Zone List
0 - 1 - Australia 11 - Great Barrier Reef 1101 - Cape Grenville GBR Sector 1102 - Princess Charlotte Bay GBR Sector 1103 - Cooktown / Lizard Island GBR Sector 11030001 - Carter Reef 11030002 - No Name Pinnacle / No Name Reef 11030003 - Cod Hole 11030004 - Lizard Island 11030005 - Steve's Bommie 11030006 - Near Steve's Bommie (Ribbon Reef) 11030007 - Summer Bay (Ribbon Reef 3) 11030008 - Lighthouse Bommie (Ribbon Reef 10) 11030009 - Gotham City (Ribbon Reef 10) 11030010 - Coral Kingdom (Ribbon Reef 10) 11030011 - Snake Pit (Ribbon Reef 10) 11030012 - Two Towers (Ribbon Reef 10) 11030013 - Clam Beds (Ribbon Reef 5) 11030014 - Challenger Bay (Ribbon Reef 10) 11030015 - Coral Abyss 11030016 - Whatsdaspot Capn 11030017 - Lemonade Cave 11030018 - Vertical Garden 11030019 - Winterwell 11030020 - North Direction Island 11030021 - Pixie Wall 11030022 - Flare Point 11030023 - Pixie Gardens 1104 - Cairns GBR Sector 11040001 - Coral Gardens (Flynn Reef) 11040002 - Gordon's Mooring (Flynn Reef) 11040003 - Tracy's Bommie (Flynn Reef) 11040004 - Fish Bowl (Hastings Reef) 11040005 - Breaking Patches (Michalmas Reef) 11040006 - Little Bommie (North Opal Reef) 11040007 - Australis (South Opal Reef) 11040008 - AJ's (South Opal Reef) 11040009 - Fitzroy Island NW 11040010 - Fitzroy Island SW 11040011 - Sudbury Cay NW 11040012 - Mojo (Long Bommie) Opal Reef 11040013 - Bashful Bommie (Opal Reef) 11040014 - Rayban (Opal Reef) 11040015 - Sudbury Cay Reef NE 11040016 - Pyramids / Coral Garden (Saxon Reef) 11040017 - Playground / Shark Mountain (Norman Reef) 11040018 - Fingers (Norman Reef) 11040019 - T(h)ree Rocks (Saxon Reef) 11040020 - Three Sisters (Agincourt Reef) 11040021 - The Point (Agincourt Reef) 11040022 - Phils (Agincourt Reef) 11040023 - Turtle Bay (Agincourt Reef) 11040024 - 1770 Dive Site (Hastings Reef) 11040025 - Stepping Stones (Hastings Reef) 11040026 - Castle Rock (Agincourt Reef) 11040027 - Michaelmas Cay 11040028 - Mackay Reef SW 11040029 - Turtle (East side Mackay Reef) 11040030 - Turtle Spot (West side Mackay Reef) 11040031 - Mackay Reef North end 1105 - Innisfail GBR Sector 11050001 - Howie Reef, West edge 11050002 - Taylor Reef NE side of Caye 11050003 - Beaver Reef Coral Head 11050004 - Beaver Reef Fringing Reef 11050005 - Taylor Reef (fringing reef north side) 11050006 - Eddy Reef 11050007 - Flora Reef 1106 - Townsville and Cape Upstart GBR Sectors 110601 - Townsville Sector 11060101 - John Brewer Reef 11060102 - Lodestone Reef 11060103 - Orpheus Island Reef 11060104 - Nelly Bay (Magnetic Island) 11060105 - Geoffrey Bay (Magnetic Island) 11060106 - Arthur Bay (Magnetic Island) 110602 - Cape Upstart Sector 11060201 - Yongala Wreck 1107 - Whitsunday GBR Sector 11070001 - Roylen Bay (Goldsmith Island) 11070002 - Chalkies Beach North end (Haslewood Island) 11070003 - Bait Reef (Great Barrier Reef) 11070004 - Alcyonaria Point - Butterfly Bay (Hook Island) 11070005 - Cataran Bay East side (Border Island) 11070006 - Hook Reef (Great Barrier Reef) 11070007 - Hook Reef Pinnacles (Great Barrier Reef) 11070008 - Peter Bay (Whitsunday Island) 11070009 - Mantaray Bay (Hook Island) 1108 - Pompey GBR Sector 11080001 - Victor Bay West side, Keswick Island 1109 - Swain GBR Sector 11090001 - Sweetlip Reef, Swain Sector 1110 - Capricorn Bunker Sector 11100001 - West of Wyndham Cove (Great Keppel Island) 11100002 - Butterfish Bay (Great Keppell Island) 11100003 - Passage Rocks (between Great Keppell and Middle Islands) 111001 - Capricorn Group (Fitzroy, Wistari, Northwest, Heron)) 11100101 - Blue Pools (Heron Reef) 11100102 - Coral Grotto (Heron Reef) 11100103 - Heron Bommie (Heron Reef) 11100104 - Coral Cascades (Heron Reef) 11100105 - Hole in the Wall (Heron Reef) 11100106 - Pinnacle (Fitzroy Reef Lagoon) 11100107 - Fitzroy Reef (outside pass) 11100108 - Fitzroy Lagoon east side, inner edge of fringing reef 11100109 - Fitzroy Lagoon southeast corner, isolated coral-head 11100110 - Fitzroy Lagoon west of the pass, inner edge of fringing reef 11100111 - Fitzroy Outside the pass on the West side 11100112 - Fitzroy Lagoon, west of public boat-moorings, isolated coral-head 11100113 - Wistari Reef outside edge at northeast corner, near public boat-mooring 11100114 - North West Island, north of island on outside edge of fringing reef 11100115 - Fitzroy Lagoon (SE side) 11100116 - Mast Head Island NW side 11100117 - Fitzroy Reef SE Inner Edge 11100118 - Heron Island Jetty / HMCS Protector Wreck 11100119 - The Gantry (Heron Island) 111002 - Bunker Group (Lady Musgrave, Lady Elliot) 11100201 - Shallow Reef SE (Lady Musgrave Island Lagoon) 11100202 - Pinnacle (Lady Musgrave Island Lagoon) 11100203 - Barrier Reef Inside Edge (Lady Musgrave Island Lagoon) 11100204 - Shallow Reef E (Lady Musgrave Island Lagoon) 11100205 - Use 11100106 (was Pinnacle - Fitzroy Reef Lagoon) 11100206 - Use 11100107 (was Fitzroy Reef - outside pass) 11100207 - Lady Musgrave outside lagoon entrance 11100208 - Lady Musgrave Inside lagoon reef 11100209 - Lady Musgrave pinnacle inside lagoon 11100212 - Musgrave Reef Outside the Pass on the East side 11100213 - Lady Musgrave Lagoon east side, inner edge of fringing reef 11100214 - Lady Musgrave Lagoon East Side (north of 11100213) 11100215 - Lady Musgrave Lagoon Deep Pinnacles (just inside the pass) 11100216 - Lady Musgrave Outside (SW of pass) 11100217 - Lady Musgrave SE Reef (inside lagoon) 11100218 - Lady Musgrave Outside Lagoon (.6 miles SW entrance) 11100219 - Groupers Grovel (NE side Lady Elliot Island) 11100220 - The Blowhole (Eastern Wall Lady Elliot Island) 11100221 - Tubes (Eastern Wall Lady Elliot Island) 11100222 - Hiro's Cave (Eastern Wall Lady Elliot Island) 11100223 - Encounters (South Side Lady Elliot Island) 11100224 - Sunset Drift (South Side Lady Elliot Island) 11100225 - Devils Marbles (West Side Lady Elliot Island) 11100226 - 45 Degree Bommie (West Side Lady Elliot Island) 11100227 - Anemone Bommie (West Side Lady Elliot Island) 11100228 - Lighthouse Bommies (West Side Lady Elliot Island) 11100229 - Scattered Bommies (West Side Lady Elliot Island) 11100230 - Reefy 2nds (NW side Lady Elliot Island) 11100231 - Sandy 2nds (NW side Lady Elliot Island) 11100232 - Three Pyramids (NW side Lady Elliot Island) 11100233 - Severence Wreck (NW side Lady Elliot Island) 11100234 - Anchor Bommie (NW side Lady Elliot Island) 11100235 - Coral Gardens (NW side Lady Elliot Island) 11100236 - Maori Wrasse Bommie (NW side Lady Elliot Island) 11100237 - Shark Pool (NW side Lady Elliot Island) 11100238 - Spiders Ledge (NW side Lady Elliot Island) 1111 - Queensland South of Cap. Bunk Sector to NSW 11110001 - Tangalooma Wrecks North End (Moreton Bay) 11110002 - Tangalooma Wrecks Middle (Moreton Bay) 11110003 - Tangalooma Wrecks South End (Moreton Bay) 12 - Coral Sea 1201 - Osprey Reef 12010001 - North Horn 12010002 - Pavona 12010003 - Coral Castles 12010004 - Entrance Osprey Reef 12010005 - False Entrance 12010006 - Rapid Horn 12010007 - SE Corner Osprey Reef 12010008 - East Wall Osprey Reef 12010009 - Fairy Grotto 1202 - Bougainville Reef 12020001 - Crystal Plateau 12020002 - Middle Earth / Red Keep (Bougainville Reef) 1203 - Holmes Reef 13 - North Coast Australia (N. tip of Queensland to W. border of N. Territory) 1301 - Torres Strait 14 - Western Australia and Australian Island Territories 1401 - Christmas Island 1402 - Cocos Keeling Islands 14020001 - Fan Wall 14020002 - Two Ridges 14020003 - Canons 14020004 - Barry's Pool 14020005 - Cabbage Patch 14020006 - Entrance 14020007 - The Rip 1403 - Ashmore and Cartier Islands 1404 - NW Western Australia (N.Territory border - N. of Perth) 14040001 - Jurien Bay Jetty 14040002 - Blue Holes (Kalbarri National Park) 14040003 - Purple Rain (Shark Bay) 14040004 - Amphitheater (Shark Bay) 14040005 - Ningaloo Reef Resort (Coral Bay - Ningaloo) 14040006 - Lottie's Lagoon (Coral Bay - Ningaloo) 14040007 - Aquarium (Coral Bay - Ningaloo) 14040008 - Coral Castles (Coral Bay - Ningaloo) 14040009 - Asho's Gap (Coral Bay - Ningaloo) 14040010 - The Elbow (Coral Bay - Ningaloo) 14040011 - Tiana’s Manta Reef Flats (Coral Bay - Ningaloo) 14040012 - 23rd Parallel (Coral Bay - Ningaloo) 14040013 - Lannie’s Lumps (Coral Bay - Ningaloo) 14040014 - Lost City (Coral Bay - Ningaloo) 14040015 - The Ravine (Coral Bay - Ningaloo) 14040016 - Holey Moley (Coral Bay - Ningaloo) 14040017 - Blizzard Ridge (Lighthouse Bay) 14040018 - Labyrinth (Lighthouse Bay) 14040019 - Whale Bone (Murion Islands) 14040020 - Jaws (Murion Island) 14040021 - Exmouth Navy Pier 1405 - Southern Western Australia (Perth - S. Australia border) 15 - South Australia 16 - Victoria 1601 - Port Phillip Bay area 16010001 - Pope's Eye Bank 16010002 - St. Leonard's Pier 16010003 - Blairgowrie Pier 16010004 - Boarfish Reef 17 - Tasmania 18 - New South Wales (NSW) 1801 - Northern NSW (N. border to Newcastle) 1802 - Southern NSW (Newcastle to S. border) 1803 - Lord Howe Island 18030001 - Balls Pyramid 18030002 - North Rock 18030003 - Sugarloaf (Admiralty Islets) 18030004 - Malabar (all reefs, landslide, oasis) 18030005 - Horgan's Hook 18030006 - Ned's Beach 18030007 - Middle Beach 18030008 - Clear Place 18030009 - Tenth of June Bommie (Admiralty Islets) 18030010 - Flat Rock (Admiralty Islets) 18030011 - Roach Island (Admiralty Islets) 18030012 - Erscott's Hole 18030013 - Gower's Pinnacle 18030014 - The Triangle 18030015 - No Name (Admiralty Islets) 18030016 - Ruppert's Reef (Admiralty Islets) 18030017 - The Arch 18030018 - Shark Ledge 18030019 - Comet's Hole 18030020 - Horseshoe 18030021 - La Muerthe 18030022 - Soldier's Cap 18030023 - Erscott's Blind 19 - New Zealand 1901 - New Zealand North Island 190101 - Poor Knights Islands 19010101 - The Gardens (Aorangi) 1902 - New Zealand South Island 190201 - Marlborough 19020101 - Picton Waterfront 19020102 - Te Ipakereru 19020103 - Bay of Many Coves 19020104 - Double Cove Fish Reserve 2 - Solomon Islands 21 - Northern Solomon Islands 2104 - Malaita 2105 - Guadalcanal 21050001 - B1 - Hirakawa Maru (Wide River Ship) 21050002 - B2 - Kinugawa Maru 21050003 - B3 - Kyushu Maru 21050004 - Dolphin View Beach 2106 - Russell Islands 21060001 - Bat Cave 21060002 - Karumolun Point (Karumolun Island) 21060003 - Leru Cut (Leru Island) 21060004 - Mirror Pond (Mane Island) 21060005 - Rainbow Reef 21060006 - Bilikiki Bay Moorage (Mary Island / Mborokua) 21060007 - NE Mane Island 21060008 - Loisolene Point 21060009 - White Beach 21060010 - Wreck of the Ann 21060011 - Unknown Site on Ta Island 21060012 - Kaukau Garden (Kakou Island) 21060013 - Foulai Island (Paradise) 21060014 - Elephant Reef (Ta Island) 21060015 - Mane Market / Kafoleon Bay (Mane Island) 21060016 - Mane South Point (Mane Island) 21060017 - Leru Point South (Leru Island) 21060018 - Mane Point East (Mane Island) 21060019 - Taikulum 21060020 - Kisan Island 21060021 - Lologhan Island 21060022 - Barracuda Point (Mary Island / Mborokua) 21060024 - Jackfish Alley (Mary Island / Mborokua) 21060025 - Ben's Point (Mary Island / Mborokua) 21060026 - South Point (Mary Island / Mborokua) 21060027 - Acropora City (Kakou Island) 21060028 - Planet Lologhan 21060029 - Karumolun Bay 21060030 - Karumolun Gardens 21060031 - Hanasivi Check Out 21060032 - Fonago / Fonagho North Point 21060033 - Koemorun Point 21060034 - East Bay (Mary Island / Mborokua) 21060035 - Mane North Point / Mane Wall (Mane Island) 21060036 - Marulaon West Corner / Mbaisen Point 21060037 - Karumolun Village 21060038 - Sililoma (Russell Islands) 21060039 - Fishermens Bank / Lever Point 21060040 - Northeast Point Mane Island 21060041 - Giant Clam / Giant Shell (Mary Island) 2107 - Florida Islands and Savo Island 21070001 - Velvia / Baby Cake 21070002 - Nembalau Rock 21070003 - Kovohika Ridge (Kovohika Island) 21070004 - Anuha Island 21070005 - Tanavula West (Nggela Sule Island) 21070006 - Switzer (Tulagi Island) 21070007 - Tanavula Point (Nggela Sule Island) 21070008 - Simon's Nature Reserve (Mbokonimbeti Island) 21070009 - Petrol Point (Nggela Sule Island) 21070010 - Ghavutu Wharf (Ghavutu Island) 21070011 - Twin Tunnels / Twin Tubes 21070012 - Maravaghi Bay (Mangalonga Island) 21070013 - Mavis-Kawanashi Plane Wreck (Tulagi Island) 21070014 - PBY Catalina Wreck (Tulagi Island) 21070015 - Devil's Highway 21070016 - Mavis Plane #2 21070017 - Undeke 21070018 - PT Base 1 / Sunksite (Tulagi Harbor) 21070019 - Tanavula Point East (Nggela Sule Island) 21070020 - Battery Beach (Nggela Sule Island) 21070021 - Aquarium 21070022 - Tanavula West (SW end of Mbokonimbeti Island) 2108 - Santa Isabel 2109 - New Georgia Group Islands 21090001 - Lumalihe Passage 21090002 - Chris's Corner (Marovo Lagoon) 21090004 - Karanjou Island and Bay (Marovo Lagoon) 21090005 - Twin Points (Marovo Lagoon) 21090006 - George's Spot (Marovo Lagoon) 21090007 - Anemone Point (Marovo Lagoon) 21090008 - Wreck of the Toa Maru #2 21090009 - Mbili Shallows 21090010 - Wickham (Vangunu) Island East and West Point 21090011 - Kicha Island (Marovo Island) 21090012 - Mbulo Lagoon Point (Marovo Island) 21090013 - Mbulo Canyon 21090014 - Malamale Island 21090015 - Pipe Dreams (Marovo Lagoon) 21090016 - Poetic Pinnacles (Marovo Lagoon) 21090017 - Out of this World (Marovo Lagoon) 21090018 - Luten's Surprise (Marovo Lagoon) 21090019 - Amazing Grace (Marovo Lagoon) 21090020 - Around the Corner (Marovo Lagoon) 21090021 - Rainbow Wall / The Wall (Marovo Lagoon) 21090022 - Moly (Marovo Lagoon) 21090023 - Many Palms (Marovo Lagoon) 21090024 - Minado Eco Lodge - House Reef (Marovo Lagoon) 21090025 - Anemone Bay (between Moly and Bili) (Marovo Lagoon) 21090026 - John Lee's House (House Reef)(Marovo Lagoon) 21090027 - Fantastic Fans (near Amazing Grace) (Marovo Lagoon) 21090028 - The Palms (between Moly and Bili) (Marovo Lagoon) 21090029 - Uepi Point (Uepi Island) 21090030 - Landoro Garden (Uepi Island) 21090031 - Tamaleve Wall (Matenana Island) 21090032 - North Log (Uepi Island) 21090033 - Charapoana Point (Charapoana Island) 21090034 - General Store (Avavasa Island) 21090035 - Uepi Channel (Between Uepi and Charapoana Island) 21090036 - Roma (Avavasa Island) 21090037 - Uepi Resort Bungalow Six Snorkel (Uepi Island) 21090038 - Uepi Resort Dive Dock & Welcome Jetty area (Uepi Island) 21090039 - Uepi Lagoon Bommies Snorkel (Uepi Island) 21090040 - Fan Tastic 21090041 - Golden Wall (Karanjou Island) 21090042 - Fanquarium (Karanjou Island) 21090043 - Golden Ledges (Karanjou Island) 21090044 - Royal Wall (Minjanga Island) 21090045 - Garden of Eden (Turupu Island) 21090046 - Treasure Hunt (Turupu Island) 21090047 - Cotton Candy (Minjanga Island) 21090048 - Japan (Minjanga Island) 21090049 - Bili (Minjanga Island) 21090050 - Turupu Wall / Gobyville / Signal Stop (Turupu Island) 21090051 - Convention Center (Minjanga Island) 21090052 - Magic Mountain (Minjanga Island) 21090053 - Secrets (Turupu Island) 21090054 - Lone Palm 21090055 - (Iwami) Maru #2 21090056 - Roger's Reef 21090057 - Toatelave Wall 21090058 - Mbulo Caves 21090059 - Inside Point (Uepi Island) 21090060 - Ngoette 21090061 - Secret Spot (Matenana Island) 21090062 - Baywatch (Uepi Island) 21090063 - Big Drop (Uepi Island) 21090064 - BOTCH / Bottom of the Channel (Uepi Island) 21090065 - Landoro Passage (Avavasa Island) 21090066 - Mongo Passage 21090067 - Inside Inside (Uepi Island) 21090068 - Yuki Garden (Uepi Island) 21090069 - Matiana (Matenana Island) 21090070 - Elbow (Uepi Island) 21090071 - Jungle Wall (Mbulo Island) 21090072 - Fan City (near Uepi Island) 21090073 - Margalete's Spot 21090074 - Coral Carpet 21090075 - Leaning Palm 21090076 - Sambulo Gardens (Sambulo Island) 21090077 - The Gap (near Gizo) 21090078 - One Tree Reef (near Gizo) 21090079 - Manta (near Gizo) 21090080 - Njari Island (near Gizo) 21090081 - Grand Central Station (near Gizo) 21090082 - Mbulo Island Point 21090083 - Deka Dekaru (Karikana Island) 21090084 - Mbulo Gardens 2110 - Choiseul 2111 - Shortland Islands 2112 - Other Minor Islands 22 - Southern Solomon Islands 2201 - Santa Cruz Islands (incl Reef Islands) 2202 - Rennell Island and Bellona Island 2203 - San Crisobal Island (incl. Three Sisters Islands) 3 - Papua New Guinea 31 - Milne Bay Province 3101 - Milne Bay area 31010001 - China Strait 31010002 - Muscoota 31010003 - Sullivan's Patches 31010004 - Banana Bommie 31010005 - Hibwa Reef 31010006 - Tunnel Reef 31010007 - Trish's Bommie 31010008 - Heinecke Heaven 31010009 - Boirama Reef 31010010 - Whale Reef 31010011 - Use 31040020 (was Giants at Home) 31010012 - Peer's Reef 31010013 - Boi Boi Waga Island 31010014 - Black and Silver 31010015 - Cherie's Reef 31010016 - Cobb's Cliff 31010017 - Wahoo Point 31010018 - Kathy's Corner 31010019 - Basilisk Point 31010020 - Deacon's Reef 31010022 - Betha's Bommie 31010023 - Crinoid City (off Nuakata Island) 31010024 - Tawali House Reef 31010025 - Lawadi / Lauadi / Dinah's Beach 31010026 - Sponge Heaven 31010027 - Lamosi 31010028 - Tania's Reef 31010029 - Barracuda Point 31010030 - Another Rainy Morning 31010031 - What's the Point 31010032 - Driftwood Resort (Alotau) 3102 - Eastern D'Entrecasteaux (Sanaroa, Dobu, Normanby Islands) 31020001 - Lipson Shoal 31020002 - Bunama 31020003 - Calypso Reef 31020004 - Jennifer's Reef 31020005 - Barbarian Reef / Balaban's Bommie 31020007 - Observation Point 31020008 - Ayer's Rock 31020009 - Bubblebath (Dobu) 31020010 - Double Tower (Sanaroa) 31020011 - Sonia Shoal 31020012 - Rhino Reef 31020013 - Valley Reef 31020014 - Wong's Reef 31020015 - Mary Jane (MJ) Reef 31020016 - Hickson's Reef 31020017 - Farrington Shoal 31020018 - End Pass 31020019 - Humann's Colour Book 31020020 - Amphlett Fans 31020021 - Wampas / Wompas 3103 - Western D'Entrecasteaux (Goodenough, Fergusson Islands) 31030001 - Mapamoiwa Anchorage 31030002 - Mapamoiwa Reef 31030003 - Charlie's Tower 31030004 - Trotman Shoals 31030005 - Knight Patches 31030006 - Camel Reef 31030007 - Triple Tower Bommie 31030008 - Cecilia's Reef 31030009 - Peer's Patches 31030010 - See and Sea Passes 31030011 - Anne Lea Reef 31030012 - Keast Reef 31030013 - B17 Bomber Aircraft / Blackjack 31030014 - Ipoteto Bay / Ridge (Ipoteto Island) 3104 - Louisiade Archipelago, Conflict Islands, Egum Atoll 31040001 - Doubilet Reef 31040002 - Waterman Ridge 31040003 - P38 Lightning Aircraft 31040004 - Jeremy's Reef 31040005 - President Grant- Uluma Reef 31040006 - Southwest Point- Uluma Reef 31040007 - Daisy's Dropoff 31040008 - Skull Cave 31040009 - Zero Fighter 31040010 - Renard Islands 31040011 - Chasm Reef 31040012 - Snake Passage (Yuma Passage 31040013 - North Pass 31040014 - Lori's Cave 31040015 - Fish City 31040016 - Stringer Opening 31040017 - Egum Rock 31040018 - Hollis Reef 31040019 - Northwest Pass 31040020 - Giants at Home / Giants Home (Gonubalabala Island) 31040021 - Samarai Jetty / Bottle Shop / Concrete Samarai Jetty (Samarai Island) 31040022 - Kwato / Ketwo Jetty (Kwato Island) 31040023 - Deka Deka (Deka Deka Island) 31040024 - Panaesaesa (Panaesaesa Island) 31040025 - Mike Ridge (Irai Island) 31040026 - Itmarina Shallows (Itmarina Island) 31040027 - The Channel (Panaboal Island) 31040028 - Sky City (Irai Island) 31040029 - Irai Wall (Irai Island) 31040030 - Kei Island 31040031 - Grant Island East 31040032 - Grant Island Wall (South) 31040033 - Grant Island North 31040034 - Sidea / Sawasawaga (Sariba Island) 31040035 - Losulosuwei (Sariba Island) 32 - Port Moresby Eastward 3201 - Port Moresby 32010001 - Basilisk Passage and the Finger 32010002 - New Marine #7 32010003 - Owen Stanleys 32010004 - Fisherman's Island (Daugo Island) 32010005 - Lagamara 32010006 - Bava 98 32010007 - The Barge (Lolorua Island) 32010008 - Sinavi Reef / Marina's Playground (Daugo Island) 3202 - Bootless Inlet 32020001 - Lion Island 32020002 - Boston Havoc A20 Aircraft 32020003 - Big Drop- Sunken Barrier 32020004 - Pai II 32020005 - The End Bommie 32020006 - Pacific Gas 32020007 - Barrier Reef- Bootless Inlet to Round Point 3203 - Eastern Fields 32030001 - Jay's Reef 32030002 - Craig's Ultimate 32030003 - Carl's Ultimate 33 - Tufi and Lae 3301 - Tufi 33010001 - Stewart Reef 33010002 - Paul's Reef 33010003 - Tony's Bommie 33010004 - Cyclone Reef 33010005 - Veale Reef 33010006 - S'Jacob 3302 - Lae 33020001 - Tenyo Maru 33020002 - Halfway Reef 33020003 - Yokohama Maru 33020004 - The Beacon- Salamaua 33020005 - Aquarium 33020006 - Sheila's Reef 33020007 - Benalla Banks 33020008 - Kotoko Maru 33020009 - Shepparton Shoals 33020010 - Tami Islands 33020011 - Siassi Islands 34 - Bismarck Archipelago 3401 - New Britain 340101 - West New Britain (inc. Walindi and Kimbe Bay) 34010101 - Hanging Gardens 34010102 - Numundo Reef (Bob's Knob) 34010103 - Schumann Island 34010104 - Restorf Island 34010105 - Joy's Reef 34010106 - Christine's Reef 34010107 - Kristy Jayne's Reef 34010108 - Vanessa's Reef 34010109 - Susan's Reef 34010110 - Inglis Shoal 34010111 - South Ema Reef 34010112 - North Ema Reef 34010113 - Cape Heussner 34010114 - South Bay Reef - Cecilie's Wall 34010115 - Bradford Shoal 34010116 - Kimbe Island Bommie 34010117 - Kimbe Island 34010118 - Otto's Reef 34010119 - Paluma Reef 34010121 - Lama Shoal 34010122 - Father's Arch / The Arch 34010123 - Fairway Reef 34010124 - Ann Sophies Reef 34010125 - Joelle's Reef 34010126 - Wirey Bay 34010127 - Tuare's Reef 34010128 - Goru Arches (Garove Island) 34010129 - Dicky's Place (Garove Island) 34010130 - Dicky's Reef (Garove Island) 34010131 - Krackafat Reef (Garove Island) 34010132 - The Crater (Garove Island) 34010133 - Barney's Reef (Garove Island) 34010134 - Ake's Reef (Garove Island) 34010135 - Alice's Mound 34010136 - Shaggy Ridge 34010137 - Jackie's Knob 34010138 - Killibob's Knob 34010139 - Meil's Reef 34010140 - Norman's Knob 34010141 - Jayne's Gully 34010142 - Leslie's Knob 340102 - Rabaul's Wrecks 34010201 - Pete's Biplane 34010202 - George's Wreck 34010203 - Mitsu Maru and Sugar Charlie 34010204 - Manko Maru 34010205 - Yamayuri Maru 34010206 - Italy Maru 34010207 - Hakkai Maru 34010208 - Iwate Maru 34010209 - Zero Fighter 34010210 - Takubar Wreck 340103 - Rabaul's Reefs 34010301 - Midway Reef 34010302 - Kulau Lodge Beach Wrecks 34010303 - BP Wharf 34010304 - West Point 34010305 - The Grotto 34010306 - Garden of Fans 34010307 - Sumarine Base 34010308 - St. George's Channel Seamount 34010309 - Little Pigeon and Malis 34010310 - Rebecca's Corner 34010311 - Rainbow Reef 34010312 - Heaven's Gate 34010313 - Japanese World War II Tanks 34010314 - Reimer's Garden 34010315 - Bangkok Pass 340104 - East New Britain 34010401 - Johnny's Jetty 34010402 - Pigeon Wall 3402 - New Ireland 34020001 - Kaplaman Reef 34020002 - Echuca Patch 34020003 - Turtle Reef 34020004 - Valerie's Reef 34020005 - Big Fish Reef 34020006 - Japanese Mini-Submarine and Shipwreck 34020007 - Chahpman's Reef 34020008 - Taun Reef 34020009 - Eagle Ray Pass 34020010 - Byron Strait 34020011 - Malacanthus Patch 34020012 - 'Kate' Dive-Bomber 34020013 - Steffen Strait 34020014 - Albatross Pass 34020015 - Dyaul Point 34020016 - Baldwin's Bridge (Cape George) 34020017 - Kaudueudu 34020018 - Raipo 34020019 - Kurumut 34020020 - Kanam 34020021 - Damu Reef 34020022 - Kalily Wall 34020023 - Bolain Island 34020024 - Latangai Island 34020025 - Mait Island 34020026 - Mait Island Wall 34020027 - Lapan's Spot 34020028 - Mait Island Lagoon 34020029 - Mait Island Outside 34020030 - Mait Island Outside II 34020031 - Mait Island Outer Lagoon 34020032 - Mait Island Outside III 34020033 - Lapan's Village 34020034 - Lessinung Island 34020035 - Bottle Shop (Kavieng Fish Pier) 34020036 - Blue Hole (Nusa Island Blow Holes) 34020037 - Margarat Bay 1 34020038 - Margarat Bay 2 34020039 - Margarat Bay 3 34020040 - Magawuru Island 34020041 - Tatau 34020042 - Chibar Island 34020043 - Goldmine (Sanambiet Island) 34020044 - NE Mali Island 34020045 - Lif Island 1 (SE) 34020046 - Bitbok Island 34020047 - Bitbok Island 2 34020048 - Fisherman's Point (Tefa Island) 34020049 - Tefa Island 34020050 - Ambitle Island 34020051 - Bubbles 34020052 - Misery Bay Reef 34020053 - Iro Island 34020054 - Turtle Bay 34020055 - Lamassa Island Bay 34020056 - Lif Island 2 (NW) 3403 - Other Bismark Archipelago Islands 34030001 - West Pass Carteret Islands 34030002 - Entrance to Green Island Lagoon 34030003 - Salat Strait Feni Islands 34030004 - Channel Reef Tabar Islands 35 - Madang and North Coast 3501 - Madang and the North Coast Road 35010001 - The Waterhole 35010002 - Boston 35010003 - The Quarry 35010004 - Wongat Island and Henry Leith 35010005 - Mitchell B25 Aircraft 35010006 - Rasch Passage 35010007 - Coral Queen 35010008 - Barracuda Point 35010009 - Magic Pasage 35010010 - Planet Rock 35010011 - Crown Island South Reef 35010012 - Bagabag Island 3502 - Hansa Bay 35020001 - Daivit Wreck (and Others) 35020002 - Sushi Maru 35020003 - Laing Island 35020004 - Encounter Reef 3601 - Manus Island; The Western Isles; and Wuvulu 36010001 - Kaniet Island 36010002 - Sae Island 36010003 - Northwest Entrance Hermit Islands 36010004 - Alacrity Harbor Hermit Islands 36010005 - Southeast Entrance Hermit Islands 36010006 - Manta Pass Hermit Islands 36010007 - Leabon Island Hermit Islands 36010008 - Heina Island Ninigo Islands 36010009 - Pelleluhu Passage Ninigo Islands 36010010 - Tiata Reef Ninigo Islands 36010011 - Ndrova Island 36010012 - Southwest Point of Wuvulu 4 - Eastern Indonesia (incl. East Timor) 41 - Western New Guinea / Bird's Head Peninsula 411 - Cenderwasih Bay; Yapen, Biak, Numfoor 4111 - Cenderwasih Bay 41110001 - Pasir Putih Wreck 41110002 - Cross Wreck 41110003 - Wreck #2 41110004 - Mansinam South Tip 41110005 - Anemone Delight (SW Mansinam) 41110006 - Mios Wappi 41110007 - Pulau Auri (near Pulau Roon) 41110008 - Tanjung Ayami (Pulau Roon) 41110009 - Nenek Point (Pulau Roon) 41110010 - Groovy Passage North (Pulau Roon) 41110011 - Groovy Passage South (Pulau Roon) 41110012 - Yende Jetty (Pulau Roon) 41110013 - Zero (near Pulau Roon) 41110014 - Sodompari (near Pulau Roon) 41110015 - Silver Lining 41110016 - Pasir Panjang 41110017 - Wild Fish 41110018 - Tridacna 41110019 - Tanjung Mangguar 41110020 - Pulau Nutabari 41110021 - Kwantisore Seamount Atoll 41110022 - Kwantisore Bagans (any location) 41110023 - Tanjung Kelapa 41110024 - Kaus Lampu 41110025 - Insanity 41110026 - Mark's Treasure 41110027 - Ripon Ridge / Siriay Ridge (Numamutan Strait) 41110028 - Spag Point (Rorebo Atoll) 41110029 - Pulau Matos 41110030 - Pulau Nusaruvani (Kwantisore) 41110031 - Kalilemon 41110032 - Plan B 4112 - Yapen (and nearby islands) 41120001 - Sawandeh SE (Suwandeh Island) 41120002 - Sawandeh South (Suwandeh Island) 41120003 - Slamiapien East (Slamiapien Island) 41120004 - Colorful Soft Coral (West Yapen) 41120005 - Tanjung Yapen (NW Yapen) 4113 - Biak (and nearby islands) 41130001 - Catalina (Biak) 41130002 - Kompang Samberspari (Biak) 4114 - Numfoor (and nearby islands) 41140001 - Manim SE 41140002 - Manim NE 41140003 - Manim NW 4115 - Mapia Atoll 41150001 - The Post 41150002 - South Point (Pulau Pegun) 41150003 - The Spur (mid Mapia) 41150004 - The Channel 412 - Fakfak Peninsula and Kaimana District 4121 - Triton Bay 412101 - Aiduma 41210101 - Andy's Rock 41210102 - Batu Jatuh (Fallen Rock) 41210103 - Batu Jeruk (Orange Rock) 41210104 - Bo's Rock / Pelangi / Bo's Rainbow 41210105 - Christmas (aka Tim's) Rock / Xmas Rock 41210106 - David's Point 41210107 - Faukate 41210108 - Flasher Beach 41210109 - Little Komodo 41210110 - Macro Rocks 41210111 - Pulau Bagus 41210112 - Sagin Island 41210113 - Saruenus 41210114 - Three Rocks 41210115 - Triton Bay Divers House Reef 41210116 - Yan's Rock 41210117 - Gnu Rock 41210118 - Larry's Heaven 41210119 - Hole in One (Dramai Rock East side) 41210120 - Pot Luck 41210121 - Flasher Beach - Flasher patch only 41210122 - Just Around the Corner 41210123 - Boulders 41210124 - Kicking and Screaming 41210125 - Wendy's Magic Bommie 41210126 - Cornucopia - Sakos 41210127 - Orembai 41210128 - Tanjung Mangkawu 41210129 - Pintu Masuk (near Aiduma) 41210130 - Red Beach 41210131 - No Name Rock 41210132 - Pantai Jatuh (Falling Beach) 41210133 - Andy's Point 41210134 - Pintu Arus 41210135 - Dramai Rock / Batu Dramai 41210136 - Black Rock 412102 - Namatote / Namatota 41210201 - Namatote Wall / Namatota Wall 41210202 - Fishing Bagan near Namatote 41210203 - Tanjung Namatote 41210204 - Langit Terbuka 41210205 - Mathias Point 41210206 - Namatota North 41210207 - Mango Bango 412103 - Pulau Adi 41210301 - Tanjung Pulau Adi (South Tip) 41210302 - Tumbutumbu Is. Northeast 4122 - Pulau Sabuda (and Kaya) 41220001 - Lighthouse (Pulau Sabuda) 41220002 - T-Bone Ridge (Pulau Sabuda) 41220003 - Pulau Kaya (near Pulau Sabuda) 41220004 - The Channel 41220005 - The Dome 4123 - Mainland Fakfak and Kaimana Regency 41230001 - Momon Seamount (Fakfak) 41230002 - Batu Cantik (Fakfak) 41230003 - Nusaulang 41230004 - Pulau Derdi 41230005 - Any Site in a Storm 41230006 - Double Trouble 41230007 - Elephant Trunk 413 - Raja Ampat Islands 4131 - Sayang, Wayag, Quoy, Bag, Uranie Islands 41310001 - Cathedral Rock (off Wayag) 41310002 - Figure of Eight Rock (off Wayag) 41310003 - Ridge Rock (off Wayag) 41310004 - Channel Island (off Wayag) 41310005 - Magic Rock (off Bag) 41310006 - Y Reef (off Bag) 41310007 - Edi's Cave (off Unranie) 41310008 - Hump 2 (off Wayag) 4132 - Waigeo (incl. Kawe and Aljui Bay) 41320001 - Equator Islands (off Kawe) 41320002 - Black Rock (off Kawe) 41320003 - Eagle Rock (off Kawe) 41320004 - Bird Wall / White Arrow (Aljui Bay) 41320005 - Ganan (Aljui Bay) 41320006 - Cendana Dock (Aljui Bay) 41320007 - Edy's Black Forest / Wofoh Wall 41320008 - Ten Thousand Tailspots / Wofoh (North Wofoh) 41320009 - Fish Rock Canyon, Woenoh 41320010 - Woenoh Village - Teluk Woenoh 41320011 - Zero Zero, Seprang Islands 41320012 - The Corner / Spooky Channel (Aljui Bay) 41320013 - Pulau Woenoh 41320014 - Off The Wall, Woenoh 41320015 - West Ridge, Equator Islands 41320016 - Two Slots, Equator Islands 41320017 - Kawe East 41320018 - Tapokrang Jetty 41320019 - Channel 5 (Aljui Bay) 4133 - Dampier Strait (incl. Gam Island; Fam Islands) 41330001 - The Passage, Gam Is. 41330002 - Yanggelo Sea Mount, Gam Is. 41330003 - Yanggelo Ridge Gam Island 41330004 - Citrus Ridge / Barracuda Point (Gam) 41330005 - Yangello Mangroves / Blue Water Mangroves Gam Island 41330006 - Friwin Bonda, Gam Is. / Friwen Wall 41330007 - Batu Lima (5 Rocks), Gam Is. 41330008 - Nudibranch Rock, Gam Is. 41330009 - Jenbraimuk Reef, Gam Is. 41330010 - Mioskon / Mios Kon / Yellow Fever (East Side) 41330011 - Blue Magic (btw Gam & Mansuar) 41330012 - Chicken Reef (btw Gam & Mansuar) 41330013 - Sleeping Baraccuda (btw Gam & Mansuar) 41330014 - Sardine Reef (btw Gam & Mansuar) 41330015 - Crossover 41330016 - Surgeonfish Slope 41330017 - New Reef 41330018 - Turtle Reef 41330019 - Kos Island 41330020 - Cape Kri 41330021 - Cape Kri Lagoon / Sorido Bay House Reef 41330022 - South Kri 41330023 - Kuburan (Kri Island) 41330024 - Sorido Wall ( Kri Island) 41330025 - Mike's Point (btw Gam & Mansuar) 41330026 - Yenbuba Jetty, Mansuar Is. 41330027 - Yembuba Bay, Mansuar Is. 41330028 - Mansuar Barat, Mansuar Is. 41330029 - Manta Ridge (btw Gam & Mansuar) 41330030 - Manta Slope (btw Gam & Mansuar) 41330031 - Manta Sandy (btw Gam & Mansuar) 41330032 - Lalosi Reef (btw Gam & Mansuar) 41330033 - Melissa's Garden, Fam Islands 41330034 - The Channel, Fam Islands 41330035 - Gam Plateau / Gam Ridge 41330036 - Otdima / Ottodima 41330037 - Yanbeser Jetty 41330038 - Batu Kubor Yanbuba 41330039 - Arborek East / Arborek Point 41330040 - My Reef (Penemu/Piaynemo) 41330041 - Keruo Channel (Penemu/Piaynemo) 41330042 - Mayhem (Yanggelo/Yanggefo) 41330043 - Way Pretty Shallows (Yanggelo/Yanggefo) 41330044 - Mangrove Ridge 41330045 - Fuzzy Rock 41330046 - Between Citrus and Yanggelo Ridges (Gam) 41330047 - Arborek Jetty 41330048 - Keruo / Koruo Channel South End 41330049 - Mansuar Point 41330050 - Please use 41330010 41330051 - Galaxy (Penemu Island) 41330052 - Sawandarek Jetty 41330053 - Batu Rufus 41330054 - Ransiwor (Kri Island) 41330055 - Methos Homestay House Reef 41330056 - Biodiversity Nature Resort House Reef 41330057 - Urang Slope 41330058 - Gum Slope 41330059 - PT Reef 41330060 - Tower 41330061 - Yenbraymok 41330062 - Lumba Lumba 41330063 - Yenkorano 41330064 - Papua Explorers House Reef 41330065 - Sawandarek Slope 41330066 - Chicken Bay 41330067 - Lau Lau Reef 41330068 - Wall of Grace 41330069 - Manta Point / Yefnabi 41330070 - Yeben Pinnacles 41330071 - Friwen Bonda South 41330072 - Hanto Reef 41330073 - Yanbuba (off NE Ransiwor between Kri and Mansuar) 41330074 - Barefoot Conservation Jetty (Arborek Island) 41330075 - Sorido Bay Resort House Reef 41330076 - Fam Slope 4134 - Batanta and Salawati 41340001 - Pulau Ayemi 41340002 - Raurez / Wruwaerz Slope (Batanta) 41340003 - Papua Paradise House Reef 2 41340004 - Dokor Reef 41340005 - Outside the Village 41340006 - Yengkarom Reef, Brie Is. 41340007 - Pulau Wai 41340008 - Tanjung (Sudut) Dayang 41340009 - Dyang CI Jetty / Dyang Slope 41340010 - Happy Ending (SW Batanta across from Salawati) 41340011 - Algae Patch 41340012 - Signal Point 41340013 - Yum Island 41340014 - Birie Island / Birie East Corner 41340015 - Coral Patch (at Algae Patch) 41340016 - Pulau Kecil / Dyang Cleaning Station (Batanta) 41340017 - Larry's Promise / Urun East 41340018 - Yum Island East (Batanta) 41340019 - Pulau Dayang Southwest Side (Dyang) 41340020 - Ben's Village (Birie Island) 41340021 - Pulau Yum North 41340022 - Papua Paradise Jetty (Birie Island) 41340023 - Bibbi's Reef 41340024 - Kampung Baru 41340025 - Yenkarum 41340026 - Wai Wall 41340027 - Manta Wai 41340028 - Birie Slope 41340029 - Pulau Dua Express 41340030 - Wai West 41340031 - Fish Heaven 41340032 - Pulau Dua 41340033 - Gua Kecil / Goa Kecil 41340034 - Sau Yador Reef 41340035 - Birie's End 41340036 - Ayof 41340037 - Urun West 41340038 - Gadis Point 41340039 - Dokri North 41340040 - Arefi Brau 41340041 - Yenmuk 41340042 - Arefi Garden 41340043 - P47 (Pulau Jerief) 41340044 - Dayang Wings 4135 - Kofiau 41350001 - WTF Cross Brass Monkey 41350002 - Potato Head 41350003 - Lord of the Land 41350004 - Hydroid Heaven 41350005 - Raja Udang (Kingfisher) 41350006 - Pulau Ayuan 4136 - Farondi, Wagmab, Balbulol, Efpian, Daram Islands 41360001 - Ikan Muda, Farondi Is. 41360002 - Living Color (near Daram) 41360003 - Candy Store (near Daram) 41360004 - Teardrop 41360005 - Wagmap 41360006 - Tomulol Cave 41360007 - Andiamo (Daram) 41360008 - Please use 41360016 41360009 - Three Sisters (Farondi) 41360010 - Farondi Cave (Farondi) 41360011 - Blenny Bling (Efpian) 41360012 - Kilo (Efpian) 41360013 - Kingfisher (Efpian) 41360014 - Bumper Cars (Efpian) 41360015 - Battyfish (Efpian) 41360016 - Camel Rock / Warna / Warna Bernarma (Daram) 41360017 - Mighty Minnie (Daram) 41360018 - Fusilier Festival (Daram) 41360019 - Kapalselam (Daram) 41360020 - Mount Malabar (Daram) 41360021 - Unicorny (Daram) 41360022 - Andy's Ultimate (Daram) 41360023 - Parrot's Paradise (PP) (Daram) 41360024 - Moby Rocks (Daram) 41360025 - Magic Bommies (Daram) 41360026 - Batu Tajam (Forundi) 41360027 - North Farundi (Forundi) 41360028 - Wagmap Wall (Forundi) 41360029 - No Contest 41360030 - Plateau 41360031 - Wagmap Slope 41360032 - Hollow Island / Pulau Balbulol 41360033 - Jellyfish Lake (Hollow Island / Balbulol) 4137 - Misool, Wayil, Kalig, Fiabacet, Yilliet 41370001 - Misool House Reef 1 (including North Lagoon and reefs) 41370002 - Misool House Reef 2 (South Beach, Lagoon, Blue Hole) 41370003 - SW Batbitiem 41370004 - Teluk Kecil 41370005 - Sixth Sense / 6th Sense 41370006 - Epaulette City 41370007 - Wara Wall (NW side of Warakaraket Island) 41370008 - Eagle's Nest 41370009 - Magic Mountain / Shadow Reef 41370010 - Jamur / Warna Ribu / Dunia Kecil (Wayil Island) 41370011 - Wedding Cake / Taman Rahasia (little islands west of Wayilbatan) 41370012 - Gorgonian Passage / Neptunes Fantasea (between Wayilbatan & Walib) 41370013 - Rats Reef / Schools Out (little islands b/t Karawapop & Kalig) 41370014 - Heads Up Sidedown Under (off SW tip of Kalig) 41370015 - Kalig Wall / Kalig Kecil / Potato Point (eastern tip of Kalig) 41370016 - Fiabacet / Warna Ember / Fiabacet Barat (Fiabacet Island) 41370017 - The Egg 41370018 - Whale Rock 41370019 - Nudi Rock / Tug Boat / Tonka 41370020 - Fiabacet Pinnacle (west of Whale Rock) 41370021 - Boo West 41370022 - Selat 1 & 2 41370023 - Camel Rock (Misool) 41370024 - Selat 3 41370025 - Birthday Cake 41370026 - Cape Boo / Boo Window / Batu Timor (Boo Island) 41370027 - Tempat Lego / Tempatyang Dangkal (Yilliet Island) 41370028 - Yilliet Pinnacle 41370029 - Yilliet (#30 on Misool Eco Resort map- east of Yilliet Island) 41370030 - Grouper 41370031 - Four Kings (Wayil) 41370032 - Barracuda Point / Barracuda Rock / Barracuda 41370033 - Barracuda II 41370034 - Tank Rock 41370035 - Two Tree Island (Sagof) 41370036 - Baby Rock 41370037 - Duplicate - please use 41370042 41370038 - Juliet / Yilliet Kecil (Juliet Small) 41370039 - Romeo 41370040 - Yilliet Besar (Juliet Big) 41370041 - Duplicate - please use 41370038 41370042 - Antichoppy / Puri Pinnacle / Anty Chovey / Anchovy Rock / Anchovy Pinnacle 41370043 - Kaleidoscope / Golden Touch (Pele) 41370046 - Please use 41360007 (was Andiamo) 41370047 - Where Eagles Dare 41370048 - Masenta 1 (off Misool) 41370049 - Masenta 2 (off Misool) 41370050 - Boo Island East 41370051 - Sabenibnu (Yilliet) 41370052 - Sabenibnu Kecil (Yilliet) 41370053 - W Rock (Karawapop) 41370054 - Batu Kecil / Batu Tengah (Karawapop) 41370055 - Segaf (Segaf) 41370056 - Wayil Besar 41370057 - Segaf 2 41370058 - Pulau Kecil / Pandamonium (Pele) 41370059 - Dobul (Pele) 41370060 - Pulau Kanim (SW tip) 41370061 - Wara Ridge (SE side of Warakaraket) 41370062 - Wayili Rock 41370063 - Jolotia / Off the Map 41370064 - Gus Ridge 41370065 - Rep Kima 41370066 - South Kalig 41370067 - North Kalig / Critters Stills and Flash 41370068 - Marsemol Island (Misool House Reef area) 41370069 - Cafe D Break 41370070 - Mojo 41370071 - Round About 41370072 - Pajama Party 41370073 - Juvenile City 41370074 - Mapon Marse 41370075 - Wayil Lagoon / Wayilbaton Lagoon 41370076 - Sapnenepnu Mangroves 41370077 - Mangrove Point (Sapnenepnu Island) 41370078 - Pulau Nubul 41370079 - Fubar (off Pele) 41370080 - Toblerone (Kepotsol) 41370081 - Jamie Dodger / Boo Rock 41370082 - La Dolce Vita (Sapnenepnu) 4138 - Other Raja Ampat Islands 41380001 - Warna Ember 41380002 - Tempat Lego 41380003 - Tempatyang Dangkol 41380004 - Batu Timor 41380005 - Jamur 41380006 - Warna Ribu 41380007 - Dunia Kecil 41380008 - Ikan Muda 414 - Northern Coast of West Papua (and nearby islands) 41400001 - Junkyard (Pulau Amsterdam) 41400002 - Rubble City (Pulau Amsterdam) 41400003 - Matan (Pulau Sorong) 41400004 - Red Light District (Blue Manta Sorong Check Out Dive) 42 - Northern Spice Islands (aka North Maluku) 4201 - Western side of Halmahera and Islands 42010001 - Nenas Village Mano Island 42010002 - Nenas Village East Mano Island 42010003 - Pulau Mano Channel 42010004 - Batu Anyer (Joronga Island) 42010005 - North Wall (Joronga Island) 42010006 - Terumba Gora (Goraichi Group) 42010007 - Renne's Rock (Goraichi Group) 42010008 - Tamo Tamo (Goraichi Group) 42010009 - Kayoa Island 42010010 - Makian Island / Old Makian Jetty 42010011 - Ternate Island 42010012 - Tifore Island 42010013 - Edge (Patintie Strait) 42010014 - Batu Jabu (Patintie Strait) 42010015 - Proco Channel (Patintie Strait) 42010016 - Nenas West 42010017 - Pulau Sori 42010018 - Dowera 42010019 - Saleh Kecil 42010020 - Nenas Island North / Slope 42010021 - Nenas Island South / Wall 42010022 - Saleh Besar Timor 42010023 - Pulau Swilis / Timlis 42010024 - Makian Lighthouse 42010025 - Pulau Pilongga NE / Pulau Filonga 42010026 - Sali Bay House Reef 42010027 - Sang Maobo 42010028 - Duva Duva (Pulau Nenas) 42010029 - Jebeje 42010030 - Nenas / Proco Island Rocks 42010031 - Tanjung Dehebira (Pulau Nenas) 42010032 - Tanjung Lusa (Pulau Nenas) 42010033 - Proco II (Proco Island) 42010034 - Proco Pasir Putih (Proco Island) 42010035 - Pasi Bale (NE of Pulau Nenas) 42010036 - Gurua Kecil (Pulau Nenas) 42010037 - Tanjung Gurua Besar (Pulau Nenas) 42010038 - Ref Maming (Proco Island) 42010039 - Robi (Pulau Saleh Besar) 42010040 - Napo Lusa (Pulau Nenas) 4202 - Sula and Obi Islands 42020001 - Pulau Pisang 42020002 - Pisang Kecil Selatan 42020003 - NE Pisang 42020021 - Use 42010021 (Dup) 4203 - Bacan and Bacan Islands (inc Kusu) 42030001 - Pasirkaro Reef Mandioli Island 42030002 - Teluk Kasiruta 42030003 - Kusu Lagoon (Kusu Island) 42030004 - Tanjung Kusu (Kusu Island) 42030005 - Kusu Jetty (Kusu Island) 42030006 - Kelapa Dua (Kusu Island) 42030007 - Bobane Kapal (Kusu Island) 42030008 - Kusu Dinding Cecil (Kusu Island) 42030009 - Igu Nyoga (Bacan Island) 42030010 - Mujiu (Bacan Island) 42030011 - Oci Malo Leo (Bacan Island) 42030012 - Palau Sabatang (off Bacan Island) 42030013 - Tanjung Seromadopo (Bacan Island) 42030014 - Napo Kusu (off Kusu Island) 42030015 - Kusu Luar (Kusu Island) 42030016 - Low (Bacan Island) 42030017 - Tanjung Neraka (Bacan Island) 42030018 - Kampung Sabatang (Bacan Island) 42030019 - Kampung Kaireu (Bacan Island) 42030020 - Pulau Pokal 42030021 - Pulau Kaireu Dalam 42030022 - Napo Sabatang (Kusu Island) 42030023 - Sarani (Bacan Island) 4204 - Eastern Halmahera and Islands 4205 - Morotai 43 - Sulawesi 431 - North Sulawesi 4311 - Lembeh Strait 43110001 - Bimoli Wreck 43110002 - Goby-a-Crab 43110003 - Kapal Indah 43110004 - Pulau Abadi 43110005 - Mawali Wreck 43110006 - Critter Hunt 43110007 - Police Pier 43110008 - Sarena West / Serena Point 43110009 - Nudi Falls 43110010 - KBR House Reef 43110011 - Aer Prang (1-2-3) 43110012 - Jahir (1-2-3) 43110013 - Makawide (1-2-3) / Makawide Wall/Slope 43110014 - Tanjung Tebal 43110015 - Nudi Retreat (1-2-3) / Coral Garden 43110016 - Magic Rock 43110017 - Batu Sandar / Batu Sander 43110018 - Retak Larry 43110020 - Teluk Kembahu / TK (1-2-3) 43110021 - Angel's Window 43110022 - Hairball (1-2) 43110023 - Aw Shucks (1-2) 43110024 - Batu Merah (1-2) 43110025 - Pulau Putus 43110026 - Batu Angus (1-2) 43110027 - California Dreaming 43110028 - Jiko Yance 43110029 - Pante Parigi (1-2) 43110030 - Kasawari Wreck 43110031 - Magic Creak / Magic Crack 43110032 - Tandurusa (1-2) 43110033 - Aer Bajo (1-2-3) 43110034 - Tanjung Kuber 43110035 - Bianca 43110036 - Rojas / Rojos 43110037 - Tanjung Slope 43110038 - Batu Kapal (1-2) 43110039 - Dante's Wall 43110040 - Kainah's Treasure 43110041 - Delima Point 43110042 - Pearl Farm 43110043 - Joleha 43110044 - Kareko Batu 43110045 - Kareko Pasir 43110046 - Pante Abo / Tom's Garden 43110047 - Pintu Colada 43110048 - Sea Grass / Pintu Kota Besar 43110049 - Tanjung Kusu Kusu 43110050 - Hemi 43110051 - Tanjung Mawali 43110052 - Papasungan 43110053 - Trikora 43110054 - Mandarin Place 43110055 - Tanjung Kuning 43110056 - Lampu Biru 43110057 - Pante Rotan (1-2) 43110058 - Madidir (1-2-3) 43110059 - Naemundung Point 43110060 - Serena Besar 43110061 - Serena South 43110062 - Pinnacle X 43110063 - Jari Jari 43110064 - Retak Becho 43110065 - Surprise 43110066 - Hey Nus 43110067 - Pulau Dua 43110068 - Pante Jico 43110069 - Coral Kabong 43110070 - Mandolang 43110071 - Batu Buniang 43110072 - Jico Dolong 43110073 - Lembeh Resort House Reef 43110074 - Slow Poke 43110075 - Bronsel 43110076 - Binuang Paser 43110077 - NAD Lembeh Resort House Reef 43110078 - Pussy Galore 43110079 - Harry Larry 4312 - North mainland Sulawesi, Bangka and nearby islands 43120001 - Batu Punteng 43120002 - Batu Putih 43120003 - Batu Pendeta (The Pope's Rock) 43120004 - Demak (Bangka) 43120005 - Batu Mandi (Pulau Bangka) 43120006 - Sahaung (Pulau Bangka) 43120007 - TG Husi / Tanjung Ussi (Pulau Bangka) 43120008 - Busa Bora (Bangka) 43120009 - Budo 1 43120010 - Crystal Bay (Gangga) 43120011 - Tiga Batu (Bangka) 43120012 - Sampiri / Sempini (North mainland Sulawesi) 43120013 - Aer Banua (Talise) 43120014 - Yaki Point (Talise) 43120015 - Lelade (Talise) 43120016 - Darunu 43120017 - Muka Linguua (Bangka Island) 43120018 - Budo 2 43120019 - Coral Eye Jetty 43120020 - Sipi / Kuala Sipi 43120021 - Sahuang 43120022 - Murex Resort Bangka House Reef 43120023 - Kahuku 43120024 - Batu Goso 43120025 - Tarabitan 43120026 - Tanjung Merah (Bangka) 43120027 - Peter's Sponge 4313 - Bunaken National Marine Park and Manado 43130001 - Jalan Masuk (Nain Island) 43130002 - Barracuda Point (Mantehage) 43130003 - Gorango (Mantehage) 43130004 - Bango (Mantehage) 43130005 - Tangkasi Mantehage 43130006 - Pangalingan (Manado Tua) 43130007 - Tanjung Kopi (Manado Tua) 43130008 - Muka Gereja (Manado Tua) 43130009 - Bualo (Manado Tua) 43130010 - Negri (Manado Tua) 43130011 - Beni's Point (Manado Tua) 43130012 - Mike's Point (Bunaken) 43130013 - Tanjung Parigi (Bunaken) 43130014 - Paser Panjang (Bunaken) 43130015 - Sachiko Point (Bunaken) 43130016 - Bunaken Timur 1 & 2 (Bunaken) 43130017 - Posi-posi (Bunaken) 43130018 - Pangalisan (Bunaken) 43130019 - Janjung Paser (Bunaken) 43130020 - Muka Kampung (Bunaken) 43130021 - Lekuan 1 (Bunaken) 43130022 - Lekuan 2 (Bunaken) 43130023 - Labasong (Bunaken) 43130024 - Lekuan 3 (Bunaken) 43130025 - Celah Celah (Bunaken) 43130026 - Alung Banua (Bunaken) 43130027 - Johnson's Wall (Bunaken) 43130028 - Fukui (Bunaken) 43130029 - Ron's Point (Bunaken) 43130030 - Mandolin (Bunaken) 43130031 - Tengah (Bunaken) 43130032 - Raymond's Point (Bunaken) 43130033 - Siladen Point / Siladen (south tip of Siladen) 43130034 - Gunther's Point (Manado) 43130035 - Gabet (Manado) 43130036 - Batu Meja (Manado) 43130037 - Tanjung Pisok (Manado) 43130038 - Meras (Manado) 43130039 - Black Rock (Manado) 43130040 - Molas Shipwreck (Manado) 43130041 - Batas Kota (Manado) 43130042 - City Extra (Manado) 43130043 - BMJ (Manado) 43130044 - Bulo 1&2 (Manado) 43130045 - Critter Circus / Circus 1 2 & 3 (Manado) 43130046 - Tambala (Manado) 43130047 - Borgo (Manado) 43130048 - Mutiara (Manado) 43130049 - Titoi 2 (Manado) 43130050 - Dragon / Batu Batu (The Stones/Rocks) Manado 43130051 - Titoi 1 (Manado) 43130052 - Ruman Ikan (Manado) 43130053 - Emma Point (Manado) 43130054 - Tanjung Kelapa (15 miles west of Manado) 43130055 - Bethlehem (Poopoh) 1 2 & 3 (Manado) 43130056 - Malcom (Manado) 43130057 - Pantai Kecil (Manado) 43130058 - Manguni (Manado) 43130059 - Bunaken SeaGardens Resort House Reef 43130060 - Engine Point 43130061 - White Cross / Mera's 43130062 - Katamaran (off Manado Tateli Beach Resort) 43130063 - Dua Tiang 43130064 - Celebes 43130065 - Cha Cha (Bunaken) 43130066 - Bolung 43130067 - Tiwoho 43130068 - Jalan Masuk (north of Manado) 43130069 - Siladen Resort West Beach 43130070 - Lekuan Pygmy (Bunaken) 43130072 - Tinongko (Mantehage Island) 43130073 - Kalumpang (Manado) 43130074 - Bastianos 5 (Bunaken) 43130075 - Pahepa (Bunaken) 43130076 - Siladen Jetties 43130077 - Bawoho 43130078 - Depan Kampung (Bunaken) 43130079 - Catnas 43130080 - Murex House Reef 4314 - Sangihe Archipelago, Siau, and Other Surrounding Islands 432 - Central Sulawesi 4321 - Togian Islands 4322 - Banggai Islands 433 - South / Southeast Sulawesi 4331 - Wakatobi (inc. Buton Island) 43310001 - House Reef (Wakatobi) 43310002 - Turkey Beach 43310003 - Conchita 43310004 - The Zoo 43310005 - Barracuda 43310006 - Liabale East 43310007 - Malabea 43310008 - Teluk Maya / Teluk Indah 43310009 - Trailblazer 43310010 - Tanjung Lintea 43310011 - Pockets 43310012 - Fan 38 East 43310013 - Fan 38 West 43310014 - Spiral Corner 43310015 - Magnifica 43310016 - Cornucopia 43310017 - Batfish Wall 43310018 - Fan Garden 43310019 - Starship 43310020 - Galaxy 43310021 - Pinki's Wall 43310022 - Black Forest 43310023 - Lorenzo's Delight 43310024 - Pastels 43310025 - Inka's Palette 43310026 - Brian's Choice 43310027 - Channel 43310028 - Tanjung Patok 43310029 - Dunia Baru 43310030 - Waitii Ridge 43310031 - Table Coral City 43310032 - Teluk Waitii 43310033 - Kollo-Soha Beach 43310034 - Roma 43310035 - Mari Mabuk 43310036 - Gunung Waha 43310037 - Ali Reef 43310038 - Eel Valley 43310039 - Waha Top 43310040 - Kulati 43310041 - Blade 43310042 - Coral Hill 43310043 - Pintu Timur 43310044 - Mermaid 43310045 - Fish Wall (Binongko Island) 43310046 - Cavern Wall (Binongko Island) 43310047 - Ndaa Light House 43310048 - Ndaa Drop Off 43310049 - Ndaa Selatan 43310050 - Beku's Reef (Kaledupa Atoll) 43310051 - Pintu Barat (Kaledupa Atoll) 43310052 - Karang Kapal (off Kaledupa Atoll) 43310053 - Likuan Reef (Kaledupo Atoll) 43310054 - Escape from Imperial/Gone with the Wind (off Buton Island) 43310055 - Tanjung Landola (off Buton Island) 43310056 - Mandarin City / Vatican (off Buton Island) 43310057 - Magic Pier (off Buton Island) 43310058 - Cheeky Beach / Banana Beach / In Between (off Buton Island) 43310059 - Asphalt Pier (Buton Island) 43310060 - New Pier (Buton Island) 43310061 - Iman's Reef (NW Kapota) 43310062 - Boomies Fish Market North-South / Fishmarket Pinnacle (off Kapota/Kambode) 43310063 - Northeast Kapota Atoll 43310064 - Latipu Reef (Kapota Atoll) 43310065 - Kampenaune 43310066 - Metropolis (Kampenaune) 43310067 - North Wall (Hoga Island) 43310068 - Hoga Buoy #3 43310069 - Outer Pinnacle (Hoga Island) 43310070 - Terrace Garden (Hoga Island) 43310071 - Bianca (Buton Island) 43310072 - Kaledupa Point / Northwest Point Kaledupa 43310073 - Kaledupa Selatan 43310074 - Kampung Populia (Binongko Island) 43310075 - Otiolo West (Otiolo) 43310076 - Tanjung Bury (Kaledupa Atoll) 43310077 - Tanjung Baru (Kaledupa Atoll) 43310078 - Turtle Town (Kapota Atoll) 43310079 - Lagoon - Orange Wall (Kapota Atoll) 43310080 - Fishmarket Wall North (Kapota Atoll) 43310081 - Neptune's Garden (Kaledupa Atoll) 43310082 - Lobster Wall (Kapota Atoll middle west outside) 43310083 - Outer Wall (Kapota Atoll North) 43310084 - Kaledupa Wall 43310085 - Allegra's Wall 43310086 - Sawa Utara 43310087 - Malabea West 43310088 - Liabale West 43310089 - Malabea East 43310090 - Valentin Point 43310091 - Rolling Stones (Wangi Wangi Island) 43310092 - Abyss (Wangi Wangi Island) 43310093 - Aquarium (Wangi Wangi Island) 43310095 - Hoga Buoy #8 (Hoga Island) 43310096 - Rainbow Reef (Kaledupa Atol) 43310097 - Vivien's Reef (near Wakatobi Resort) 43310098 - Hoga Buoy #5 Northern Jetty (Hoga Island West side) 43310099 - Hoga Buoy #2 Southern Jetty (Hoga Island West side) 43310100 - Cemara Beach (Wangi Wangi Island) 43310101 - Sombu Jetty (Wangi Wangi Island) 43310102 - Penjelajah (Kaledupa Atoll) 43310103 - Hao Hao (Kapota Atoll SE outside) 43310104 - Komang's Reef (Wangi Wangi Island) 43310105 - Yaya's Secret (Kaledupa Atoll) 43310106 - Pulau Timur (Wangi Wangi Island) 43310107 - Christmas Gift (Kaledupa / Darawa) 43310108 - Karang Kapota Inner (Kapota Atoll NW) 4332 - Selayar Islands 4333 - Takabonerate Islands 44 - Southern Spice Islands (aka Maluku) 4401 - Ambon 44010001 - Lain Lain (Lain Island) 44010002 - Hukurila II 44010003 - Pintu Kota 44010004 - Laha Jetty / Laha 1 / Laha 1.5 44010006 - Laha 2 44010008 - Air Manis / Aer Manis 44010009 - Magic 44010010 - Maluku House Reef 44010011 - Blue Duck Jetty 44010012 - Kaca Lengkung 44010013 - Batu Badiri / Batu Bandiri / Standing Rock 44010014 - Middle Point 44010015 - Hukurila Cave 44010016 - Laha 3 / Rhino City 44010017 - Bubble Point 44010018 - Pante Nama 44010019 - Hama Husu 44010020 - Kampung Baru 44010021 - Dive into Ambon House Muck 44010022 - Baguala Slope 44010023 - Baguala Sea Mount 44010024 - Hollywood 44010025 - ACOM (Ambon City of Music) 44010026 - Frankie's Point / Corner 44010027 - Jetty Aer Manis 44010028 - Batu Lubang 44010029 - Tirta 2 44010030 - Bubble Point 2 44010031 - Hukurila 44010032 - NamaLatu 44010034 - Tower Tawiri 44010035 - ALFA Bar 44010036 - Holland's Spot / Loving Cave(Ambon) 44010037 - Psychedelic Rise 44010038 - Amahusu area incl. Beach and Jetty / Eerie Chicane / Eri Point 44010039 - Amahusu Point 44010041 - Leahari Point 44010042 - Hard Boiled / Batu Lumpar / Cara Mistik 44010043 - Pulau Pombo / Pombo Island 44010044 - Pom-Pombo / Pompon Boo 44010045 - Yoram Point 44010046 - Amet Point (Nusa Laut) 4402 - Other Lease Islands (incl Seram and Buru) 440201 - Buru and adj. Islands 440202 - Seram and adj. Islands 44020201 - Pular Tujuh Sargasm 44020202 - Makina Magic 44020203 - Hata Mata/Tanjung Sial 44020204 - Flying Fish 44020205 - Boano Slope / Reef / Wall (Boano Island) 44020206 - Don't Take the Coconuts (Asaudi Islands) 44020207 - Atunurus Village 4403 - Banda Islands (Bandaneira - Lontar - Hatta) 440301 - Bandaneira 44030101 - Hotel Maulana Banda Molang Jetty 44030102 - Lava Flow 44030103 - Tanjung Burung 44030104 - Tempat Malam 44030105 - Gunung Api Slope 44030106 - Kraka Island / Lighthouse 44030107 - Trigger Happy (NE Batu Kapal) 44030108 - Gurung Banda 44030109 - Batu Kapal SE (east of Bandaneira) 44030110 - Use 44030203 (was Pohon Miring - Bandaneira) 44030111 - Pulau Pisang (Bandaneira) 44030112 - Pulau Pisang (SW side) 44030113 - Batu Kapal NW 44030114 - Uluweru 44030115 - NW Lava Flow (NW Pulau Api) 44030116 - Barat Lava Flow 440302 - Banda Lontar 44030201 - Tanjung Nama 44030202 - Tanjung Banda (Banda Lontar) 44030203 - Pohon Miring (NE tip Banda Lontar) 440303 - Pulau Ai 44030301 - Kampung Ai 44030302 - Southeast side of Pulau Ai 440304 - Pulau Run 44030401 - Nailaka South (north of Pulau Run) 44030402 - Tanjung Noret (Run Island) 44030403 - North Nailaka / Nailaka Wall (north of Pulau Run) 440305 - Suanggi 44030501 - Suanggi NE corner 44030502 - Suanggi SE corner 44030503 - Suanggi W side 44030504 - Suanggi North 44030505 - Jackpot / Ping Pong (Suanggi) 440306 - Pulau Hatta / Pulau Rozengain 44030601 - Karang Hatta (Hatta Island) 44030602 - Hatta Wall (Hatta Island west side) 44030603 - Karang Saaru West 44030604 - Karang Saaru East 44030605 - Hatta Point (Hatta Island north tip) 4404 - Kai Islands; Watubela and Gorong Archipelagos 44040001 - Palau Koon NE / Scheiss Platz / Too Many Fish (steep slope) 44040002 - Karang Sakit 44040003 - Kasiui Wall (Kasiui / Kasirui Island SE corner) 44040004 - Kurkap Seamount 44040005 - Kasiui East Side 44040006 - Kasiui Jetty 44040007 - Pulau Tioor (NE tip) 44040008 - Pulau Uran 44040009 - Punto Pio (Kurkap) 44040010 - Kurkap Atoll North 44040011 - Pulau Koon East / Scheiss Platz / Too Many Fish / (Reef and sand slope) 44040012 - Madu Madorang (Pulau Madorang) 44040013 - Pulau Wonin (Tiga Saudara / Three Sisters) 44040014 - Iloa Kampang (Pulau Manggur - Tiga Saudara / Three Sisters) 44040015 - Bui / Bui Lampu 44040016 - Karang Rembang 44040017 - Karang Huismann 44040018 - Little Manuk (off Pulau Tayandu) 44040019 - Pulau Neptur (off Pulau Tayandu) 44040020 - Pulau Tengah (middle island) 44040021 - Pulau Koon SE / Scheiss Platz / Too Many Fish (wall) 44040022 - Campung Loka 44040023 - Pulau Ingar South 44040024 - Pulau Ingar Timur (NE) 44040025 - Pulau Ingar Barat (NW) 44040026 - Ilila (Pulau Ingar) 44040027 - Pulau Uran Wall 44040028 - Pulau Tioor (east side) 44040029 - Pulau Woning (east side) 44040030 - Pulau Woning (NW side) 44040031 - Pulau Fadol (NE side) 44040032 - Pulau Er 4405 - Aru and Tanimbar Islands 440501 - Tanimbar Islands 44050101 - Vaiwar Slope (Vaiwar Island) 44050102 - Ngursituli West (Pulau Selu) 44050103 - Ngursituli North (Pulau Selu) 44050104 - Pelican Reef (Waliaru Island) 44050105 - Snake Shenanigans (Pulau Maru) 44050106 - Tanjung Nituwahan (Pulau Molu) 44050107 - Kalbur Barat (island north of Pulau Molu) 4406 - Leti - Sermata - Dai and Babar Islands 44060001 - Pelangi 1 / Rainbow (Pulau Dai) 44060002 - Pelangi 2 (Pulau Dai) 44060003 - Ship to Dai (Pulau Dai) 44060004 - To Dai For (Pulau Dai) 44060005 - Endey's Garden (Pulau Dai) 44060006 - Tanjung Dai (Dai Island) 44060007 - Tanjung Kampung (Dai Island) 44060008 - Dai Wall (Dai Island) 440601 - Babar/Wetan/Dawera/Daweloor Islands 44060101 - A Bit Far Rock (SW of Dawera Island) 44060102 - Dawera Wall (NW Dawera Island) 44060103 - SHD - Pulau Dawera North side 44060104 - Sponge Delight (Dawera Island) 44060105 - Dragon Wall (Dawera Island) 44060106 - Tanjung Dragon (Dawera Island) 440602 - Leti / Sermata / Meatimiarang Islands 44060201 - Tg Panelu (Kalapa - Sermata Group) 44060202 - Atoll - SE Point (Meatimiarang) 4407 - Damar, Nila, Terbang, Utara, Serua, Teun 44070001 - Dusbough / Dusborgh NE Tip (N. Nila Island) 44070002 - Dusbough West Tip (N. Nila Island) 44070003 - Dusbough Tengah (N. Nila Island) 44070004 - Terbang Utara / Terbang Ridge (North Terbang) 44070005 - Terbang Selatan North Point / Wall (South Terbang) 44070006 - Terbang Selatan East Side (South Terbang) 44070007 - Nildesperandum (west side) - Sea Mount 44070008 - Tanjung Tulwomnausi Point (Nila island) 44070009 - Terbang Utara West Side (North Terbang) 44070010 - Purple Haze (South Terbang - west side) 44070011 - The Opera House 44070012 - Damar Wall 44070013 - Damar Beach 44070014 - Terbang Selatan NW Side (South Terbang) 44070015 - Dusborgh Atoll (near Nila) 44070016 - Bommie Beach / Pulau Nila (Nila) 44070017 - Nilsdesperandum South 44070018 - Nilsdesperandum North 44070019 - Tanjung Keke (Serua Island) 44070020 - Keke Reef Right (Serua Island) 44070021 - Keke Reef Left (Serua Island) 44070022 - Terbang Selatan SW Side (South Terbang) 44070023 - Terbang Utara NW Side (North Terbang) 44070024 - Keke West (Keke- off Serua) 44070025 - Fluffy Wall (NE Serua) 44070026 - Magic Corner 44070027 - Kampung Teun (Teun Island) 44070028 - Teun Utara (Teun Island) 44070029 - SE Teun Point / Teun Selatan Timur (Teun Island) 44070030 - Nusleur Utara NW (Nusleur Island) 44070031 - Nusleur Utara NE (Nusleur Island) 4408 - Wetar/Reong/Nyata/Romang 440801 - Wetar / Reong 44080101 - Tanjung Maluang / Reong North Point 44080102 - Masuk Sungai 44080103 - Bay of Reong (Wetar) 44080104 - Pulau Reong South Slope 44080105 - Larry's Tower (Wetar Island) 44080106 - Dinding Utara (North Wall - Reong) 44080107 - Dinding Timur (East Wall - Reong) 44080108 - Tidak Ada Syabandar / There is No Harbormaster (Reong) 44080109 - Nunukae / Tanjung Nunukai (Wetar) 44080110 - Pulau Reong (north side) 44080111 - Snow 44080112 - Black Sands 44080113 - South Wall (Reong) 44080114 - NE Wall (Reong) 44080115 - Cotton Wood Canyon 44080116 - Exploring Wetar 44080117 - Reong NW Slope 44080118 - Darting Around - river outflow north of Djuruwai (Wetar Island) 440802 - Nyata / Romang / Maopora / Telang 44080201 - Karang Timor 44080202 - Dinding Selatan 44080203 - Pulau Maopora East Tip 44080204 - Rumah Kuda 44080205 - Romang Southern Tip 44080206 - Hose F (Romang Island) 44080207 - Chicken Run (Romang Island) 44080208 - Nyata Gateway to the Banda (NE side Nyata) 44080209 - Crack House / Grouper Arch (near west point of Nyata) 44080210 - Nyata Utara (North side) 44080211 - Nyata Lighthouse 44080212 - Pulau Laut west side 44080213 - Pulau Telang north side 44080214 - Glorious Garden (Pulau Nyata) 44080215 - Boomerang (Nyata Island) 4409 - Other Barat Daya Islands (excl Wetar) 4410 - Gunungapi 44100001 - Ikan Banyak 44100002 - Karang Selatan 4411 - Lucipara and Mai (Turtle Group) 44110001 - Karang Timor 4412 - Isolated Banda Sea Islands 441201 - Gili Manuk 44120101 - Pohon Kelapa / Manuk Barat (Gili Manuk) 44120102 - Big Ridge / Gili Gili Ridges (Gili Manuk) 44120103 - Tanjung Kelapa / Tanjung Manuk / Coconut Corner (Gili Manuk) 44120104 - Eight Wonders / South Ridge (Manuk Island) 44120105 - Manuk Cliff (Manuk Island) 44120106 - Red Cliff (Gili Manuk) 44120107 - Plateau Barat 44120108 - Bubble Reef (Manuk Island) 44120109 - Secret Ridge (Manuk Island) 45 - East Timor 46 - Lesser Sunda Islands/Nusa Tenggara Group 461 - Southern Lesser Sunda Archipelago 4611 - West Timor 461101 - Pulau Batek 46110101 - Batek East 46110102 - Batek NE 46110103 - Batek North 461102 - Rote Island 46110201 - Heli Ana North 46110202 - Heli Ana NE 46110203 - Heli Ana East Tip 46110204 - Fish Wall (Rote Island) 46110205 - Three Rocks (Rote Island) 46110206 - Plateau (Rote Island) 4612 - Savu Group 4613 - Sumba 4614 - Timor-Leste 461401 - Pulau Atauro 46140101 - Green Buoy / Haru Ina 46140102 - Red Buoy / Watu Aii 46140103 - South Jetty 46140104 - Outer Reef / Haru Uhurala 46140105 - Adara Nearshore 46140106 - Adara LMMA 46140107 - Raiketa 46140108 - Vila South 46140109 - Raiketa Outer 46140110 - Atauro Dive Resort 46140111 - Adara 46140112 - Iliana 46140113 - Fatuu 46140114 - Fish Spa 46140115 - Akrema / Acrema 46140116 - Watu Ai 46140117 - Rai Keta (south) 46140118 - Britty Rala 46140119 - Annie's Spot 462 - Northern Lesser Sunda Archipelago 4621 - Alor (incl. Buaya - Kepa - Ternate - Pura Islands) 462101 - Alor 46210101 - Mucky Mosaic / Mosque / Mouse 46210102 - Mini Wall 46210103 - Rocky Church 46210104 - Alami Alor House Reef 46210107 - Treetops, Alor-Kecil 46210108 - The Cathedral (Alor) 46210109 - Savu Savu Resort House Reef 46210110 - Pancuran / Slugfest (Alor) 46210111 - Mucky School 46210112 - Fisherman's Backyard 462102 - Buaya 46210201 - Cave Point - Buaya Island 462103 - Kepa 462104 - Ternate / Reta 46210401 - Babylon (Ternate / Reta) 462105 - Pura 46210502 - Karang Utara - Palau Pura 46210503 - Please use 46210110 (was Pancuran / Slugfest) 46210504 - Clown Valley (Pura) 46210505 - Pak Yan's Village / Village of Happy Kids / Kampung Anak Senang / Tanjung Yan Village 46210506 - Pleasant Boardroom 46210507 - Big Foot (South Pura) 46210508 - School Out (Pura) 46210509 - Solong Bali Wall (Pura) 46210510 - Solong Bali Jetty (Pura) 46210511 - Mandarin Wall / Coconuts (Pura) 46210512 - Coconut Grove (Pura) 46210513 - Pura NW Point 46210514 - Clown City (Pura) 46210515 - Mandarin Slope 46210516 - Red Sand 46210517 - Yan Village Slope 4622 - Pantar; Lembata/Kawula; Adonara; Solor; Komba Islands 462201 - Pantar 46220101 - Hot Property (Beangabang Bay) 46220102 - Ribbon Eel Run (Beangabang Bay) 46220103 - West End Reef (Beangabang Bay) 46220104 - Rainbow Rock / Rainbow Reef 46220105 - New Jetty (Beangabang Bay) 46220106 - North Point (Beangabang Bay) 46220107 - Watu Balu / Batu Balu (Rusa) 46220108 - Watu ile 46220109 - Beangabang Bay West Side 46220110 - Lapan (off Pantar) 46220111 - Tanjung Muna 46220112 - Anthias / Symphony #9 / Great Pantar Wall 46220113 - Crucifixion Point 46220114 - Bakalan / Bakalang Jetty 46220115 - The Walls (Trewek / Treweng South Point) 46220116 - Batu Pantar 46220117 - Black Rock (Pulau Kambing) 46220118 - Marisa Rock (Marisa) 462202 - Lembata / Kawula 46220201 - Sizzler 46220202 - Bacatan Ledges 46220203 - East Neira 46220204 - Radio Reef 46220205 - Lembata / Kawula Ferry Pier 46220206 - Lamanipo 46220207 - Dindling Lewaling 46220208 - Watu Waratun / Wara Wuntun North 46220209 - Watu Waratun / Wara Wuntun South / Padang Pasir 46220210 - Watu Waratun / Wara Wuntun Village / Wrassedemonium / Lava Flow / Black Sand Wall 46220211 - Takat Prau 46220212 - Nubbin Point 46220214 - Watu Waratun / Wara Wuntun Point 46220215 - Bacatan Wall 46220216 - Bacatan Wall 2 46220217 - Tanjung Waiwowan 46220218 - Pandang Pasir 46220219 - The Cardinal 46220220 - Tanjung Bacatan / Bacatan Wall 46220221 - The Mangrove 46220222 - Lamarian Wall 462203 - Solor 462204 - Adonara 46220401 - Point between Kodih Kele & Sagu Inlet 46220402 - Tanjung Wotan 46220403 - Ipet Dropoff and Ridge (off NE Adonara) 46220404 - Ray's Rush Hour 462205 - Komba Volcano 46220501 - Komba Korner (Komba Volcano) 46220502 - Komba Waterfall 4623 - Flores - Besar (and adj. islands) 462301 - Flores 46230101 - Maumere Pier 46230102 - Fish Market - Maumere 46230103 - Tanjung Gedong West 46230104 - Gedong Bay 46230105 - Gedong Wall 46230106 - Serbete Reef 46230107 - Pertamina Pier 46230108 - Riung (Flores) 46230109 - Pulau Kalong (off Flores) 46230110 - Pulau Pasir Rita - East 46230111 - Pulau Pasir Rita - NE Corner 46230112 - Pulau Pasir Rita - West 46230113 - Kelambu Bay Channel 46230114 - Kelambu Bay North End 46230115 - Batu Boga 46230116 - Kurabasa / Kura Baja 46230117 - Kura Baja Bay 46230118 - Kura Besi 46230119 - Gili Bodo SW side 46230120 - TJ Gedong Point 46230121 - Serbete Reef Channel (open water) 46230122 - Coconut Gardens Reef 46230123 - Pasar Ikan 46230124 - Pela Bari 46230125 - Banga Batang (Pulau Pangabatang) 46230126 - Tanjung Darat 46230127 - Wodong Bay 462302 - Besar 46230201 - Lebantour 46230202 - Pulau Besar - West Wall 46230203 - Maragajong 46230204 - Pomana Kecil 46230205 - Pulau Babi / The Crack 46230206 - Gosong Boni 462303 - Pulau Raja 46230301 - Ikan Mudah Dua 46230302 - Tanjung Raja 46230303 - Raja Slope / Raja River 4624 - Rinca and Komodo (and adj. islands) 462401 - Nusa Kode area 46240101 - Crinoid Canyon 46240102 - Cannibal Rock / Nurdin Spirit 46240103 - Rodeo Rock 46240104 - Pelican Head / Disaster Bay 46240105 - White Beach 46240106 - Torpedo Alley 46240107 - Yellow Wall (of Texas) 46240108 - Devil's Corner 46240109 - Boulders 46240110 - Pisang 462402 - Rinca 46240201 - Loh Buaya West 46240202 - Tengah 46240203 - Komodo Walk / Dragon Walk 46240204 - Wainilu 46240205 - Wainilu Kecil (small east island) 462403 - Pulau Padar 46240301 - Pillarsteen 46240302 - Taman Rahasia (Padar) 46240303 - Three Sisters (off Pulau Padar) 46240304 - Secret Padar 46240305 - Padar Bay 46240306 - Pasir Putih 46240307 - Secret Garden 46240308 - Padar Reef 46240309 - Tanjung Padar 46240310 - Pink Beach (Padar Island SW) 462404 - Komodo 46240401 - Pink Beach Komodo 46240402 - Batu Bolong North 46240403 - Tatawa Kecil 46240404 - Lehok Sera Point 46240405 - German Flag 46240406 - Manta Alley 46240407 - Teluk Darat 46240408 - Lehok Sera Wreck 46240409 - Karang Makassar / Gili Makassar 46240410 - Golden Passage 46240411 - GLD Bay 46240412 - Batu Montjo 46240413 - Takat Makassar (NE side of Pulau Karangan) 46240414 - Sabita (Komodo) 46240415 - Loh Sera / Lehoksera 46240416 - Takat Makassar (Pulau Karangan west side) 46240417 - Loh Wenci 46240418 - Big Nose 462405 - Gili Lawa 46240501 - Staghorn Forest 46240502 - Cristal / Crystal Rock (north of Gili Lawa Laut) 46240503 - Castle Rock 46240504 - Toko Toko 46240505 - Teluk Pasir 46240506 - El Torro 46240507 - Coral Garden 46240508 - Shotgun 46240509 - Aquarium / Fish Bowl (Gili Lawa Laut) 46240510 - Darat Passage / Darat Reef (Gili Lawa Darat) 462406 - Komodo NP Small Islands 46240601 - Siaba Besar East side 46240602 - Sebayor Kecil 46240603 - Siaba Besar Island West 46240604 - Tatawa Besar Island 46240605 - Mauan 46240606 - Batu Bolong 46240607 - Karang Makasar / Takat Makasar 46240608 - Siaba Kecil 46240609 - Seven Seas Secret (Tatawa Besar) 46240610 - Pengah Kecil / Pulau Patupengah / Batu Tengah 46240611 - Sabolan Kecil 46240612 - Pulau Papagarang 46240613 - Le Pirate Island 46240614 - Turtle City 46240615 - Mantas on the Moon 462407 - Gili Motang and Baleh 46240701 - Baleh South 46240702 - Baleh North 46240703 - Lady Mota 4625 - Sumbawa - Banta - Sangeang - Moyo 462501 - Sumbawa 46250101 - Tanjung Tohoh 46250102 - Tanjung Sei 46250103 - Unusual Suspects / Fuzzy Bottom 46250104 - Pulau Ular 46250105 - Taman Sape 46250106 - N'Doko 2 and 3 46250107 - Croissant Reef 46250108 - Ziad Corner 46250109 - Kalimaya House Reef 46250110 - Pulau Ulak 46250111 - Ilham Surprise 46250112 - Babylon 462502 - Banta 46250201 - Star Wars 46250202 - Little World 46250203 - GPS Point 46250204 - Critters 46250205 - Circus 46250206 - West Point 46250207 - K2 46250208 - Roller Coaster 46250209 - Spanish Steps 46250210 - Tanduk Rusa 46250211 - Gili Banta Bay 46250212 - Bay on NE Gili Banta 46250213 - Galley Rock 462503 - Sangeang 46250301 - Black Magic 46250302 - Tekno Reef 46250303 - Black Dunes 46250304 - Black Forest / Hot Rocks / The Bubbles / Bubble Reef 46250305 - Bohon Marah 46250306 - Bonto Muck Dive / Bontoh Bay / Bonto Reef 46250307 - Mike's Reef 46250308 - Lighthouse Reef / Black Magic 46250309 - Black Diamond 46250310 - The Ledge (Sangeang Island) 46250311 - Holy Cow (Sangeang Island) 46250312 - Menjeng Wall (Sangeang) 46250313 - Sangeang West 462504 - Moyo and Satonde Islands 46250401 - Karang Utuya 46250402 - Moyo Reef 46250403 - Black Rock 46250404 - Jake's Reef 46250405 - Satonda 46250406 - Angel Ridge 46250407 - Angel Reef 46250408 - Panjang Reef 4626 - Lombok 46260001 - Senggigi / Sangigi Beach (Lombok) 46260002 - Medana Bay (Lombok Island) 462601 - Gili Islands 46260101 - Turtle Haven (Gili Trawangan) 46260102 - Halik (Gili Trawangan) 46260104 - Eastside Beach (Gili Trawangan) 46260105 - Gili Meno NE side 46260106 - Gili Meno SE side 46260107 - Deep Turbo 46260108 - Shark Point 46260109 - Hidden Reef 46260110 - Bounty Wreck 46260111 - Gili Air SE side 4627 - Bali 462701 - East Bali (incl. Nusa Penida; E. of Singjara - Kuta) 46270101 - Mangrove Point (Nusa Lembongan) 46270102 - Giant Trevally (Nusa Penida) 46270103 - Wall Bay (Nusa Penida) 46270104 - Mesati / Melasti 46270105 - Sidem Macro 46270106 - Gili Tepekong 46270107 - Gili Mimpang 46270108 - Manta Point 46270109 - Jetty, Amok Bay 46270110 - Blue Lagoon Drop Off 46270112 - Blue Lagoon 46270113 - Temple, Blue Lagoon 46270114 - Tanjun Jabun 46270115 - White Sand Beach 46270116 - Tulamben Drop Off 46270117 - Coral Garden (Tulamben) 46270118 - USAT Liberty Ship Wreck / USS Liberty 46270119 - Crystal Bay 46270120 - Use 46270108 (duplicate) 46270121 - Seraya Secrets / Seraya Macro 46270122 - Bulakan Reef 46270123 - Batu Belah 46270124 - Batu Niti 46270125 - Emerald 46270126 - Big Tree 46270127 - Bulaken Slope 46270128 - Pantai Lahar 46270129 - Tukad Linggah 46270130 - Batu Kelebit 46270131 - Segara 46270132 - Jupon 46270133 - S.D. (Nusa Penida) 46270134 - Ped / Puraped North (Nusa Penida) 46270135 - Pyramid / Jemeluk Bay Pyramids (Amed) 46270136 - Jemeluk Bay East Wall (Amed) 46270137 - Ulami 46270138 - Tangga Langit 46270139 - Batu Lumbang 46270140 - Noisy Reef 46270141 - Lipah Bay (Amed) 462702 - West Bali (W. of Kuta - Singara) 46270201 - Taman Sari Bali Resort 46270202 - Bajul Bay (Pemuteran / Menjangan) 46270203 - Pulau Menjangan Drop Off 46270204 - POS 1 / Jetty Post 1 (Menjangan) 46270205 - Underwater Cave (Menjangen) 46270206 - POS 2 / Jetty Post 2 / Position 2 (Menjangen) 46270207 - Eel Garden / NW tip of Menjangen Island 46270208 - Napoleon Reef (Pemuteran) 46270209 - Close Encounter (Pemuteran) 46270210 - Biowreck / Biorock (Pemuteran) 46270211 - Dream Wall 5 - Western Indonesia (Greater Sunda Islands incl. Borneo) and Malaysia 51 - Greater Sunda Islands Indonesia (and Brunei) 5101 - Java 510101 - East Java 51010101 - Labuhan Beach West of Airport (Baweang Island) 510102 - Central Java 510103 - West Java 510104 - Karimunjawa 51010401 - Karimunjawa Menjangan Kecil 51010402 - Karimunjawa Menjangan Besar 51010403 - Karimunjawa Pulau Burung 51010404 - Karimunjawa Cemera Kecil 51010405 - Karimunjawa Cemera Besar 51010406 - Karimunjawa Gosong Seloka 51010407 - Karimunjawa Palau Gosong 51010408 - Karimunjawa Gosong Tengah 510105 - North Jakarta Thousand Islands (Kepulauan Seribu) 5102 - Kalimantan (Borneo) 510201 - Derawan Islands 51020101 - Check Point (Sangalaki) 51020102 - Manta Point (Sangalaki) 51020103 - Tajung Kelapa (Kakaban) 51020104 - Lighthouse (Maratua) 51020105 - Nunukan Express (Maratua) 5103 - Sumatra 510301 - Aceh (Sumatra) 51030101 - Pulau Weh Paradise House Reef 51030102 - Gapang Bay House Reef 51030103 - Limbo (Gapang) 510302 - Bangka Belitung Islands 51030201 - Kelayang Beach (NW Belitung Island) 52 - Malaysia 5201 - Peninsular Malaysia 520101 - West Peninsular Malaysia 520102 - East Peninsular Malaysia 52010201 - HMS Repulse Wreck 52010202 - Pulau Tenggol 52010203 - Minang Cove (Tioman Island) 52010204 - Tumuk Island (off Tioman Island) 52010205 - Renggis Island (off Tioman Island) 52010206 - Tioman Marine Park 5202 - East Malaysia- Sarawak and Sabah (Borneo) 5203 - Sipadan 52030001 - Mabul Lobster Wall 52030002 - Kapalai 52030003 - Mabul Scuba Junkie 52030004 - Sipidan Barracuda Point 52030005 - Sipidan South Point 6 - Andaman Sea; Gulf of Thailand; China, Taiwan, Southern Japan 61 - Andaman Sea (Andaman and Nicobar Islands, W. Thailand, and Myanmar) 6101 - Nicobar Islands 6102 - Andaman Islands 6103 - Myanmar 610301 - Moscos Islands (Tanintharyi Region) 610302 - Mergui Archipelago (Tanintharyi Region) 61030201 - Three Islets / Shark Cave 61030202 - Rocky Island 6104 - Southern Thailand 610401 - Surin Islands 61040101 - Richelieu Rock 610402 - Similan Islands 61040201 - Koh Bon / Koh Bon West Ridge 61040202 - Breakfast Bend 61040203 - West of Eden 61040204 - Anita's Reef 61040206 - Koh Tachai Pinnacle 61040207 - Koh Bon Pinnacle 61040208 - South of Eden 61040209 - Beacon Reef 61040210 - Koh Tachai Reef 61040211 - Deep Six 61040212 - Elephant Rock / Elephant Head 61040213 - Stonehenge 61040214 - Coral Gardens (Koh Bon Island) 61040215 - Three Trees (Similan Island 9) 610403 - Phuket and nearby islands 61040301 - Koh Dok Mai 61040302 - Shark Point 61040303 - Koh Bida Nok 61040304 - Koh Haa Nua #1 - The Chimney 61040305 - Hin Daeng 61040306 - Hin Muang 61040307 - Koh Bida Nai 61040308 - Turtle Rock / Maya Wall (Maya Bay) North 61040309 - Koh Haa Yai #1 - The Cathedral 61040310 - Koh Haa Lagoon #4 61040311 - Koh Haa Rock #6 61040312 - Marita's Rock (Marina Bay - Racha Noi) 61040313 - Racha Noi Bay 61040314 - Racha Yai Bay 1 & 2 61040315 - Koh Haa #3 61040316 - Koh Haa Cave #5 61040317 - Kled Kaew 61040318 - Hin Klang 61040319 - Hin Bida / Shark Point 61040320 - Koh Pah Island, East Side 61040321 - Nui Beach 61040322 - Ya Nui Beach 61040323 - Ko Hi / Ko He 61040324 - Malong Wall (Phi Phi Leh) 61040325 - Viking Cave (Phi Phi Leh) 61040326 - Maya Corner (Phi Phi Leh) 62 - Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea (E. Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam) 6201 - Eastern Thailand 620101 - Narathiwat, Pattani, Songkhla, Nakhon Si Thammarat 620102 - Surat Thani (incl. Koh Samui and Koh Tao) 62010201 - Twin Peaks (Koh Tao) 62010202 - Japanese Gardens (Koh Tao) 62010203 - Junkyard Reef / Maehaad Reef (Koh Tao) 62010204 - Mango Bay (Koh Tao) 62010205 - Aow Leuk (Koh Tao) 62010206 - Shark Bay (Koh Tao) 62010207 - Tanote Bay (Koh Tao) 62010208 - Hin Wong Bay (Koh Tao) 620103 - Chumphon 620104 - Prachuap Khiri Khan, Phetchaburi 620105 - Samut Songkhram - Chachoengsao 620106 - Chonburi (incl. Pattaya and Sattahip area) 620107 - Rayong Province 62010701 - Alhambra Rock / Hin Alhambra West 62010702 - Alhambra Rock / Hin Alhambra East 620108 - Chanthaburi Province 620109 - Trat Province (incl. Koh Chang) 6202 - Cambodia 6203 - Vietnam 620301 - Nha Trang Bay Marine Protected Area 62030101 - Fisherman's Bight 62030102 - Small Rock 63 - China (South China Sea) 6301 - Hong Kong SAR 630101 - New Territories 63010101 - Shelter Island South 63010102 - Shelter Island North 63010103 - Bluff Island 63010104 - Lung Wa Wan (shore dive) 63010105 - Long Ke Wan Bay 63010106 - Conic Island 63010107 - Little Palm Beach East 63010108 - Little Palm Beach West 63010109 - Basalt Island SW side 63010110 - Port Island (Hong Kong) 64 - Taiwan 6401 - Pingtung County 64010001 - Thunderstone 64010002 - Houbi Beach 65 - South Japanese Islands (incl. Yaeyama, Okinawa, Kagoshima, Daito) 6501 - Yaeyama Islands 650101 - Yonaguni Island 65010101 - East Channel of Sonai Harbor 65010102 - Sonai Outer Lagoon 650102 - Iriomote Island 65010201 - Hoshizuna Beach 65010202 - Ida (Funauki) Beach 65010203 - Marumabon Cove 65010204 - Haemida Beach (beach to outer reef edge) 650103 - Kuroshima Island 65010301 - Nakamoto Beach 650104 - Ishigaki Island 65010401 - Yonehara Beach 6502 - Okinawa Islands 650201 - Okinawa Mainland 65020101 - Zampa Misaki / Bolo Point 65020102 - Maeda Flats 65020103 - Maeda Point / Maeda Misaki 65020104 - Big Time Resort 65020105 - Water Treatment Plant 65020106 - Water Treatment Plant #2 65020107 - Sunabe Seawall / Curry House 65020108 - Sunabe Seawall / Arc Dive 65020109 - Sunabe Seawall Junkyard 65020110 - Runway Lights 65020111 - Kadena North 65020112 - Jams 65020113 - Kadena Steps 65020114 - Devils Cove 65020115 - Malibu Beach 65020116 - Onna Point 65020117 - Horse Shoe Beach 65020118 - Toilet Bowl 65020119 - Seragaki Inner Reef 65020120 - Seregaki Outer Reef 65020121 - Gorilla Chop 65020122 - Eagle Pipes 65020123 - USS Emmons 65020124 - Okuma North 65020125 - Hedo Dome 65020126 - Hedo Misaki 65020127 - Hedo Three Pools 65020128 - Kin Blue 65020129 - Kin Red 65020130 - Tengan Pier 65020131 - Miyagi 65020132 - Mama San Beach 65020133 - Southern Links 65020134 - Suicide Cliffs 65020135 - Channel Crevass 65020136 - Renaissance Okinawa Resort Beach 65020137 - Green Beach 650202 - Kerama Islands 650203 - Kume, Tonaki, Aguni Islands 6503 - Kagoshima Islands 6504 - Daito Islands 7 - Philippines 71 - Luzon Region (incl. Batanes and Babuyan Islands) 7101 - Anilao Area - Batangas Calumpan Peninsula and Maricaban Island 71010001 - Cathedral Rock 71010002 - Eagle Point 71010003 - Mainit 71010004 - Kirby's Reef / Kirby's Rock (Caban Island) 71010005 - Beatrice Rock 71010006 - Bethlehem / Better than Lembeh (Marcaban Island) 71010007 - Bahura (Anilao) 71010008 - Sepoc Wall 71010009 - Mapating 71010010 - Nelson's Rock 71010011 - Arthur's Rock / Crystal Blue Resort House Reef 71010012 - Secret Bay South 71010013 - Secret Bay North 71010014 - Darilaud / Daryl Laut (Caban Island) 71010015 - Layeg Layeg (Caban Island) 71010016 - Anilao Pier 71010017 - Minet Bubbles / Bubbles Point 71010018 - Sand View 71010019 - Secret Garden (Buceo Anileo Beach and Dive Resort House Reef) 71010020 - Twin Rock (Planet Dive Resort) 71010021 - Dead Palm 71010022 - El Sombrero East (Caban Island) 71010024 - Koala 71010025 - Anilao Beach Club House Reef 71010026 - Dive & Trek House Reef 71010027 - El Sombrero SW Side 71010028 - Heidi's Point 71010029 - Saimsim 71010030 - Red Rock 71010031 - Olympic 71010032 - Matu Rock (Luzon) 71010033 - Coconut Point (Marikaban Island) 71010034 - Onad's Point (Luzon) 7102 - Puerto Galera (Mindoro) 71020001 - GAL-42 Boulders 71020002 - GAL-48 71020003 - GAL-55 71020004 - GAL-57 71020005 - GAL-56 71020006 - GAL-60 71020007 - West Escarceo 71020008 - Manila Channel 71020009 - GAL-88 71020010 - Lalaguna Lagoon 71020011 - Sinandigan Wall 71020012 - Dungon Wall / Dungon Beach / Dungon Bay 71020013 - Coral Cove 71020014 - Kilima Beach / Steps 71020015 - Fantasea Reef 71020016 - Sabang Point 71020017 - Sabang Wrecks 71020018 - Montani 71020019 - SLL Reef 71020020 - Ernie's Point 71020021 - Canyons 71020022 - The Giant Clams 71020023 - Wreck Point 71020024 - Boulders 71020025 - Monkey Beach 71020026 - Palangan Point 71020027 - St. Christopher 71020028 - Mini Reef 7103 - Verde Island 71030001 - VER-15 71030002 - VER-16 71030003 - VER-17 71030004 - VER-18 71030005 - VER-19 71030006 - NW Corner Verde Island 71030007 - VER-22 71030008 - VER-23 71030009 - The Drop Off/Pinnacle (Verde Island) 71030010 - Coral Gardens (Verde Island) 7104 - Tablas, Romblon, Sibuyan and surrounding islands 710401 - Tablas Island 71040101 - Binocot Beach 71040102 - Hinag-Oman Bay 71040103 - Budiong Fish Sanctuary 71040104 - Odiongan/Ferrol Boundary 710402 - Romblon Island 71040201 - Saigan Point (Logbon Island) 71040202 - Sandbar 1 (Logbon Island) 71040203 - Logbon Sandbar (Logbon Island) 71040204 - Bang-Og 1 (North of Bang-Og Island) 71040205 - Merlen Bar / Anchor Bay 71040206 - Sowa / Suwa (Villa del Mar) 71040207 - Tangke (Logbon Island) 71040208 - Bang-og 2 (NE Bang-og) 71040209 - Bang-og Talisay (btw Bang-og 2 and 3) 71040210 - Bang-og 3 (SE Bang-og) 71040211 - Bang-og 4 (South Bang-og) 71040212 - Magnificat (Romblon Island) 71040213 - Bon Bon Talisay (Romblon Island) 71040214 - Bon Bon Black (Romblon Island) 71040215 - Bon Bon Coconut (Romblon Island) 71040216 - Bon Bon 3 (Romblon Island) 71040217 - Bon Bon End (Romblon Island) 71040218 - Parayan (Romblon Island) 71040219 - Kang Aneto (Romblon Island) 71040220 - Tirso (Romblon Island) 71040221 - 3P Dive Resort House Reef (Romblon Island) 71040222 - Agnay Kawayan (Romblon Island) 71040223 - Broken House (Logbon Island) 71040224 - Sandslope Reverse (Logbon Island) 71040225 - Coral Canyon (Logbon Island) 71040226 - Logbon Cave (Logbon Island) 71040227 - Logbon Sanctuary (Logbon Island) 72 - Visayas Region 7201 - Samar Island 7202 - Leyte Island (inc. Panaon and Sarangani/Limasawa Island) 72020001 - Santa Paz 72020002 - Olly's Wall 72020003 - Sogod Bay House Reef 72020004 - Napantao 72020005 - Marayag 72020006 - Son-oka Village 72020007 - Zacks Cove MPA Lamasowa Island 72020008 - Adrian's Cove MPA Lamasowa Island 72020009 - Stanta Sofia MPA 72020010 - Town Pier (Padre Burgos) 72020011 - Casa Blanca 72020012 - Little Lembeh 72020013 - Maximum Climax 72020014 - Napantao South MPA 72020015 - Napantao North 72020016 - Voltaire's Rock (north of Sogod Bay Resort) 72020017 - Tangkaan MPA 72020018 - Puloy's Wall 72020019 - Bunga Bend 72020020 - Peter's Bend 7203 - Bohol Island 72030001 - Magic Oceans House Reef 72030002 - Paradise Garden (Bluestar Resort House Reef) / Magic Oceans Lumayag 72030003 - Virgen East (Virgin) 72030004 - Virgen West (Virgin) 72030005 - Turtle Point 72030006 - Snappers Cave 72030007 - Cavern 72030008 - Lumayag 72030009 - Dap-Dap 72030010 - Wonder Wall 72030011 - Mandarin Gardens (Bohol) 72030012 - Mandarin Gardens 2 (Bohol) 72030013 - Coco South (Bohol) 72030014 - Seahorse Point (Bohol) 72030015 - Lamanoc Island (off Bohol) 72030016 - J. Eden's Place 72030017 - Magna Cave 72030018 - Pygmy House 720301 - Panglao Island 72030101 - Alona Beach House Reef - Wreck 72030102 - Arco Point 72030103 - Danao Wall 72030104 - Doljo Point 72030105 - Kalipayan Wall / Kalipayan 72030106 - Danao Beach 72030107 - Pamilacan Island Sanctuary South 72030108 - Pamilacan Island Sanctuary North 72030109 - Pamilacan Island Sanctuary Southeast 72030110 - Ananyana Beach (Backside of Panglao) 72030111 - Leuc Wreck 72030112 - Peak Performance Buoyancy (PPB) 72030113 - Napaling Reef (Panglao) 72030114 - Gak-Ang 72030115 - BBC / Bohol Beach Club 72030116 - Pungtud 72030117 - Mangrove East (Panglao) 72030118 - Mangrove West (Panglao) 720302 - Balicasag Island 72030201 - Diver's Heaven / Diver's Haven 72030202 - Black Forest / Royal Garden 72030203 - Cathedral Wall 72030204 - Balicasag Marine Sanctuary 72030205 - Ambo Point 72030206 - Rico's Wall 720303 - Cabilao Island 72030301 - La Estrella House Reef 72030302 - Lighthouse / Lighthouse 2 (Cabilao Island) 72030303 - Cabilao Marine Sanctuary 72030304 - Gorgonian / Gorgonia Wall 72030305 - Fallen Tree 72030306 - Looc 72030307 - Lighthouse 1 (Cabilao) 72030308 - Sharks Point 72030309 - Talisay Tree 72030310 - Talisay Wall 72030311 - Cambaquiz / Cambakis Point 7204 - Cebu Island 72040001 - Oslob Whale Shark Station 72040002 - Caceres South 72040003 - Luisan Reef 72040004 - Tingko / Alcoy (Mambagi Reef) 720401 - Moalboal 72040101 - Panagsama Beach House Reef / Sardine Dive 72040102 - White Beach 72040103 - Talisay 72040104 - Kasai 72040105 - Tongo Point 72040106 - Sanctuary East 72040107 - Copton Point 72040108 - Banlot Point 72040109 - Eyoy Point 72040110 - Dolphin House 72040111 - Gobie Point / Goby Point 72040112 - Basdiot 72040113 - White House 72040114 - Arigay Point 720402 - Pescador Island 72040201 - Pescador West 72040202 - Pescador East 72040203 - NW Wall (Pescador Island) 72040204 - Cathedral (Pescador) 72040205 - Coral Garden (Pescador) 72040206 - SE Wall (Pescador Island) 720403 - Sumilon Island 72040301 - Sumilon Guard House 72040302 - Lighthouse (Sumilon) 72040303 - Cottage Point (Sumilon Island) 72040304 - Barracuda (Sumilon Island) 720404 - Calanggaman / Capitancillo Islands 72040401 - Black Coral Point (Calanggaman Island) 72040402 - NW Corner Calanggaman Island 72040403 - Capitancillo (Capitancillo Island) 720405 - Gato Island 72040501 - West Wall Gato Island / NW Gato 72040502 - East Wall Gato Island / SE Gato 72040503 - South Gato 72040504 - Gato Cave 72040505 - Nudibranch City (Gato Island) 720406 - Malapascua Island incl. Monad, Kimod Shoals 72040601 - Deep Rock 72040602 - Deep Slope 72040603 - Bantigue 72040604 - Monad Shoal 72040605 - Bugtong Bato 72040606 - Lighthouse (Malapascua Island) 72040607 - Chocolate Island 72040608 - North Point 72040609 - Dakit Dakit (Malapascua Island) 72040610 - Kimod / Kimud Shoal 7205 - Negros Island 720501 - Dauin (South of Dumaguete) 72050101 - Mainit 72050102 - San Miguel North 72050103 - San Miguel Tires 72050104 - San Miguel Reef South 72050105 - Atlantis Dumaguete House Reef (artificial tire reef) 72050106 - Sahara Reef 72050107 - Sahara Deep 72050108 - Punta 72050109 - Ceres 72050110 - Shallow Cars 72050111 - Cars / Car Wreck 72050112 - Dauin Norte 72050113 - Dauin Sur 72050114 - Ginama-an 72050115 - Masaplod Norte 72050116 - Pyramids 72050117 - Masaplod Sur (South) 72050118 - Bahura / Northern Bahura (Dumaguete Mandarinfish Dive) 72050119 - Pura Vida House Reef / Luca Sanctuary 72050120 - Talisay 72050121 - VIP / Sierra Resort House Reef 72050122 - Nain North 72050123 - invalid location (dupe with 72050118) 72050124 - Marina 72050125 - Bulak 72050126 - Alysia 72050127 - Masaplod Sanctuary 72050128 - Atlantis Dumaguete House Reef Sanctuary 720502 - Apo Island 72050201 - Largahan 72050202 - Baluarte 72050203 - Chapel Point 72050204 - Katipanan 72050205 - Rock Point West 72050206 - Coconut Point 72050207 - Cogon Point 72050208 - Mamsa Point 72050209 - Kan-uran 72050210 - Marine Sanctuary 72050211 - Rock Point East 720503 - Siquijor Island 72050301 - Mai-ti 72050302 - Paliton Wall South / Paliton 1 72050303 - Paliton Wall North / Paliton 2 72050304 - Tambisan 72050305 - Staghorn Point 7206 - Panay Island 720601 - Borocay Island 72060101 - Diniwid 72060102 - Balinghai 72060103 - Angol Point 72060104 - Boracay Shoals (Borocay Island) 72060105 - Coral Garden (Borocay Island) 73 - Mindanao Region 7301 - Zamboanga Peninsula 7302 - Northern Mindanao 73020001 - Agutayan Island / White Island Marine Sanctuary 73020002 - Sunset Beach (near Lugait) / Rendo's Reef 73020003 - Banaug Pinnacle / Mantangale House Reef 73020004 - Sipaca Bato 73020005 - Mantangale Muck 73020006 - Paraiso 73020007 - Aquarium (Duka Resort) 73020008 - Santa Inez 7303 - Davao Region 7304 - SOCCSKSARGEN 7305 - Caraga 7306 - ARMM (mainland Mindanao) 7307 - Sulu Archipelago 7308 - Camiguin Island 73080001 - Mantigue / Matinique Island 73080002 - Cabuan 73080003 - Giant Clam Sanctuary / Cantaan Clam Garden / Kabila Beach 73080004 - Volcan House Reef 73080005 - Key Lambect West (White Island) 73080006 - Gypsy Rover 73080007 - Blue Lagoon Right 73080008 - Blue Lagoon Left 73080009 - Black Forest (White Island) 73080010 - Old Volcano West 73080011 - Tangub Hotsprings 73080012 - Seahorse Point 73080013 - Tango Bay 7309 - Dinagat Island 7310 - Siargao Island 74 - Palawan Region 7401 - Tubbataha Reef 74010001 - Seafan Alley (North Atoll) 74010002 - Washing Machine (North Atoll) 74010003 - Shark Airport / Sharky Shallows (North Atoll) 74010004 - East Face (North Atoll) 74010005 - South Park (North Atoll) 74010006 - Gorgonian Channel (North Atoll) 74010007 - Amos Rock (North Atoll) 74010008 - Ranger Station 1 / 2 / 3 (North Atoll) 74010009 - Malayan Wreck / Malayan Point / Malayan Wall (North Atoll) 74010010 - Terraces (North Atoll) 74010011 - T Wreck (South Atoll) 74010012 - Black Rock - North Face (South Atoll) 74010013 - Black Rock / Black Rock East Face (South Atoll) 74010014 - Delsan Wreck (South Atoll) 74010015 - Delsan Corner (South Atoll) 74010016 - Staghorn Point / South Point (South Atoll) 74010017 - Lighthouse Wall (South Atoll) 74010018 - Lighthouse Cove (South Atoll) 74010019 - Ko-ok (South Atoll) 74010020 - Eiger Wall (South Atoll) 74010021 - Wall Street (North Atoll) 74010022 - Triggerfish City (South Atoll) 74010023 - SW Wall (South Atoll) 74010024 - D. Schubba (North Atoll) 74010025 - East Wall (Jessie Beazley Reef) 74010026 - Southwest Corner (Jessie Beazley Reef) 74010027 - NE Wall / Northeast Corner (North Atoll) 74010028 - Gorgonia Wall (North Atoll) 74010029 - Black Rock South (South Atoll) 7402 - Culion, Busuanga, Colon and other Islands 74020001 - Teru Kaze Maru 74020002 - Kogyo Maru 74020003 - Okikawa Maru 74020004 - 7 Islands Marine Park / Siete Pecados 74020005 - Morazan Maru 74020006 - Olympia Maru 74020007 - Lusong Gunboat 74020008 - Coral Garden (Lusong Island) 74020009 - Akitsushima 74020010 - Barracuda Lake 74020011 - Twin Peaks 74020012 - NW Point Tara Island 74020013 - NW Rock Tara Island 74020014 - El Rio Y Mar House Reef (Busuanga Island) 74020015 - Dimipac Reef Slope 1 (Dimipac Island) 74020016 - Dimipac Reef Slope 2 (Dimipac Island) 74020017 - Dimipac Corner (Dimipac Island) 74020018 - Ariara Island (west side) 74020019 - Manlegad Island (west side) 74020020 - Linapacan Island 74020021 - Sangat House Reef (Sangat Island) 74020022 - SW Tara Island 74020023 - West Side Tara Island 74020024 - SW Dimipac Island 74020025 - North tip Dicoyan Island 74020026 - North tip Calumbuyan Island 74020027 - Dicoyan Island south end 74020028 - Malcapuya Island west side 74020029 - Tangat Island 74020030 - Debotunay Island 74020031 - South Corner (Apo Reef Island) 74020032 - SW End (Apo Reef Island) 74020033 - Mabuti Reef (Apo Reef Island) 74020034 - North Point (Apo Reef Island) 7403 - El Nido area (Palawan) 74030001 - South Entalula Island 74030002 - South Miniloc Island 74030003 - Dillimacad / Helicopter Island 74030004 - West to North Entalula Island 74030005 - Paglugaban Rock 74030006 - Dilumacad / Helicopter Tunnel 7404 - Puerto Princesa area 74040001 - Maris Rock 74040002 - Silica Reef 74040003 - Finger Reef 74040004 - Badjao Reef 8 - Micronesia (incl. Marianas; Palau; Guam; Federated States; Marshall Isl.) 81 - Northern Mariana Islands 8101 - Northern Group Northern Mariana Islands 8102 - Southern Group Northern Mariana Islands 810201 - Saipan 81020101 - Grotto in Saipan 81020102 - Eagle Ray city 810202 - Tinian and Aguijan 81020201 - Fleming Wall 81020202 - Twin Coral 81020203 - Dump Cove 81020204 - Tinian Grotto 810203 - Rota 81020301 - Senhanom Cave / Rota Hole 81020302 - Sub Chaser 1 (at Coral Garden) 81020303 - A-Frame 81020304 - Cable Run 81020305 - Coral Garden 81020306 - East Harbor 81020307 - Fireworks 81020308 - French Tunnel 81020309 - Harnom Point 81020310 - Hobbit House 81020311 - Jerry's Reef 81020312 - Joanne's Reef / Johanne's Reef 81020313 - Liyang Rai / King's Cave 81020314 - Pearlman Tunnel 81020315 - Pinatang Park / Pinatang Reef 81020316 - Pona Point 81020317 - Sailigai Tunnel / Sailigai Arch 81020318 - Senhanom Wall / Senhanom Reef 81020319 - Shoun Maru 81020320 - Smuggler Ships of Ilek 81020321 - 7 Screws 81020322 - Snake Eyes 81020323 - Sub Chaser 2 81020324 - Songton Reef (Sunset Villa) 81020325 - Table Top 81020326 - Takatoshi Point 81020327 - Turtle Ridge 81020329 - First Point (south side of Wedding Cake Mtn.) 82 - Guam 8201 - Guam 82010001 - Pati Point 82010002 - Scuba Cut 82010003 - Ritidian Point 82010004 - Napoleon Cut 82010005 - Octopus Reef 82010006 - The Tunnel 82010007 - Double Reef (Guam) 82010008 - The Pinnacle 82010009 - Northern Caves 82010010 - Tanguisson Beach 82010011 - Gun Beach 82010012 - Big Blue 82010013 - Hilton Wall 82010014 - Palace Wall 82010015 - Agana Bay 82010016 - Asan Cut 82010017 - Camel Rock 82010018 - Piti Bomb Holes 82010019 - Piti Stingrays 82010020 - Piti Channel 82010021 - Amphitheater 82010022 - Luminao 82010023 - Blue & White 82010024 - RMS Scotia 82010025 - The Wall 82010026 - Blue Hole (Guam) 82010027 - Crevice 82010028 - Barracuda Rock 82010029 - Sharks Pit 82010030 - Old Wive's Beach 82010031 - Dadi Beach 82010032 - Rizal Beach 82010033 - Hap's Reef 82010034 - Cemetery Wall 82010035 - Amtrak 82010036 - 11 Mile Reef 82010037 - Fish Bowl 82010038 - Anae Caves 82010039 - Coral Gardens 82010040 - Pete's Reef 82010041 - Black Coral Kingdom 82010042 - Nathan's Dent 82010043 - Twin Drop-off 82010044 - Fouha Bay 82010045 - Umatec Beach 82010046 - Toguon Bay 82010047 - Bile Bay 82010048 - Cocos West 82010049 - Cocos East 82010050 - Glory Point 82010051 - Inarajan 82010052 - Tagachang 82010053 - Pago Bay Marine Lab 82010054 - Fish Eye Marine Park 82010055 - Hilton Guam Resort and Spa House Beach 820101 - Apra Harbor 82010101 - American Tanker 82010102 - Barge Reef 82010103 - Cabras Wall 82010104 - Coke Bottle Reef 82010105 - Family Beach 82010106 - Finger Reef 82010107 - Fuel Pier 82010108 - Gab Gab I 82010109 - Gab Gab II 82010110 - Hidden Reef 82010111 - Hourglass Reef 82010112 - Kitsugawa Maru 82010113 - Outhouse Beach 82010114 - San Luis 82010115 - Sea Plane 82010116 - Seabee Junkyard 82010117 - SMS Cormoran 82010118 - Spanish Steps 82010119 - Sponge Reef 82010120 - Sumay II 82010121 - Surprise Reef 82010122 - Tokai Maru 82010123 - Tug 82010124 - Val Bomber 82010125 - Veckis Reef 82010126 - Western Shoals 83 - Palau 8301 - Palau 83010001 - Sam's Tours Pier 83010002 - St. Cardinal's #1 (Inner lagoon) 83010003 - St. Cardinal's #2 (Inner lagoon) 83010004 - Chandelier Cave (Inner lagoon) 83010005 - Short Drop Off (SE of Koror) 83010006 - Neco's Bay / Wall (Inner lagoon) 83010007 - Pincher's Lagoon (Inner lagoon) 83010008 - Disney Lake (Inner lagoon) 83010009 - Rembrandt's (Inner lagoon) 83010010 - Ngedebus Coral Garden 83010011 - Fairyland 83010012 - New Drop Off 83010013 - Turtle Cove 83010014 - Iro Wreck (Inner lagoon) 83010015 - German Channel 83010016 - Blue Corner-south 83010017 - Big Drop Off (Ngemelis Island) 83010018 - Blue Holes (Palau) 83010019 - 1/2 a Day Wreck / Hafa Adai 83010020 - Barnum's Wall 83010021 - Ulong Channel 83010022 - Ulong Sandbar / Sandy Bar / Sandy Paradise 83010023 - Siaes Tunnel 83010024 - Ngemeli's Wall 83010025 - German Wall 83010026 - German Coral Garden 83010027 - Jake's Seaplane (near runway) 83010029 - Fern's Dropoff / Turtle Wall 83010030 - Wonder Channel 83010031 - Clam City 83010032 - Ngerechong Outside 83010033 - Denges Pass 83010034 - Helmet / Depth Charger Wreck 83010035 - Lighthouse Channel 83010036 - Mandarinfish Lake 83010037 - Ulong House Reef (Aggressor Anchorage) 83010038 - Alexis Coral Garden 83010039 - Siaes Corner 83010040 - Dexter's Wall / Ngemelis Coral Garden 83010041 - Palau Pacific Resort House Reef 83010042 - Chuyo Maru Shipwreck (Malakal Harbor) 83010043 - West Wall Peleliu 83010044 - Orange Beach Peleliu 83010045 - Camp Beck Lagoon 83010046 - Turtle Wall 83010047 - Virgin Blue Hole 83010048 - Bento Buoy 83010049 - Ngerchong Inside 83010050 - Jellyfish Lake 83010051 - Ulong Island Lunch Spot 83010052 - Einstein Coral Garden 83010053 - Jake's Channel 83010054 - Cemetery Reef 83010055 - Soft Coral Arch 83010056 - Ulong Wall (Ulong Island) 83010057 - Sea Passion Hotel 83010058 - Palau Royal Resort 83010059 - Canyons 83010060 - Clarence Wall (by Blue Corner) 83010061 - Yellow Wall to Peleliu Express 83010062 - Shark City 83010063 - Buoy 6 83010064 - Double Reef (Palau) 83010065 - White Face 8302 - Deep South Palau (Sonsorol, Puna Anna, Merir, Helen Reef) 83020001 - North Helen Reef (inside lagoon) 83020002 - South Wall Helen Reef (outside lagoon) 83020003 - Merir 83020004 - Helen Reef West Wall (outside lagoon) 83020005 - Helen Reef Channel 83020006 - Helen Reef West (inside lagoon) 84 - Federated States of Micronesia 8401 - Yap Islands 84010001 - Stammtisch 84010002 - Mi'l / Miil Channel 84010003 - Vertigo 84010004 - Buena Vista 84010005 - Yap Caverns 84010006 - Telegraph Reef 84010007 - Slow N Easy 84010008 - O'Keefe's Reef 84010009 - Aliko Reef 84010010 - Spanish Walls 84010011 - Magic Kingdom 84010012 - Lionfish Wall 84010013 - Goofnuw Channel 84010014 - Goofnuw Mini-wall 84010015 - Cabbage Patch 84010016 - Gilman Wall 84010017 - North Pass (just N of Tradewind) 84010018 - O'Keefe's Passage 84010019 - Gapou Reef 84010020 - Hide & Seek 84010021 - Pealak Corner 84010022 - Ma Mangroves 84010023 - Rainbow Reef (Mandarinfish Site) 84010024 - Yellow Wall 84010025 - Big Bend 8402 - Chuuk (Truk) Islands 84020001 - Shinkoku Maru Wreck 84020002 - Rio de Janeiro Maru 84020003 - Sankisan Maru 84020004 - Kiyosumi Maru 84020005 - Fujikawa Maru 84020006 - Heian Maru 84020007 - Yamagiri Maru 84020008 - Kensho Maru 84020009 - Jake (aircraft) 84020010 - Nippo Maru 84020011 - Betty Bomber 84020012 - Hoyo Maru 84020013 - Hoki Maru 84020014 - San Francisco Maru 84020015 - Patrol Boat 34 8403 - Pohnpei Islands 8404 - Kosrae Island 85 - Marshall Islands 8501 - Ratak Chain 8502 - Ralik Chain 850201 - Kwajalein Atoll 85020101 - Emon Beach (Kwajalein Atoll) 85020102 - North Point (Kwajalein Atoll) 85020103 - Ski Boat Area (Kwajalein Atoll) 99990000 - Placeholder Zone Code (DO NOT SUBMIT)
Zone Code
You can type the Geographic Zone Code from the list above if you know it...