Region: SOP
Geographic Zones: Star of Russia (Vila Bay)
Survey Types: Species & Abundance, Species Only
Dates: 1/1/93 - 9/14/24
Total Surveys: 4
#Species Reported: 20
Average Species Reported on a Survey by Expert Surveyors: 0
Average Species Reported on a Survey by Novice Surveyors: 14.25
Survey Type: SA = Species & Abundance; SO = Species Only - How to interpret REEF data?
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Surveys | Bottom Time | |||||
Expert | Novice | |||||
Code | Name | SA | SO | SA | SO | (H:M) |
8 | Vanuatu | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 2:37 |
82 | Shefa (Shepherd Group and Efate) | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 2:37 |
8201 | Efate | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 2:37 |
82010005 | Star of Russia (Vila Bay) | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 2:37 |
TOTALS | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 2:37 |
%SF = Sighting Frequency; DEN = Density Score - How to interpret REEF data?
Bar length corresponds to sighting frequency
Color saturation corresponds to density score
Click + to display species image and additional information.
Bar length corresponds to sighting frequency
Color saturation corresponds to density score
Click + to display species image and additional information.
Bigeye Trevally - Jack
(Caranx sexfasciatus)
(Caranx sexfasciatus)
Blackbar Chromis - Damselfish
(Pycnochromis retrofasciata)
(Pycnochromis retrofasciata)
Blackspotted Puffer - Puffer/Toby
(Arothron nigropunctatus)
(Arothron nigropunctatus)
Charcoal Damsel - Damselfish
(Pomacentrus brachialis)
(Pomacentrus brachialis)
Circular Spadefish - Spadefish
(Platax orbicularis)
(Platax orbicularis)
Crocodile Flathead - Flathead
(Cymbacephalus beauforti)
(Cymbacephalus beauforti)
Moorish Idol - Moorish Idol
(Zanclus cornutus)
(Zanclus cornutus)
Red Lionfish - Scorpionfish and Lionfish
(Pterois volitans)
(Pterois volitans)
Trumpetfish - Trumpetfish
(Aulostomus chinensis)
(Aulostomus chinensis)
Vanikoro Sweeper - Sweeper
(Pempheris vanicolensis)
(Pempheris vanicolensis)
Banded Snake Eel - Snake and Worm Eel
(Myrichthys colubrinus)
(Myrichthys colubrinus)
Carlson's Damsel - Damselfish
(Neoglyphidodon carlsoni)
(Neoglyphidodon carlsoni)
Clark's Anemonefish - Damselfish
(Amphiprion clarkii)
(Amphiprion clarkii)
Epaulette Soldierfish - Squirrelfish
(Myripristis kuntee)
(Myripristis kuntee)
Regal Angelfish - Angelfish
(Pygoplites diacanthus)
(Pygoplites diacanthus)
Two-spined Angelfish - Angelfish
(Centropyge bispinosa)
(Centropyge bispinosa)
Yellow Boxfish - Boxfish
(Ostracion cubicus)
(Ostracion cubicus)
Camouflage Grouper - Grouper
(Epinephelus polyphekadion)
(Epinephelus polyphekadion)
Clearfin Squirrelfish - Squirrelfish
(Neoniphon argenteus)
(Neoniphon argenteus)
Coral Grouper - Grouper
(Cephalopholis miniata)
(Cephalopholis miniata)