REEF uses a hierarchical 8-digit code system for survey site locations. Each geographic area has its own set of codes. When completing a survey, you need to know the complete 8-digit code for the site you surveyed.

If the site that you surveyed is not currently on our list, then please email to request a new code to be assigned. Please provide the site name, general location, and ideally the latitude and longitude.

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Region: TEP
Zone: Panama

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ZoneZone Code listGeographic ReportNameHave Coordinates?
6601Zone Code listGeographic ReportPta. Burica - Pta. Cativo
660101Zone Code listGeographic ReportIsla de Coiba
66010101Geographic ReportFrijolesYes
66010102Geographic ReportRancheria RockYes
66010103Geographic ReportKevin's RockYes
66010104Geographic ReportWahoo RockYes
66010105Geographic ReportCorriente RockYes
66010106Geographic ReportIglesias BayYes
66010107Geographic ReportCenter RockYes
66010108Geographic ReportEntrance RockYes
66010109Geographic ReportSplit RockYes
66010110Geographic ReportEast FaceYes
66010111Geographic ReportClub PacificoYes
66010112Geographic ReportWhaletail RockYes
66010113Geographic ReportLighthouseNo
66010114Geographic ReportSeahorse RockYes
66010115Geographic ReportDamselfish PointYes
660102Zone Code listGeographic ReportLadrones Islands
66010201Geographic ReportLadronitosYes
66010202Geographic ReportBajo OchoYes
66010203Geographic ReportPuntas BlancasYes
66010204Geographic ReportMayan TemplesYes
66010205Geographic ReportHeadbanger's BallYes
66010206Geographic ReportLA FreewayYes
66010207Geographic ReportBarritaYes
66010208Geographic ReportZoroYes
66010209Geographic ReportHancock's CoveYes
660103Zone Code listGeographic ReportMontuosa Island
66010301Geographic ReportTrident PinnaclesYes
66010302Geographic ReportPuntitas BonitasYes
66010303Geographic ReportMontuosa AnchorageYes
660104Zone Code listGeographic ReportContreras Islands
66010401Geographic ReportProspect RockYes
66010402Geographic ReportSmithsonian RockYes
66010403Geographic ReportMoray PointYes
66010404Geographic ReportFisherman's DreamYes
66010405Geographic ReportContreras CutYes
66010406Geographic ReportRobinson's AquariumYes
66010407Geographic ReportRockpileYes
66010408Geographic ReportSeafan RidgeYes
66010409Geographic ReportBug GulchYes
66010410Geographic ReportCoral CoveYes
660105Zone Code listGeographic ReportSecas Island and nearby islands
66010501Geographic ReportIsla Cavada NE BayYes
6602Zone Code listGeographic Reporte. of Pta. Cativo - Pta. Mariato
6603Zone Code listGeographic Reporte. of Pta. Mariato - Pta. Mala
6604Zone Code listGeographic Reportn. of Pta. Mala - Pta. Chame
66040001Geographic ReportIguana Island / Las MorenasYes
66040002Geographic ReportIsla FarallonYes
66040003Geographic ReportFarallon Beach / Playa FarallonYes
6605Zone Code listGeographic Reporte. of Pta. Chame - Pta. del Credo
66050001Geographic ReportMorro Point - Taboga IslandYes
6606Zone Code listGeographic ReportArchipielago de las Perlas
66060001Geographic ReportPachita IslandNo
66060002Geographic ReportCatalina IslandNo
660601Zone Code listGeographic ReportContadora Island
66060101Geographic ReportPlaya EjecutivaYes
66060102Geographic ReportPlaya de Las SuecasYes
6607Zone Code listGeographic Reports. of Pta. del Credo - Sta. Barbara
6608Zone Code listGeographic Reports. of Sta. Barbara - Colombia border