeographic ReportSouth Carolina
93010001Geographic ReportBill Perry, SCNo
93010002Geographic ReportHebe, SCNo
93010003Geographic ReportCity of Richmond, SCNo
93010004Geographic ReportY/73 WreckYes
93010005Geographic ReportT&A#9 WreckYes
93010006Geographic ReportIndigo LedgesNo
93010007Geographic ReportAnchor LedgesNo
93010008Geographic ReportResearcher WreckYes
93010009Geographic ReportSteelhouse DeckYes
93010010Geographic ReportLead Weight LedgesYes
93010011Geographic ReportGardens ReefYes
93010012Geographic ReportEric's Double LedgesNo
93010013Geographic ReportLil GardensNo
93010014Geographic ReportAnchor WreckNo
93010015Geographic ReportComanche WreckYes
93010016Geographic ReportChamberlain's GulchNo
93010017Geographic Report105 ft LedgesNo
93010018Geographic ReportHole in WallNo
93010019Geographic ReportSugarbowl ReefNo
93010020Geographic ReportHelen WreckNo
93010021Geographic ReportFred Day WreckYes
93010022Geographic ReportEagle's NestYes
93010023Geographic ReportCharleston 60 ReefYes
93010024Geographic ReportTrain Wreck (subway cars)Yes
93010025Geographic Report105 BargeYes
93010026Geographic ReportBarracuda AlleyYes
93010027Geographic ReportThe ShermanYes
93010028Geographic ReportEleven Mile Reef, Tugboat & Barge (Murrells Inlet)Yes
93010029Geographic ReportThe Governor (maybe Suwanne, Paddle Wheeler Wreck)Yes
93010030Geographic ReportBP-25 Tanker Artificial ReefYes
93010031Geographic ReportArea 51 DNR Artificial ReefNo
93010032Geographic ReportEdisto 60 Reef - Army APCsYes
93010033Geographic ReportBrown Reef (East of St. Helena Sound)Yes
93010034Geographic ReportArea 51-A DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010035Geographic ReportArea 51-B DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010036Geographic ReportArea 51-C DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010037Geographic ReportArea 51-D DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010038Geographic ReportArea 53-A DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010039Geographic ReportArea 53-B DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010040Geographic ReportArea 53-C DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010041Geographic ReportArea 53-D DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010042Geographic ReportUSS VermilionYes
9302Zone Code listGeographic ReportGray's Reef NMS
93020001Geographic ReportGray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary - unspecifieNo
93020003Geographic ReportStation 20 (Gray's Reef NMS Monitoring Site )Yes
93020004Geographic ReportGRNMS Southwest Ledge 1Yes
93020005Geographic ReportGRNMS Southwest Ledge 2 / The TerracesYes
93020006Geographic ReportGRNMS Southwest Ledge 3Yes
93020007Geographic ReportGRNMS Site R9Yes
93020008Geographic ReportGRNMS Site F3Yes
93020011Geographic ReportMay05_LAM9 - Tigershark LedgeYes
93020012Geographic ReportMay05_LAM6 - Hake LedgeYes
93020013Geographic ReportSpoonnoseYes
93020014Geographic ReportSkate CityYes
93020015Geographic ReportGoliath LedgeYes
93020016Geographic ReportJ-Reef LedgeYes
93020017Geographic ReportLiberty Ship DanielsYes
93020018Geographic ReportLauren's Ledge, Anchor LedgeNo
93020019Geographic ReportSite 51No
93020020Geographic ReportSite 64No
93020021Geographic ReportBarge OlympiaYes
93020022Geographic ReportScamp Ledge (V-8)No
93020023Geographic ReportHousing SiteYes
93020024Geographic ReportSand Dollar Ledge (V-17)No
93020025Geographic ReportV-10 (sand)No
93020026Geographic ReportMay05_LAM1Yes
93020027Geographic ReportMay05_LAM2Yes
93020028Geographic ReportMay05_LAM3Yes
93020029Geographic ReportMay05_LAM4Yes
93020030Geographic ReportMay05_LAM7Yes
93020031Geographic ReportMay05_LAM8Yes
93020032Geographic ReportMay05_LAM10, Ledge 16, 41 INYes
93020033Geographic ReportMay05_LAM11Yes
93020034Geographic ReportMay05_LAM12, Ledge 17Yes
93020035Geographic ReportMay05_LAM13Yes
93020036Geographic ReportMay05_LAM14Yes
93020037Geographic ReportMay05_LAM15Yes
93020038Geographic ReportMay05_LAM16Yes
93020039Geographic ReportMay05_LAM17Yes
93020040Geographic ReportSarah's Ledge (swim east)Yes
93020041Geographic ReportEast of Africa (swim W to Africa, E to ledge)Yes
93020042Geographic ReportFunny Face Fish (swim east)Yes
93020043Geographic ReportWicked Witch of the South (swim east)Yes
93020044Geographic ReportDonut HoleYes
93020045Geographic ReportPaul's Pancreatic ReefYes
93020046Geographic ReportHandlebar MustacheYes
93020047Geographic ReportTatonkaYes
93020048Geographic ReportPantherYes
93020049Geographic ReportThe Claw (swim west)Yes
93020050Geographic ReportSeagull Ledge (swim west)Yes
93020051Geographic ReportPop-a-TopYes
93020052Geographic ReportTrawl 13 (swim NW)Yes
93020053Geographic ReportWil's Liver (swim west or north)Yes
93020054Geographic ReportJigsaw ReefYes
93020055Geographic ReportSnapper BanksYes
93020056Geographic ReportMay05_SP12Yes
93020057Geographic ReportMay05_FS2Yes
93020058Geographic ReportMay05_R1Yes
93020059Geographic ReportMay05_LBM12Yes
93020060Geographic ReportMay05_SP8Yes
93020061Geographic ReportMay05_LAM18Yes
93020062Geographic ReportR2 Tower (outside sanctuary)No
93020063Geographic ReportR2 Hard Bottom (outside sanctuary)Yes
93020064Geographic ReportJ Reef Sand (outside sanctuary)Yes
93020065Geographic ReportMajor EventYes
93020067Geographic ReportMay05_LAM9Yes
93020068Geographic ReportGR4, 01 OUTYes
93020069Geographic Report05 INYes
93020070Geographic Report06 INYes
93020071Geographic Report25 INYes
93020072Geographic Report27 INYes
93020073Geographic Report02 OUTYes
93020074Geographic Report06 OUTYes
93020075Geographic Report41 OUTYes
93020076Geographic ReportFS15 InYes
93020077Geographic Report15 InYes
9303Zone Code listGeographic ReportNorth Carolina
93030001Geographic ReportCassimir WreckYes
93030002Geographic ReportCity of Houston (off Cape Fear), NCNo
93030003Geographic ReportPocahontasYes
93030004Geographic ReportMarkhamYes
93030005Geographic ReportSix Mile Ledge/Six Mile BargesYes
93030006Geographic ReportLaqua CenterYes
93030007Geographic ReportJohn D GillYes
93030008Geographic ReportTopsail BeachNo
93030009Geographic Report8.7 miles SW of Frying Pan TowerNo
93030010Geographic ReportAR 370 Alexander RamseyYes
93030011Geographic ReportFive Mile LedgeYes
93030012Geographic ReportRadio Island JettyYes
93030013Geographic ReportU-352 WreckYes
93030014Geographic ReportIndra WreckYes
93030015Geographic ReportSchurz WreckYes
93030016Geographic ReportPapoose (actually WE Hutton)Yes
93030017Geographic ReportAR-386 Hyde Dredge WreckYes
93030018Geographic Report23 Mile LedgeYes
93030019Geographic ReportSharktooth LedgeYes
93030020Geographic Report8 Mile LedgeNo
93030021Geographic ReportNaeco Wreck sternYes
93030022Geographic ReportNaeco Wreck bowNo
93030023Geographic ReportNancy LeeNo
93030024Geographic ReportSocony WreckNo
93030025Geographic ReportCoast Guard Cutter Spar Moorehead City NCNo
93030026Geographic ReportUSS MonitorNo
93030027Geographic ReportFrying Pan Light TowerYes
93030028Geographic ReportAR305 Aeolus WreckYes
93030029Geographic ReportW.E. Hutton (actually Ario)Yes
93030030Geographic ReportAR 382No
93030031Geographic ReportCaribsea (Beaufort Inlet)No
93030032Geographic ReportAtlas (Beaufort Inlet)Yes
93030033Geographic ReportSuloide (Beaufort Inlet)No
93030034Geographic ReportNormannia (Beaufort Inlet)No
93030035Geographic ReportLobster Wreck (Beaufort Inlet)No
93030036Geographic ReportBox Wreck or Rock Pile (Both names acceptable)No
93030037Geographic ReportTamaulipas or Far East Tanker (Bow)No
93030038Geographic ReportTamaulipas or Far East Tanker (Stern)No
93030039Geographic ReportAshkabad (Beaufort Inlet)No
93030040Geographic ReportPortland (Beaufort Inlet)No
93030041Geographic ReportAR 345 Titan Wreck (Beaufort Inlet)No
93030042Geographic ReportCaswell BeachYes
93030043Geographic ReportR.R. Stone Tug wreckYes
93030044Geographic ReportLiberty ShipNo
93030045Geographic ReportLobster RockYes
93030046Geographic ReportSailboatYes
93030047Geographic ReportAR-320 Buoy / Clifton Moss ReefYes
93030048Geographic ReportWreck of the Greg MicKey (Menhaden wreck)Yes
93030049Geographic ReportSue's LedgeNo
93030050Geographic ReportOld Dredge WreckYes
93030051Geographic ReportStacey's Ledge (37 miles E. of Wrightsville Beach)No
93030052Geographic ReportRosin Wreck (SS Runa)No
93030053Geographic ReportArmy Tugs / J.J.F. Tugboat / The TrampYes
93030054Geographic Report210 Rock / The RockYes
93030055Geographic ReportHMT BedfordshireYes
93030056Geographic ReportLedge east of Frying Pan TowerYes
93030057Geographic ReportAnna's LedgeYes
93030058Geographic ReportBig Grouper LedgeNo
93030059Geographic ReportDisneyland (Meg Tooth Ledge)Yes
93030060Geographic ReportAR300 Hardee's ReefYes
93030061Geographic ReportDew's LedgeYes
93030062Geographic ReportMystery WreckYes
93030063Geographic ReportMeg LedgesYes
93030064Geographic ReportAtlantic Beach (off Club Colony Drive)Yes
9304Zone Code listGeographic ReportGeorgia (except GRNMS)
93040001Geographic ReportNavy Tower M2R2Yes
93040002Geographic ReportUnnamed coastal siteYes
93040003Geographic ReportLive bottom near R2 towerYes
93040004Geographic ReportAnchor Ledge (adjacent to GRNMS)Yes
93040005Geographic ReportAnchor Ledge 2Yes